Cold war crises, and detente 1958-78 Flashcards
Who ruled Cuba before Castro?
Batista, an army officer, who had seized power with the help of the USA
When was the Cuban Revolution?
January 1959
How far away was Cuba from America?
What reforms were introduced after Castro overthrew Batista in the 1959 Revolution?
Castro worked to end corruption in government and improve the conditions of agricultural and industrial workers.
Why did the USA grow increasingly concerned by Castro’s reforms?
Castro began appointing communists to his government and signed a trade agreement with the USSR in which Cuban sugar would be swapped for machinery, oil and economic aid (and conventional weapons such as machine guns) .Castro nationalised American industries in Cuba.
How did the USA react?
In January 1960 the USA stopped buying Cuban sugar, and then banned all trade with Cuba; by January 1961 the USA stopped all diplomatic relations with Cuba
What effect did these reactions have?
This pushed Castro closer to the USSR – they now planned something far more drastic, the Bay of Pigs Invasion
What was the Bay of Pigs Invasion?
This was to be led by Cuban exiles, living in Florida; the plan was supported by JFK. Weapons, training and transport were provided by the CIA. The exiles hoped to establish a base for guerrilla activities against Castro and were confident that the Cuban people would support them. Told most Cubans hate Castro and is weak. Cuba saw Soviet missiles as prevention of an American invasion.
Why was it such a disaster?
This force of 1400 exiles landed in Cuba but found themselves facing over 20,000 Cuban troops; the people did not rise up in support of the exiles. Most importantly both Castro and Khrushchev knew it had been planned by the CIA – JFK was humiliated!
What were the consequences of this invasion?
- The invasion convinced Castro that he needed more Soviet support to defend himself against possible US attacks
- In September 1961 Khrushchev publicly announced that he would provide arms to Cuba
- By 1962 Castro had a very well equipped army containing the latest tanks, missiles and ‘technicians’ (who were Soviet military personnel)
- Castro now declared himself to be a communist.
What were the consequences of this invasion?
What were the effects of the invasion on relations between the USA and USSR?
- Kennedy was humiliated as the invasion had failed.
- The USA looked hypocritical as they were supporting an invasion of an independent country.
- The USSR had the upper hand – they pointed out that Cubans wanted a pro-communist regime, showing the popularity of Communism.
- Stronger relations were established between Cuba and the USSR which made Kennedy feel threatened. What if the USSR placed missiles on Cuba?
Why did Khrushchev place missiles on Cuba?
- NATO had missiles on Turkey. Khrushchev could use missiles on Cuba as a bargaining tool.
- Khrushchev had looked weak over Berlin – maybe he could reassert power and prestige if he placed missile on Cuba?
- Kennedy had looked weak over the Bay of Pigs – the USSR could now take advantage of this to ensure that an invasion of Cuba did not happen again.
What did a U2 spy plane discover on October 16 1962?
It took pictures of what appeared to be missile sites being built – some were very near to completion!
What other worrying news was received by the Americans?
There was a fleet of Soviet ships sailing to Cuba, presumably carrying more missiles for the new sites
What options were open to JFK?
He could choose one of the following: • Launch an air strike against the missile sites • Launch an invasion of Cuba • Use diplomacy (including the UN) • Set up a naval blockade around Cuba
What were the dangers of launching an invasion of Cuba?
The missiles could be fired as soon as US troops landed on Cuban soil; furthermore the USSR would probably launch an invasion of West Berlin
What were the dangers of launching an air strike?
This would probably kill Soviet ‘technicians’ and escalate the crisis; furthermore the USSR would probably launch an invasion of West Berlin
What did JFK decide to do on October 20 1962?
He decided to place a naval blockade around Cuba, whilst also preparing troops for a possible invasion of Cuba; furthermore he called on the USSR to remove their missiles from Cuba. Both USA and USSR prepare for nuclear attack.
How did Khrushchev respond?
He replied there were no Soviet missiles on Cuba and that the USSR would ignore the blockade
What happened when Soviet ships reached the naval blockade on October 24 1962?
They turned back and did not attempt to break the blockade: ‘Khrushchev just blinked!’ However Soviet missiles still remained on Cuba
What offer was made by Khrushchev in the letter sent on October 26?
The USSR would remove their nuclear weapons if the USA lifted the blockade and promised not to invade Cuba – the USA was very happy with this!
What offer was made by Khrushchev in the letter sent on October 27?
The USSR would remove their nuclear weapons if the USA emoved theirs from Turkey.
How did JFK react?
On the same day he received the second letter, a U2 spy plane was shot down over Cuba. 27th October, JFK responded only to the first letter, saying he agreed with its terms, but if the missiles were not removed and attack would follow. The President’s brother also informed the Soviet ambassador in Washington that the US would remove its missiles from Turkey
What did the USA gain from this crisis?
- Nuclear missiles were removed from Cuba
- The missiles in Turkey were removed secretly 6 months later.
- JFK was no longer seen as weak and inexperienced – his decision to impose a naval blockade was justified
- JFK had made the right decisions and refused to listen to the ‘hawks’ in his government.
- Kennedy felt more confident now in his dealings with the USSR. Hotline set up.
What did USSR gain from this crisis?
- Cuba remained a Communist country only 90 miles from the USA
- Cuba continued to look to the USSR for protection
What did the USA lose from this crisis?
• Missiles in Turkey – this angered some of her NATO allies. 1965 USSR determined to catch up with USA. Mutually assured destruction, war so terrible must be avoided at all costs.
What did the world gain from this crisis?
- A direct hot line phone link was set up between Washington and Moscow
- A Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was set up in 1963
- In 1967 the Outer Space Treaty was signed which meant the USA and USSR agreed not to use space for military purposes (putting missiles into orbit).
- In 1968 the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty was signed to stop countries sharing nuclear technology. Limited test ban August 1963-ban all nuclear testing, except for underground tests.
What did Cuba gain from this crisis?
- Her independence had been secured; she was now free from US interference
- However Castro felt like a pawn in a very high stakes game which could have seen the destruction of this island
How many East Germans had left East Germany by `1958?
3,000,000 over sixth of country’s population.
What kind of people were leaving East Germany during the ‘Brain Drain’?
Skilled workers who were essential to the East German economy, such as engineers, technicians and teachers.
What did Krushchev demand in his ‘Berlin Ultimatum’ November 1958?
Western countries should officially recognise East Germany as an independent country.
What were the names of the summits held to discuss the ‘Berlin Ultimatum’?
Geneva, May 1959
Camp David, September 1959
Paris, May 1960
Vienna, June 1961.
Why did these summits do badly?
On 1st May 1960-while preparing for Paris-American U-2 spy plane shot down over USSR. Eisenhower was embarrassed but refused to apologise. Khrushchev walked out of meeting.
Who was president of the USA at beginning and end the of Berlin Crisis, what was the effect of this change?
Eisenhower replaced by Kennedy in January 1961. At Vienna summit in June 1961. Khrushchev believed that as Kennedy was inexperienced in foreign affairs, it would be possible to get better of him. However, Kennedy refused to make any concessions and, after Vienna, decided to increase spending on American armed forces by over $2 billion.
What was the result of the failure of summits to find conclusion to Berlin Ultimatum?
Concerns over Berlin Ultimatum takes caused increase in East Germans deciding to cross to West, just in case Krushchev decided to close border. On night 12th August 1961, East German troops put barbed wire fence between East and West Berlin.
What were the negative impacts of building Berlin Wall on both USA and USSR?
Krushchev abandoned plans to unite Germany under Soviet control. Berlin wall showed how USSR had to ‘lock’ people into socialist countries. For USA, USSR had to put up wall without asking and people who wanted to escape from communism could no longer.
What were positive effects of Berlin wall for USA and USSR?
Stopped large number of refugees leaving for West, to some extent solving problem of East German government, also showed West that communism would survive in Berlin. However, also showed that Khrushchev had been forced to accept Western control in West Berlin. West Berlin became emblem for freedom. Lower military alerts.
What was impact of President Kennedy’s visit to Berlin in 1963?
Thousands of West Berliners went to see him speak. Kennedy praised freedom of West and contrasted them with communism in famous speech in which said , ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’
What reforms was Alexander Dubcek making in Czechoslovakia?
Part of ‘Prague Spring’ from April 1968, Dubcek introduced reforms such as less censorship, trade union powers, increased /workers rights, more power in regional government, trade with West in creased Czechs given greater freedom to travel abroad. Idea holding multi-party elections in future discussed. During communist rule opposition crushed, living standards and economy declined. Students, intellectuals, workers and young members of the communist party welcomed reformes
What did Dubcek promise Krushchev make that meant USSR initially happy to accept him as leader?
Committed to Warsaw pact and support for USSR.
What happened to change USSR’s opinion on Dubcek?
Brezhnev disapproved many of reforms being made by Dubcek. Saw them as threat to Soviet control in Eastern Europe.
What were the events of the soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia?
20th August 1968 500,000 Warsaw Pact troops invaded the country ended ‘Prague Spring’. Although Czech people could do little, some resistance, e.g. blocking roads or attacking individual tanks. Invading troops been told been invited by Czech government to help restore law and order,surprised by hostility they encountered.
What impact did soviet invasion have on Czechoslovakia?
Dubcek arrested, sent to Moscow ordered to reverse reforms. In 1969 replaced by Gustav Husak-hardliner loyal to Moscow and introduced clampdown which over a thousand Czechs were arrested. Western communist parties separated from Soviet communist party. Started to loose control of eastern bloc states. Soviet control strengthened in eastern Europe.
What was Brezhnev Doctrine?
Said that actions of any communist country affected all other communist countries. Meant other communist countries could take action to prevent reforms.
What was the impact of Prague spring on USA/USSR relations?
Soviet response to Prague Spring outraged Western governments. Was attempt to pass formal resolution condemning invasion in United Nation but was vetoed by USSR. USSR saw USA might protest but could take little action to opposed Soviet control in Europe.
What was Detente?
Period of peace between 2 groups that were previously at war or hostile to each other.
Why did the USA and USSR follow a policy of Detente?
Nixon elected president of USA. Vietnam war had killed almost 60,000 Americans and billions of dollars had been spent . Us government wanted to focus on social problems an inequalities, especially due to urban rioting in many Us Cities. USSR facing economic problems and wanted to cut spending on weapons so could try to improve living standards.
What was SALT 1 and when did it take place?
The Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty 1 signed May 1972. Agreed to limit Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles, Submarine Launched ballistic Missiles and Anti Ballistic Missiles between countries, no new nuclear missile launchers.
Give 3 areas of agreement that were set out at SALT 1
Limit number of ICBMs each country could have (1.054 for USA, 1,618 for USSR because USA had more strategic bombers). Limit SLBMs to 740 each. Also included Basic Principles Agreement that laid down rules for conduct of nuclear warfare e.g. no warheads on seabed.
What were Helsinki accords and when were they signed?
- NATO and Warsaw Pact countries met to build on SALT 1 and make agreements on 3 areas, European borders, international cooperation and human rights. Met in 1975 in Helsinki.
What were the agreements at SALT 2 signed by Brezhnev and Carter in Vienna1979?
Restrictions on missile launchers and strategic bombers as well as a ban on testing or deploying new types of ICBM. Under negotiation since 1972. Based on Vladivostok Accords 1974-agreements between US and Soviet governments. Both limited to 2250 warheads.
What events during the late 1970s helped unsure SALT 2 was a failure?
Some US politicians called for stronger stance against USSR in response to increase Soviet support in countries e.g. El Salvador and Nicaragua. Also Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. West Germans thought US was less likely to use nuclear weapons if West Berlin was attacked. Regan kick started arms race again.
What were 2 consequences of SALT 1?
Symbolic importance of improving US-Soviet relations. Shortly after signing SALT 1, Nixon visited Brezhnev in Moscow, in 1973 Soviet leader came to Washington DC.
What was the response of the rest of the communist world?
Horrified older Czechoslovakian communist. Thought lead to collapse of communism in Czechoslovakia. Brezhnev and Eastern European leaders concerned might threaten communist rule. If Brezhnev took military action-damage USSR’s reputation. Or Eastern bloc might collapse
What were the importances and limits to Helsinki?
Helped USA and USSR form stable relationship. High point of détente. Coincided with more US-Soviet cooperation e.g. Apolli-Soyuz Test Project-1975-joint space mission and trade agreements. USSR continued to focus on eastern bloc apply to Brezhnev doctrine. USA continued to prioritise interests in countries it could influence e.g. Chile and El Salvador.
What was the end of SALT 2
1980 USA broke off diplomatic relations with USSR US senate refuses to sign SALT 2. Began to build up it’s own conventional and nuclear weapons. Began to develop cruise and Pershing missiles for deployment in Europe. Soviets develop SS20 missiles.