Medical Terms Patient Assesment Flashcards
Deficiency of RBC
Abnormally low HR, <60bpm
Systemic wasting of muscle tissue, with or without loss of fat mass that accompanies a chronic disease
Defect in the body causing impaired ability to form blood clots
Vomiting of Blood
Disorder causing a diminished volume of circulating blood
Abnormally low levels of circling WBC
Abnormally low levels of circling specific WBC called neutrophils
Abnormally fast rate of breathing, typically >20 RR min
Abnormally low levels of circulating platelets
Using sense of vision, smell, and hearing to observe the condition of caribous body parts, including any deviations from normal.
1st step in physical examination process
touching and feeling body parts with hand to augment the data gathered through inspection
2nd step in physical examination process
Striking of body surface lightly but sharply to determine the position, size and density of underlying structures as well as to detect fluid or air in a cavity
3rd step in physical examination process
Patient centered Care
Process through which pharmacist cooperates with patient and other professionals in designing in, implementing and monitoring a therapeutic plan that will produce sprig therapeutic outcomes for the patient
Medication therapy Management
Partnership between pharmacist, patient, (caregiver) and other health professionals that promote the safe and effective use of meds
Medical Reconciliation
Comprehensive eval of patients medication regimen in an effort to avoid medication errors
Medication Adherence
Extent to which a patient takes medication as prescribed/directed
Subjective info
info related to the identified problem and associated symptoms as described by the patients themselves
Objective info
observations made and info acquired by healthcare practitioner determined to be relevant to the identified problem
states HCP and Heath places must proteinic patient info and may not use or disclose individuals patient heath info except for tremtn, payment or regular health care operations
Evidence-based medicine
Conscientious, explicit and judos use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients. practice of evidence based medicine means integrating individual clinical expertise with the best available external clinical evidence from systemic research
Medication errors
any mistake at any stage of medication use processs
Adverse drug events
Result of an injury to a drug related intervention, regardless of whether an error has occurred
Drug related problem
Event or circumstance involving a patients drug treatment that actually, or potentially interferes with achievement of optimal outcome