Medicine - Palliative Flashcards
What drug can be used to relieve bowel colic in palliative care?
Hyoscine butylbromide (anti-muscarinic)
List 4 potential causes of confusion in palliative patients
Urinary retention
What is the drug of choice for agitation in palliative care vs for terminal restlessness?
Agitation: Haloperidol (2nd line chlorpromazine)
Terminal restlessness: Midazolam
What is the first line for treating hiccups in palliative care? What else can be used?
(Haloperidol, Gabapentin, Dexamethasone)
List 6 syndromes causing nausea and vomiting in palliative patients
Reduced gastric motility
Chemically mediated
Visceral/ serosal
Raised ICP
Which are the 2 most common syndromes causing nausea and vomiting in palliative care?
Gastric stasis
Chemical disturbance
Give a potential cause of reduced gastric motility in palliative care
May be OPIOID related
Related to serotonin (5HT4) + dopamine (D2) receptors
Give 3 chemically mediated causes of nausea and vomiting
Give 2 visceral/ serosal causes of nausea and vomiting
Oral candidiasis
What is a cause of nausea and vomiting in a palliative patient in the context of cerebral mets?
Raised ICP
Describe the vestibular syndrome cause of nausea and vomiting
Related to activation of ACh + Histamine (H1) receptors
Most freq in palliative care is opioid related
Can be motion related/ due to base of skull tumours
Describe the cortical syndrome causing nausea and vomiting in palliative care
May be due to anxiety, pain, fear +/or anticipatory nausea
Related to GABA + histamine (H1) receptors in the cerebral cortex
What is the antiemetic of choice in palliative care for for nausea and vomiting that is due to gastric dysmotility and stasis?
Metoclopramide (dopamine D2 antagonist, pro-kinetic)
When should metoclopramide NOT be used?
When pro-kineses may negatively affect the GI tract e.g. complete bowel obstruction, GI perforation or immediately following gastric surgery
What is the anti-emetic of choice for patients with chemically mediated nausea?
If possible correct chemical disturbance 1st
(Haloperidol, Levomepromazine)
What is the antiemetic of choice in palliative care for nausea and vomiting due to visceral/ serosal causes?
Cyclizine/ Levomepromazine
(anti-cholinergics such as Hycosine can be useful)
What is the antiemetic of choice in palliative care for nausea and vomiting due to raised ICP?
(Radiotherapy if due to cranial tumours)
What is the antiemetic of choice in palliative care for nausea and vomiting due to vestibular disturbance?
If refractory: Metoclopramide/ Prochlorperazine or atypical anti-psychotics e.g. Olanzapine
What is the antiemetic of choice in palliative care for anticipatory nausea? (cortical)
Lorazepam (short acting benzo)
If not ideal: Cyclizine
Which route should be used for administration of anti-emetics?
Oral if possible
If not; IV
Give 3 situations in which administration of oral anti-emetics may not be possible
Issues with malabsorption
Severe gastric stasis
What is the usual dose of cyclizine in palliative care?
50mg 8-hourly