Medication preparation for surgery Flashcards
What would you tell a patient about what to do with their medication before surgery? (Sulfonylureas)
Day before admission - Take as normal
Taking once daily-Morning or afternoon admission- -omit that day
Taking twice a day -
Morning operation- omit morning dose
Afternoon operation- Omit both doses
What would you tell a patient about what to do with their medication before surgery? (Metformin)
Day before admission - Take as normal
Morning or afternoon operation
Taking once or twice a day - take as normal
Taking three- omit lunchtime dose
What would you tell a patient about what to do with their medication before surgery? (DDP IV inhibitors)
Take as normal before and during no matter when operation is
What would you tell a patient about what to do with their medication before surgery? (GLP-1 analogues )
Take as normal before and during no matter when operation is
What would you tell a patient about what to do with their medication before surgery? (SGLT-2 inhibitors)
Day before admission - Take as normal
Omit on day of surgery no matter whether operation in morning or afternoon
What would you tell a patient about what to do with their medication before surgery? (Once daily insulins-Lantus, Levemir)
Before admission- Reduce dose by 20%
Morning or afternoon- Reduce dose by 20%
What would you tell a patient about what to do with their medication before surgery? (Twice daily or long-acting insulins)
Day before admission - Take as normal
Morning or afternoon operation- Halve the usual morning dose and leave evening dose unchanged
What should patients do with fluids before surgery?
Patients can have clear fluids until 2 hours before their operations- its actually beneficial as it helps with nausea and vomiting afterwards - (Clear fluids is juice with no pulp and coffee without milk and ice lollies etc)
Advise patients to fast at least 6 hours from food and non-clear fluids