Medical Terms 1 Flashcards
is the study of the structure of a human body part. With Ana
this is the study of normal functions and activities of the body.
- Physio refers to the relationship to nature and logy means the study of.
this is the study of body development from the ovum (female reproductive cell) after union with the sperm, through the second month of conception.
The embryo represents the development human from one week after conception through the second month After this stage it is considered a fetus
This is the microscopic study of the minute (small) structure, composition, and function of normal cells and tissues.
- histo means tissue
This includes the study of all forms of life.
Bio means life and this discipline studies plant life and animal life , including humans
Integumentary system
this system is composed of skin, which covers and protects the body and regulates body temp, excretions, and sensation
Skeletal System
This system encompasses all bones, which are the body framework. It provides support for the organs and furnishes places of attachment for muscles
Muscular system
muscles, which provide force for body motion and are attached to the skeletal system, make up this system
Respiratory system
this system focuses on breathing and the lungs, which absorb oxygen from the air and provide it to the blood, and excrete carbon dioxide releasing it from the body
Cardiovascular system
the heart and blood vessels providing blood transport and nourishment to all body parts comprise this system
Lymphatic system
- lymph is one of the three main types of body fluid (the others being blood and tissue fluid). It is a colorless, odorless fluid that circulates within the lymphatic system and consists primarily of water (95%) and components of blood plasma as well as containing lymphocytes.
- This system takes blood plasma as it seeps through capillary walls, to the tissues, where it becomes tissue fluid. It is then drained and collected by the lymphatic system (where it becomes lymph) and eventually is retuned to the blood, where it becomes plasma again.
- The system is responsible for the exchange of protein and fluid with the blood from body tissue, as well as protecting the body from pathogens (germs)
Gastrointestinal system
This system covers ingestion, digestion through the large and small intestines and excretion of waste material from the intestine though the rectum and anus
Genitourinary system
This system includes two kidneys (which make urine), the bladder (for urine storage), ureters (which transport urine from the kidney to the bladder), the urethra (which transport urine from the bladder to excretion) and in the male, prostate (which transport urine from the bladder to excretion) and in the male the prostate (which makes and transport male reproductive cells for species continuation) and male genitals
Endocrine system
the glands produce hormones, secretion which are sent through the bloodstream and act as chemical messengers to all body organs sending instructions for growth, sexual attributes and reproduction, mental status and personality traits. These glands include the thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, ovaries, and so on
reproductive system
provides the mechanism for fertilization (the union of germ cells) and the production of sexual hormones through the gonads (ovaries and tetses)
female reproductive system
consists of ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus, cervix, and so one which produce sex hormones and provide facilities for reproductive
- Gyno (women)
male reproductive system
consists of the external genitalia (penis, testes, and scrotum), the accessory glands (prostate, seminal vesicles, and cowper’s glands) and the ducts leading from the prostate to the urethra. Since the male reproductive system is so closely tied to the genitourinary system through use of the urethra, urologist are the physicians who treat the male reproductive system
Anesthesia is the loss of felling or sensation. Artificial or anesthesiologist-induced anesthia is produced by a number of agents capable of bring about partial or complete loss of feeling, sensation or consciousness, and is considered local or general (the entire body). This branch of medicine is concerned with the administration of anesthetics and the condition of the patient while under the anesthesiology until awakening. It incudes all types of anesthesia; the personnel of work in conjection not only with surgery, but obstetrics and gynecology, orthopedics, medicine, and so on
this area studies chemical reactions occurring in living organisms
one of the largest specialties, there are many internists (specialists in internal organ) with subspecialities
Internal Medicine
this focuses on the treatment of diseases of the internal organs by a physicians called an internist. Do not confuse this word with intern, which refers to a graduate medical physicians in training immediately after completing and internship and learning a subspecialty in medicine or surgery
is the study of diseases of the heart ad treatment of patients with these disease
clinical epidemiology
epidemi means among the people, or epidemic. Epidemiology is the clinical study of factors that influence the frequency and distribution of infectious, contagious, or recurring diseases in humans
study of diseases of the intestine and the stomach and allied treatment
General and Ambulatory medicine
this refers to the treatment of walking/able-to-walk patients- in other words, those who are not confined to bed. See family practice
study of the disease processes in aging humans
science dealing with the study of blood. Specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of blood diseases
look into the causes of allergies and their affects on tissue-for example, swelling caused by the release of too many histamines, hence treatment with antihistamines for allergies, stuffy noses, bee stings
clinical genetics
refers to the genetic factors influencing occurrence of an inherited condition.
Down’s syndrome
Biochemical genetics
this area is concerned with both the chemical and physical nature of genes and the mechanism by which they control development and maintenance of organism
includes the study of resistance of the body to the effects of a harmful agent, such as pathogenetic and microorganism or their poisons and several subdivions
science of tumors/ cancer
concerned with diseases marked by pain in joints or muscles, or problems commonly called arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, sciatica
specialty deals with pregnancy, labor, and delivery as well as nay attendant problems
treatment of the female genetical tract
scientific study of alteration produced by disease
clinical pathology
this refers to pathology applied to clinical problems solution, especially utilizing lab methods to confirm clinical diagnosis
comparative pathology
comparative pathology is pathology applied to human disease processes compared with those of lower animal species
is the science/art of diagnosis and treatment of the new born infant or neonate, up to four weeks of age
descriptive psychiatry
specialty includes the study, observation, and external factors that can be seen, heard, or felt
dynamic psychiatry
study of the emotional processes, their origins, and underlying mental mechanisms
study of human society and of social relationship, organization and social change
internal medicine- internist
concerned with diseases of organs and organ system. dealing primarily with diagnosis and nonsurgical intervention of disease and nonsurgical treatment of adults in general
specialty in malignant tumor treatment
obstetrics - obstetrician
dedicated to the treatment of pregnant females though delivery and during postpartum period. also specializing in fertility problems
ophthalmology - ophthalmologist
concerned with the disease of the eye and associated structures/ eyeglasses
otorhinolaryngology - otorhinolaryngologist
disease, ear, nose, and throat (ENT)
with the study of abnormal tissues that have been removed from the body, either for diagnostic or after surgery
proctology - proctologist
deal with disease of the rectum, colon, and related surgeries. subspecialty of a gastroenterologist
thoracic surgeon
surgical treatment of disease of the chest and organs found therein