Medications Simplified Flashcards
Albuterol Indications
Albuterol Indications
Dyspnea with bronchoconstriction
(sign = wheezing)
(May have Hx of asthma, COPD)
Albuterol Contra
Albuterol Contraindications: - hypersensitivity - dysrrhythmias
Albuterol Warnings
Albuterol Warnings: - heart disease - HTN - seizure - diabetes - pregnancy - hyperthyroidism
Albuterol Adult Dose
Albuterol Adult Dose: 2.5 mg
Albuterol Ped. Dose
Albuterol Ped. Dose: 0.15 mg/kg (WI: 2.5 mg)
Albuterol Actions
Albuterol Actions: Bronchodilation via Beta-2 agonism Duration ~4-6 hrs.
Albuterol Side Effects
Albuterol Side Effects: - anxiety - tremors - dizziness - bronchospasms - chest pain - tachycardia - HTN - arrhythmias - N/V
Albuterol Form/Route
Albuterol Form/Route: Liquid Inhalation via SVN at 6-8 LPM
Atrovent Indications
Atrovent Indications: Dyspnea associated with bronchoconstriction (sign = wheezing) (May have Hx of COPD, asthma)
Atrovent Contra
Atrovent Contra: Hypersensitivity
Atrovent Warnings
Atrovent Warnings: Should not be used as primary agent.
Atrovent Adult Dose
Atrovent Adult Dose: 500 mcg
Atrovent Ped. Dose
Atrovent Ped. Dose: 250 - 500 mcg
Atrovent Actions
Atrovent Actions: Bronchodilation via parasympathetic antagonism
Atrovent Side Effects
Atrovent Side Effects: - blurred vision - eye pain - tachycardia - palpitation - HA - dry mouth - aggravates COPD
Atrovent Form/Route
Atrovent Form/Route: Liquid Inhalation via SVN at 6-8 LPM
Epinephrine Indications
Epinephrine Indications: Anaphylaxis Severe dyspnea
Epinephrine Contra
Epinephrine Contra: None
Epinephrine Warnings
Epinephrine Warnings: - tachycardia - COPD - pregnancy - HTN - CHF
Epinephrine Adult Dose
Epinephrine Adult Dose: > 30 kg 0.3 - 0.5 mg 1:1000 Epi-Pen: 0.3 mg 1:1000
Epinephrine Ped. Dose
Epinephrine Ped. Dose: < 30 kg 0.01 mg/kg 1:1000 Max: 0.5 mg Epi-Pen Junior: 0.15 mg 1:2000
Epinephrine Action
Epinephrine Action: bronchodilation vasoconstriction via sympathatic agonism (sympathomimetic)
Epinephrine Side Effects
Epinephrine Side Effects: +HR +RR anxiety pallor dizziness chest pain headache N/V burning at the site
Epinephrine Form/Route
Epinephrine Form/Route: Liquid IM or SC
Aspirin Indications
Aspirin Indications: Angina Chest pain of suspected cardiac origin Myocardial infarction
Aspirin Contra
Aspirin Contra: Hypersensitivity Unconscious Can’t Swallow GI bleeding Stomach ulcer Current use of blood thinners
Aspirin Adult Dose
Aspirin Adult Dose: 160 - 325 mg (2 - 4 x 81 mg tablets) Max dose of 325 mg
Aspirin Ped. Dose
Aspirin Ped. Dose: Contact Medical Control
Aspirin Action
Aspirin Action: Inhibits clotting via inhibiting platelet aggregation
Aspirin Side Effects
Aspirin Side Effects: N/V GI Irritation and bleeding with overuse
Aspirin Form/Route
Aspirin Form/Route: Tablet PO
NTG Indications
NTG Indications: AMI Angina CHF HTN Chest pain of suspected cardiac origin
NTG Contra
NTG Contra: Hypersensitivity SBP < 90 mmHg Head Injury ED Meds w/in 48 hrs
NTG Adult Dose
NTG Adult Dose: 0.4 mg q 5 mins MAX 3 doses
NTG Ped. Dose
Contact Med Control
NTG Actions
NTG Actions: Vasodilation Dilating coronary arteries (as NO does)
NTG Side Effects
NTG Side Effects: - headache - hypotension - N/V - palpitations - dizziness - flushing - burning under tongue
NTG Form/Route
NTG Form/Route: Tablet or Liquid SL
Activated Charcoal Indications
Activated Charcoal Indications: Ingested poisons (best within 1-1.5 hrs)
Activated Charcoal Contra
Activated Charcoal Contraindications: Hypersensitivity Unconscious/ALOC Can’t swallow Ingestion of strong acid or alkali, petroleum distillate
Activated Charcoal Adult Dose
Activated Charcoal Adult Dose: 25 - 50 g 1 g/kg
Activated Charcoal Ped. Dose
Activated Charcoal Ped. Dose: 12.5 - 25 g 1 g/kg
Activated Charcoal Actions
Activated Charcoal Actions: Adsorption
Activated Charcoal Side Effects
Activated Charcoal Side Effects: - N/V - black stool - diarrhea
Activated Charcoal Form/Route
Activated Charcoal Form/Route: Suspension Oral
Naloxone Indications
Naloxone Indications: Narcotics overdose
Naloxone Contra
Naloxone Contra: Hypersensitivity
Naloxone Warnings
Naloxone Warnings: May cause withdrawal symptoms
Naloxone Adult Dose
Naloxone Adult Dose: > 20 kg OR > 5 years old 1 - 2 mg q 5 mins Titrated to effect (WI: 0.4 mg initial dose, protocol dependent)`
Naloxone Ped. Dose
Naloxone Ped. Dose: < 20 kg 0.1 mg/kg Max 2 mg
Naloxone Action
Naloxone Action: Prevents CNS/respiratory depression via opioid antagonism
Naloxone Side Effects
Naloxone Side Effects: - chest pain - SOB - irregular heart beat - seizure - N/V - anxiety
Naloxone Form/Route
Naloxone Form/Route: Liquid IV, IM, SC, IN
Oral Glucose Indications
Oral Glucose Indications: Hypoglycemia
Oral Glucose Contra
Oral Glucose Contra: Hypersensitivity Unconscious Unable to swallow
`Oral Glucose Adult Dose
Oral Glucose Adult Dose: 15 - 30 grams
Oral Glucose Ped. Dose
Oral Glucose Ped. Dose: 15 grams (WI: 15-30g)
Oral Glucose Action
Oral Glucose Action: Increases blood glucose
Oral Glucose Side Effects
Oral Glucose Side Effects: N/V
Oral Glucose Form
Oral Glucose Form: Gel Buccal
Glucagon Indications
Glucagon Indications: Hypoglycemia
Glucagon Contra
Glucagon Contra: Hypersensitivity
Glucagon Warnings
Glucagon Warnings: Adrenal tumor Renal disease CVD
Glucagon Adult Dose
Glucagon Adult Dose: > 20 kg 1 mg
Glucagon Ped. Dose
Glucagon Ped. Dose: < 20 kg 0.5 mg OR 0.1 mg/kg (MAX 1.0 mg)
Glucagon Action
Glucagon Action: Increases blood GLU by causing release of stored liver glycogen
Glucagon Side Effects
Glucagon Side Effects: - N/V - tachycardia
Glucagon Form/Route
Glucagon Form/Route: Liquid IM
D50 Indications
D50 Indications: Hypoglycemia
D50 Contra
D50 Contra: Hypersensitivity Brain Injury
D50 Adult Dose
D50 Adult Dose: 25 g (in 50 ml) 0.5 g/kg
D50 Ped. Dose
D50 Ped. Dose: 0.5 g/kg OF D25: dilute 1:1 with Normal Saline consider D12.5 or D10 for neonates
D50 Actions
D50 Actions: Increases blood glucose
D50 Side Effects
D50 Side Effects: - N/V - Tissue necrosis with infiltrated IV
D50 Form/Route
D50 Form/Route: Liquid IV SLOW PUSH
Normal Saline Indications
Normal Saline Indications: Fluid loss Dehydration
Normal Saline Contra
Normal Saline Contra: None
Normal Saline Warnings
Normal Saline Warnings: CHF Cardiac overload
Normal Saline Adult Dose
Normal Saline Adult Dose: 20 ml/kg Reassess every 500 ml bolus
Normal Saline Ped. Dose
Normal Saline Ped. Dose: 20 ml/kg Reassess every 250 ml bolus
Normal Saline Actions
Normal Saline Actions: Adds fluid volume
Normal Saline Side Effects
Normal Saline Side Effects: dyspnea edema if over-administered
Normal Saline Form/Route
Normal Saline Form/Route: Liquid IV
Oxygen Indication
Oxygen Indication: Hypoxoia
Oxygen Contra
Oxygen Contra: None
Oxygen Warnings
Oxygen Warnings: Rare side effects: - oxtox - atelectasis - apnea
Oxygen Adult Dose
Oxygen Adult Dose: titrate to 95% SpO2
Oxygen Ped. Dose
Oxygen Ped. Dose: titrate to 95% SpO2
Oxygen Actions
Oxygen Actions: Increases O2 concentration
Oxygen Side Effects
Oxygen Side Effects: None
Oxygen Form/Route
Oxygen Form/Route: Gas Inhalation
Nitrous Oxide Indications
Nitrous Oxide Indications: Isolated musculoskeletal trauma or Chest pain if protocol allows
Nitrous Oxide Contra
Nitrous Oxide Contra: CNS depression Head injury
Nitrous Oxide Adult Dose
Nitrous Oxide Adult Dose: Self-administered w/ 50% O2
Nitrous Oxide Ped. Dose
Nitrous Oxide Ped. Dose: Contact Medical Control
Nitrous Oxide Actions
Nitrous Oxide Actions: CNS depressant
Nitrous Oxide Side Effects
Nitrous Oxide Side Effects: Respiratory depression Altered Mental Status (AMS) N/V
Nitrous Oxide Form/Route
Nitrous Oxide Form/Route: Gas Inhalation
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit Indications
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit Indications: Suspected organophosphate nerve agent exposure (e.g. tabun, sarin, VX)
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit Contraindications
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit Contraindications: None
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit Adult Dose
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit Adult Dose: 2mg Atropine 600 mg Pralidoxamine
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit Ped. Dose
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit Ped. Dose: Not Available
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit Actions
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit Actions: Anticholinergic
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit Side Effects
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit Side Effects: HA N/V Dizziness Tachycardia Drowsiness Hypertension Pain at injection site
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit Form & Route
Nerve Agent Antidote Kit Form & Route: Liquid IM (Autoinjector)
Acetaminophen Indications
Acetaminophen Indications: Pain Fever
Acetaminophen Contra
Acetaminophen Contra: Hypersensitivity
Acetaminophen Adult Dose
Acetaminophen Adult Dose: 650 - 1000 mg q 4 - 6 hr MAX: 4000 mg / 24 hr FDA recommends < 3 g
Acetaminophen Ped. Dose
Acetaminophen Ped. Dose: 10 - 15 mg/kg q 4 - 6 hr MAX: 40 mg/kg/24 hr
Acetaminophen Action
Acetaminophen Action: Increases pain threshold Inhibits pyrogens
Acetaminophen Side Effects
Acetaminophen Side Effects: Hepatotoxic at large doses
Acetaminophen Form/Route
Tablet or Liquid PO or PR
Ibuprofen Indications
Ibuprofen Indications: Pain Fever
Ibuprofen Contra
Ibuprofen Contra: Hypersensitivity
Ibuprofen Adult Dose
Ibuprofen Adult Dose: 200 - 400 mg q 6 - 8 hr MAX 3200 mg / 24 hr
Ibuprofen Ped. Dose
Ibuprofen Ped. Dose: 5 - 10 mg/kg q 6-8 hr
Ibuprofen Actions
Ibuprofen Actions: Inhibits inflammatory response (NSAID)
Ibuprofen Side Effects
Ibuprofen Side Effects: Gastric irritation
Ibuprofen Form/Route
Ibuprofen Form/Route: Tablet or Liquid PO or PR