Medicine Revision 29.10.17 Morgan Pressman Flashcards
Who developed the theory of the four humors?
What were the factors that helped the theory of the four humors grow in popularity?
The church believed in it and helped spread the theory. It wasn’t banned. It had more proof than the other theories of the time.
What new theory developed in the renaissance?
How did Thomas Sydenham, in 1676, challenge the very basis of the Four Humours?
He argued disease was something that attacked the body, not something that happened because of imbalances with in.
What theory was increasingly popular for explaining animalcules around 1800?
Spontaneous Generation
What year did germ theory get published and by who?
1861 - Louis Pasteur
Who discovered specific germs that causes specific disease?
Robert Koch
How did people try to stop bad air (miasma) from displeasing God in Medieval times?
They would burn herbs and incense.
What was the name of the guidance given by the Church on staying clean and what did the guidance include?
Regimen Sanitatis - it included a guide on bathing, but making sure to pray beforehand.
When did Edward Jenner discover the Smallpox vaccination?
What happened to vaccines after germ theory in 1861?
Other vaccines could be produced by weakening specific germs. For example, Pasteur created the chicken cholera vaccine in 1879.
What did people believe about the power of the King’s hands during Medieval times (and, in fact, during the Renaissance too)
As he was God’s representative, he would have the power to heal.
Describe as precisely as you can, two popular treatments based on the four humours that were widely used in Medieval times and the Renaissance
Bleeding and purging. Patients would be bled by cutting a vein, using leeches to suck blood or cupping. Purging would involve and enema created by using herbs such as linseed and, in the Renaissance, coffee.
Describe the growth of chemical chemistry as a new form of treatment in the Renaissance.
Chemical chemistry was made famous by Paracelsus in 1526 and became more popular in the 1600s. It involved experimenting with chemicals like arsenic and mercury. However they didn’t understand why they worked or what they did.
What was the name of the book published in 1618 that included details on 122 chemical treatments
The Pharmacopoeia Londinensis