Medicine One Liners Flashcards
Inherited Bleeding disorder characterized by decreased WVF and Factor 8.
Hemophilia A
Inherited Bleeding disorder characterized by decreased Factor 8
Hemophilia B
Inherited Bleeding disorder characterized by decreased Factor 9. Also known as Christmas disease
Sickle cell disease
Inherited blood disorder group that causes RBCs to be mishapen or to breakdown
Sickle cell crisis
Term used to describe several acute conditions such as aplastic crisis, hemolytic crisis, vaso-occlusive crisis, splenic sequestration crisis
Spinal injured patient
Acute vs. chronic transection. Above T6 have autonomic dysfunction that can result in hypotension, bradycardia, respiratory insufficiency
Syndrome of 2 or more seizures in a lifetime of at least 24 hours apart.
Uncontrolled abnormal electrical brain activity resulting in changes in consciousness and behavior
Multiple Sclerosis
Autoimmune disease of central nervous system characterized by inflammation, demyelination, and axonal degeneration
Myasthenia Gravis
Autoimmune disease in which acetylcholine receptors of the neuromuscular junction are attacked by autoantibodies resulting in skeletal muscle weakness and fatigue
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – disorder of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and/or inattention
Mood disorder characterized by sadness and loss of interest
Bipolar Disorder
Mood disorder characterized by episodes of depression and mania
Chronic alcohol abuser often characterized by Increase in metabolism of sedation medications, increased in susceptibility to CNS depression, coagulopathies, electrolyte and cardiac disturbances
Opioid Addict
Chronic abuser of opioids, characterized by increase in dose required for effect, post op pain control issues
Cocaine Abuser
Inhibition of reuptake of NE, dopamine, and serotonin resulting in risk of cardiac dysrhythmias, increased HR & BP, greater incidence of malignant HTN, MI, CVA
Stimulant Abuser
Labile BP d/t catecholamine depletion; dysrhythmia potential
MDMA causes massive release of serotonin increasing the risk of serotonin syndrome
Marijuana User
THC is the active component. At low doses activates sympathetic response and at high doses suppresses sympathetic response. Lung smoke causes reactive airway
There is increased cross tolerance.
THC also depletes Acetylcholine stores
Also decreases platelets d/t ADP (ADP is a platelet aggregation agonist) release.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
X-linked neuromuscular disease resulting in progressive muscle fiber degeneration and weakness
Marfan’s Syndrome
Inherited connective tissue disorder with multiple problems including cardiovascular, eye, and skeletal
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Chronic systemic inflammatory disease that primarily attacks synovial joints leading to destruction of articular cartilage
Physiologic changes in multiple systems such as:
in CV: Increased CO & HR decreased SVR & DBP; increase intravascular volume; systolic heart murmurs common
in Pulm: Increased O2 consumption, decreased FRC, Increased RR & TV & ventilatory requirements
Increase in GERD and PONV
Severe complication of pre-eclampsia during which hypertension results in seizures
Hypertension, proteinuria, generalized edema triad during pregnancy
Pregnancy Drugs to Avoid
Epi (LA), benzocaine, codeine, oxycodone, ibuprofen/ASA, diazepam, nitrous
Sedation meds OK: Propofol, limited amounts of versed and ketamine; local w/o epi; zofran;
post op give tylenol and hydrocodone
Transfusion Reaction
Adverse event associated with transfusion of whole blood or one of its components. The reaction can be immune or non-immune mediated. There are six types:
1. Acute hemolytic (immune)
2. Hemolytic (non immune)
3. Non hemolytic febrile
4. Allergic reaction
5. Ag contamination
6. Delayed transfusion
Decreased perfusion to tissues leading to decreased oxygen delivery to those tissues
Cystic Fibrosis
Genetic mutation that results in abnormal or absent Na+ and Cl- transport across epithelial membranes leading to thick, viscous secretions
Bacterial endocarditis
Refers to infection of the endocardial surface of the heart that typically affects valves
Bugs: Strep viridans, enteroccocus, MRSA
Murmurs: 90% have them
Janeway lesions vs. osler nodes
Dx with blood cx, Echo, ESR/CRP
Tx: Vancomycin and gentamicin
Acute Intermittent Porphyria
Inherited disorder with defect in heme synthesis pathway
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease characterized by inflammation resulting in loss of elasticity of alveoli which results in obstruction of the airway during exhalation
Acute collection of air in the pleural spce
Usually caused by loss of total body water resulting in restlessness, lethargy, hyperreflexia
Secondary to H20 retention leading to N/V, seizures
<130 = cerebral edema during GA
Pediatric Airway Differences
Big head, small neck
Small nares
Large tongue
Long narrow epiglottis
No accessory muscles respiratory
Protective reflex to prevent foreign material from entering larynx, trachea, or lungs
Constriction of the walls of the bronchioles often caused by mast cell degranulation that can occur in response to allergic triggers or physical stimuli. This results in decrease in airway diameter d/t mucosal thickening
High Aspiration Risk Groups
Pregnant, diabetes, anxiety, geriatric, obese, smokers, GERD, hiatal hernia
Chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways characterized by recurrent episodes of wheezing, cough, breathlessness, chest tightness particularly at night or in the early morning. Variable airflow limitation that is at least partially reversible either spontaneously or with treatment.
Inadequate coronary blood flow to myocardium resulting in pain
It is the most common sign of acute coronary syndrome
Congestive Heart Failure
Cardiac disease in which heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the body’s demands. Multiple reasons for impairment of ventricular filling and pumping into system condition. When it comes to CHF in particular, blood backs up and can cause fluid buildup in lungs, rest of body. As the heart weakens, blood backs up, forces liquid through capillary walls.
Heart muscle becomes enlarged, thick or rigid. May become replaced with scar tissue. Generally types include dilated, hypertrophic, restrictive, right ventricular and can be caused by EtOH, ischemia, viral illness, a-fib/SVT, ESRD, HTN
Allergic Reaction
Union of an antigen and antibody that causes a reaction that forms or liberates chemical mediators. These mediators exert certain pharmacologic responses that determine the nature and extent of a hypersensitivity or allergic reaction.
Massive release of chemical mediators resulting in progressive cardiovascular collapse due to increased capillary permeability refractory to treatment, smooth muscle spasm, and acute pulmonary edema
Malignant Hyperthermia
Autosomal dominant muscle disorder characterized by skeletal muscle hypermetabolism. This can result in elevated levels of Ca++ in the myoplasm of muscle cells resulting in activation of muscle contraction.
Disease of inadequate control of blood glucose
Underlying defect in regulation of vascular resistance. Essential hypertension caused by stress, smoking, obesity, alcohol, aging; and secondary HTN can be caused by pheochromocytoma, cushing’s, pre-eclampsia. Unchecked HTN can lead to heart disease, renal failure, cerebrovascular event, vasculopathy
Grave’s Disease
Autoimmune disease leading to hyperthyroidism, characterized by systemic manifestations that primarily affect heart, skeletal muscles, eyes, skin, bone, and liver. Most severe complication being a thyroid storm.
The inability of the thyroid gland to produce a sufficient amount of thyroid hormone; primary being the thyroid gland itself not producing enough hormone. This can result in decreased CO, HR, and volume depletion. Worst case scenario is myxedema coma which is very low TH resulting in impaired mentation, hypoventilation, hypothermia, hyponatremia
Endocrine disorder resulting in excessive, uncontrolled production of parathyroid hormone that can cause hypercalcemia with significant renal and skeletal complications over time. Function of parathyroid hormone is to increase serum calcium. From an anesthesic perspective, this can lead to HTN, EKG changes. Labs to order: Total serum calcium, albumin, ionized calcium, vit D, PTH,
Bifid aortic valve
A congenital defect where there are 2 aortic valves rather than the normal 3. In childhood problems are rare, but as you age the valve becomes stenotic and regurgitation can occur.
Swelling and inflammation of the liver and is usually viral in nature. Can progress to cirrhosis with time, which is the replacement of normal liver tissue with fibrous tissue/scar as a consequence of liver disease. Remember all coagulation factors (except for #8–made by liver and endothelial cells) made in liver.
Acute coronary syndrome
Spectrum of conditions resulting from thrombus formation in the coronary arteries following rupture of atherosclerotic plaques
This can be unstable, angina, nstemi
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