set of measures to PREVENT introduction and spread of infectious diseases
ABSENCE of microorganisms that cause disease
(sterile for instruments..)
here situation, GOAL
aseptic technique
METHOD TO PREVENT contamination by microorganism
EXCLUSION, destruction or inhibition of growth or multiplication of microorganisms from body tissues and fluids
(what we can do to reach asepsis, ACTION>fighting against those bacteria>kill or physically remove from area>amount of bacteria on operative field is FIRST reduced)
CHEMICAL COMPOUND inhibiting growth of microorganisms without necessarily killing them
FREEEEE of living organisms
(compare to:
> asepSIS=
not sterile, clean, animals
> antisepsis=clean, not sterile, able to cause disease - area that we will clean to fight against bacterias :kill or physically remove from area
> here (sterile) NONE of organism, not possible to sterile cat for example, only equipments etc, autoclave or products etc)
to sterile
TO MAKE object sterile
=destroy bacteria, virus, protozoa, fungi
=KILL bacteria and other organisms
sterile technique
-METHOD by which contamination with microorganisms is PREVENTED to MAINTAIN STERILITY throughout surgical procedure
-PREVENT transmission of microorganisms into body during invasive procedures
1. sterile : personnel are gowned gloved, touch only sterile items/areas
2. sterile drapes
3.only sterile items within sterile field
4.sterile items opened, dispensed and transferred by methods that MAINTAIN sterility
5. field monitored 24/7 and surgical staff able to recognize when they have broken technique and act accordingly
(in restricted, surgical, area)
CHEMICAL or MECHANICAL destruction of pathogens
CLEANING and DISINFECTING or STERILIZING (objects!!!!items!!!!) processes carried out to make contaminated items safe to handle
-INVASION and MULTIPLICATION of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites) that are NOT normally present at the site
-potentially devastating and challenging complication of surgery
-in hospital settings, transmission of microorganisms is most commonly contact-related
-all possible measures should be taken to reduce risk of iatrogenic infection (=infektio, joka tapahtunut toimenpiteen seurauksena, loss of asepsis)
> not part of normal microflora
NOT same as inflammation
cause: microorganism
to do: eliminate pathogen
(in inflammation=
cause: body’s own immune reaction
to do: immunosuppression)
CREATING and MAINTAINING STERILE field around operative site with nonabsorbent towels
-performed by gowned and gloved team member when antiseptics have dried
-onea t time
-drapes should not be flipped or shaken
-once placed, not readjusted!!
-after animal and nearby non sterile surfaces have been covered with STERILE drapes, instrument tray can be arranged and surgery can begin
-ABNORMAL escape of blood from artery, vein, arteriole, venue or capillary network
-caused by: traumatic injury/medical condition
-primary hemorrhage soon after injury
-2ndary follows injury after considerable lapse of time
surgical site infection (SSI)
-infections that DIRECTLY result from surgical procedures
>INCISIONAL = actual site incision= superficial: skin and subcutaneous tissue =deep: deep soft tissue layers; muscle, fascia
-infection occurs within 30days of surgical procedure or within 1 year if associated with surgical implant
- ‘‘nothing spoils a good result as quickly as follow-up’’
> directly associated with surgery
FOREIGN substances used to 1. support 2. rebuild 3. mimic function of anatomic structure
COLONY of microorganisms, within matrix of extracellular polymeric substance that they produce
=biofilm microorganisms usually resistant to AB
> pesäke, kiinnitetty pinnalle ja upotettu itse tuottamalla polymeric subst. aineeseen
prophylactic/therapeutic use of antibiotics
- Prophylactic use:
>significant risk of infection
>infection would be catastrophic
(before infection occurs, prevent) - Therapeutic use:
>ideally based on culture and susceptibility result
>delay might be problematic
(when infection is on site, treated present infection)
INJURY to the body that results in disruption of the continuity of the body structure
dead space and drainage
- dead space= results from suturing of large wounds promotes fluid accumulation, which is good medium for growth of bacteria
- drainage= ylimääräisen nesteen, veren, mädän tai muiden kehon eritteiden poistamista haavasta tai kehon onteloista
>TYPES of drainage:
-PASSIVE: Penrose drain=draining under gravity> risk of ascending infection (tubes inserted to death space)> easier to contaminate, easier to insert, cost less
-ACTIVE: creation of vacuum that removed fluid by suction, anywhere on body, containers need to be emptied regularly > more hygienic
-in case of debris or necrotic tissue
-to DEBRITE wound edges
=TO GET RID OFF necrotic tissue or debris = surgical scraping , autolytic debriment or enzymatic bandages
> contaminated area!
open wound management
nosocomial infections
=caused by environmentally RESISTANT bacteria during hospitalization/surgery
> prevent: control hospital environment and RATIONAL USE OF AB
-sairaalassa tai muussa terveydenhuollon laitoksessa saatuja infektioita, joita ei ollut olemassa tai jotka eivät olleet itämisvaiheessa potilaalla sairaalaan tullessa
flail chest
-‘‘PARADOXICAL’’ movement of floating thoracic segment
>diagnosis: physical examination
>treatment: mostly conservative, surgery sometimes indicated
> useat kylkiluut murtuvat useasta kohtaa muodostaen irrallisen segmentin!!!!! > liikkuu hengityksen aikana päinvastoin kuin muu rintakehä