Medicine in Britain Flashcards
What are the 4 humours?
Ancient Greeks thought everyone had 4 humours in body. Believed people became ill when this mix was unbalanced, to make people better, tried to balance humours-ideas continued into Middle Ages.
What is the Theory of Opposites?
In 2nd century AD, doctor called Galen developed idea of 4 humours further. Besides bleeding and purging to get rid of excess humours, treatment based on his Theory of Opposites aimed to balance humours by giving patient ‘opposite’ of symptoms. If had too much phlegm eat hot peppers.
Who was Galen?
Greek doctor worked in Ancient Rome. Wrote many books and his ideas were basis of medical training in Middle Ages. Developed Hippocrates’ ideas and mainly used bloodletting, or purging, to prevent and treat illness, as well as his own treatments based on his Theory of Opposites. He also drew detailed diagrams of human anatomy using knowledge he gained from operating on wounded gladiators and carrying out dissections on dead bodies.
Who was Hippocrates?
Ancient Greek doctor. His ideas and books were very influential into medieval times and beyond. Dismissed idea that gods caused disease-believed was physical reason for illness, needed physical cure. Most of his treatments were based on diet, exercise and rest but also used bleeding and purging to get rid of excess humours. Wrote Hippocratic Oath, where doctors swore to respect life and prevent harm. Method of clinical observation-studying symptoms, making notes, comparing with similar cases, then diagnosing and treating-basis of approach used today.
What is miasma?
Another theory about cause of disease was that it was transmitted by ‘bad air’. Was related to God because bad smells indicated sin. Theory originated in Ancient world but continued into Middle Ages and well into 19th century.
What is bloodletting?
Most common treatment for imbalance of humours. Was either done by cutting vein, using leeches or by cupping. Different points in body were used for different illnesses. Occasionally bloodletting was performed by physicians but, more usually, was done by barber-surgeons or non-medical persons.
What is Purging?
Either involved making patient vomit or go to toilet to remove food from body. Emetics and laxatives were mixed by apothecaries, physicians prescribed treatments and sometimes gave enemas themselves.
What were religious and supernatural methods?
Living Christian life-praying, going to church, and obeying Commandments, carrying lucky charms or amulets, chanting incantations, self punishment-flagellation-punishing yourself so God wouldn’t.
What are rational methods?
Trying to keep streets clean, bathing and washing, purifying the air, exercising, not overeating, bleeding and purging.
What are traditional remedies?
Most common-Traditional made from herbs, were drunk, sniffed or bathed in. Remedies also included different foods to rebalance humours and ointments to apply to skin. They were made at home or mixed and sold by an apothecary.
What were religious treatments?
Praying, fasting, going on pilgrimage, praying for a special mass to be said.
What were supernatural treatments?
Specific ideas for certain illnesses, such as hanging a magpie’s beak around neck to cure toothache.
What were barber-surgeons?
No training, carried out bloodletting, pulling teeth and lancing boils. Also cut hair. Did basics surgery such as amputating limbs-low success rate, cost less than physician.
What was care in the home?
Most ill people throughout this period were treated at home by female family member. Village ‘wise woman’, often Lady of the Manor would also tend to people in their homes for free.
Who were Apothecaries?
Received training but no medical qualifications, mixed medicines and ointments based on their own knowledge or directions of a physician, cost money-less than physician.
Who were Physicians?
Medically trained at university and passed exams, diagnosed illness and gave treatments, or sent patients to apothecary or barber-surgeon. Expensive-used by wealthy, few of them, women physicians incredibly rare.
What did physicians do ?
Commonly, physicians observed patient’s symptoms and checked pulse, skin colour and urine (colour/taste). Consulted urine charts in vademecum-handbook. Consulted zodiac charts to help diagnose illness and to work best time to treat patients. Either treated patients-rare, or sent them to barber-surgeon or apothecary.
What were hospitals?
Places where travellers and pilgrims stayed on their journeys, number increased during Middle Ages, Usually people with infectious disease ore incurable conditions weren’t admitted, patients and surroundings were kept very clean, Were places of recuperation rather than places where patients were treated for disease, patients given fresh water and plenty of rest, some hospitals built for specific infectious disease, mainly run by church so emphasis was on God and healing souls.
What was the black death?
Bubonic plague, carried by fleas living on black rats, which brought disease to different countries on trading ships. Passed to humans when infected flea bites than and disease enters blood.
How did people think the Black Death was caused?
Religion:God sent plague as punishment for people’s sin.
Astrology:position of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn was unusual at this time.
Miasma:bad air or smells caused by decaying rubbish.
Volcanoes:poisonous gases from European volcanoes and earthquakes carried in air.
4 Humours:most physicians believed disease was caused by imbalance in 4 humours.
Outsiders:strangers or witches had caused disease.
How did people try and avoid catching it?
Praying and fasting:because people believed that God had sent disease, it made sense to show God they were sorry by punishing themselves. Cleaning up rubbish in streets. Smelling toilets or other bad smells, in belief would overcome plague. Lighting fire in room, ringing bells or having birds flying around room to keep air moving. Carrying herbs and spices to avoid breathing in ‘bad air’. Not letting unknown people enter town or village.
What were the symptoms of the black death?
Swelling of lymph glands into large lumps filled with pus-buboes. Fever and chills, headache, vomiting, diarrhoea and abdnormal pain.
What were the treatments of the black death?
Praying and holding lucky charms, cutting open buboes to drain pus, holding bread against buboes, then burying it in ground, eating cool things and taking cold baths.
What were the changes in ideas on cause of disease?
Throughout Renaissance period, fewer people believed in supernatural or religious causes of disease. Various new rational explanations for disease were suggested, e.g. seeds in air spreading disease. Real change in this period was reduced influence of Church and scientific approach to diagnosing illnesses.
What were the continuing ideas on causes of disease?
Theory of miasma continued to be believed by many to be cuase of disease. Was particularly popular theory during epidemics. Theory of 4 humours continued to be accepted explanation for disease, although by 1700 very few physicians still believed in it.
What was the significance of the changing influence of the church?
New religious ideas challenged authority of Catholic Church, making more difficult for Catholic Church to promote ideas about science. People still very religious but began to look for new explanations for cause of disease, rather than believing that disease was caused by God.
Who was Thomas Sydenham?
Worked as doctor in London during 1660-1670s. His book Obervationes Medicae(1676) outlined his theories and observations
What was Thomas Sydenham’s ideas and theories?
Didn’t rely on medical books when making diagnosis, but observed patients and recorded symptoms in detail. Was instrumental in ‘new’ idea that disease had nothing to do with nature of person who had it. Based treatment on disease as whole and didn’t treat individual symptoms.
What was the change in work of physicians and scientists?
During period, as new scientific approach was adopted, way in which disease was diagnosed by physicians gradually began to improve. Was largely influenced by people like Thomas Sydenham
What were the impacts of the changes in work of physicians and scientists?
As fewer people believed that astrology caused disease, physicians stopped using astrology charts for diagnosis and timing treatment. Due to improvement knowledge of digestion, physicians realised that urine was not good indicator of disease and stopped using urine charts for diagnosis. Physicians carried out more direct observations and examinations of their patients, rather than relying on patient explaining their symptoms.
What was the printing press
Printing press as invented around 1440 by Gutenberg. By start of Renaissance in 1500 were hundreds of printing presses across Europe.
What was the impact of the printing press?
Meant many exact copies of texts could be produced in short amount of time. Helped reduce Church’s control of ideas, as it could no longer prevent publication of ideas it didn’t approve of. Books, and therefore ideas and discoveries of scientists and doctors contained within those books, could be shared more effectively and much faster across wider area.
What was the Royal Society?
Aimed to further scientific understanding by carrying out and recording results of experiments, sharing scientific knowledge and encouraging new theories and ideas. Most significantly, sponsored scientists to enable them to carry out research.
What was the impact of the Royal Society?
From 1665, Royal Society published journal called Philosophical Transactions, in which scientists could share their work and ideas. Meant that doctors and scientists could study, challenge and build on each other’s research. In this way, theories could be confirmed or dismissed and news of findings could spread through medical community quickly.
What were the the state of hospitals in 1500?
Treating more, being used less by travellers and pilgrims. Most had own apothecary to mix medicines and had physicians who frequently visited patients.
What were the state of hospitals in 1536?
Dissolution of monasteries in England by Henry VIII caused most hospitals to close.
What were the state of hospitals in the 1700s?
Some free, charity-funded hospitals were set up but wasn’t until well into 1700s that number of hospitals returned to pre-dissolution levels.
What were pest houses?
Where people suffering from particular contagious disease could go for care.
What happened when hospitals reappeared?
Were run by physicians focused on treating sick rather than religion.
What was community care?
As in medieval times, most people who became ill were cared for at home, usually by female relative. Physicians were still too expensive for majority. Members of community(usually women) helped with advice and remedies. Some were paid for their services.
What were the continuing treatments and preventions?
Healthy living, superstitions and prayer, cleanliness, traditional herbal remedies, bleeding and purging.