Medical Terminology Flashcards
What does peridontal mean?
surrounding teeth
anti = ?
What does arthr/o mean? What does arthritis mean?
joint/articulation; inflammation in joints
Cardi- = ?
cephal = ?; cephalic vein = ?
head; major vein near head
derm/dermat = ?; dermatophytosis =?
skin; ringworm
Cranial: ?
toward the front or head of the animal
Caudal: ?
toward the back or tail of animal
Anterior: ?
directed toward front
Posterior: ?
directed toward back
Medial: ?
directed toward the middle
Lateral: ?
directed toward the outside of animal
Dorsal: ?
toward back of animal
Ventral: ?
directed toward the underside or belly
Proximal: ?
closer to origin
Distal: ?
away from origin
Caprine = ?
Ovine = ?
Brady: ?; bradycardia = ?
slow; a slow heartbeat
Tachy: ?; Tachycardia = ?
fast; fast heartbeat
Epi: ?; epidermis = ?
upon; skin layer that lies upon the dermis
Peri: ?; pericardium = ?
surrounding; tissue surrounding the heart
Trans: ?; Transtracheal = ?
across; across the trachea
Hyper: ?; Hypertension = ?
excessive; high blood pressure
Hypo: ?; hypothyroid = ?
under/beneath; low/decreased thyroid function
Micro: ?; Microscope = ?
small; instrument used to view very small objects
Macro: ?; Macrocyte = ?
large; large cell found in the bloodstream
Mono: ?; Monocular = ?
one; instrument with one eyepiece
Uni: ?; Unilateral = ?
one; only on one side
Poly: ?; Polycystic = ?
many; many sacs or bladder like pockets
Neo: ?; Neoplasia = ?
new; new growth, such as in the case with cancer
Pre: ?; Preoperative = ?
before; period prior to the operation
Post: ?; Postoperative = ?
after; period after operation
Sub: ?; Subcutaneous = ?
below; located or placed beneath skin
Ecto: ?; Ectoparasites = ?
outside; parasites found outside body
Esophag/o = ?; esophagitis = ?
esophagus; inflammation of esophagus
Gastr/o = ?; gastroenteritis = ?
stomach; inflammation of stomach and intestines
Enter/o = ?; Enterotomy = ?
intestines; to surgically cut into intestines
Hepat/o = ?; Hepatitis = ?
liver; inflammation of liver
Chol/e = ?; Cholitis = ?
gall bladder; inflammation of gall bladder
Dent/o = ?; Dental = ?
teeth; pertaining to teeth
Gingiv/o = ?; Gingivectomy = ?
gums; to surgically remove a portion of gums
Duoden/o = ?; Gastroduodenal = ?
duodenum which is the beginning portion of small intestine; pertaining to the stomach and duodenum
Pancreat/o = ?; Pancreatitis = ?
pancreas; inflammation of pancreas
Cyto = ?; Cytology = ?
cells; study of cells
Cardi/o = ?; Cardiology = ?
heart; study of heart
Hemat/o = ?; Hematology = ?
blood; study of blood
Arteri/o = ?; Arterial = ?
artery; pertaining to an artery
Splen/o = ?; Splenectomy = ?
spleen; to surgically remove spleen
My/o = ?; Myocardia = ?
muscle; muscular tissues of the heart
Chondr/o = ?; Chondritis = ?
cartilage; inflammation of cartilage
Crani/o = ?; Cranial = ?
head; relating to skull or cranium
Arthr/o = ?; Arthroscope = ?; Arthrocentesis = ?
joint; an instrument used to view inside a joint; removal of fluid from a joint
Orth/o = ? ; Orthopedic surgeon = ?
correct/straighten; surgeon who fixes broken bones
Oste/o = ?; Osteotomy = ?
bone; to cut bone
Cervic/o = ?; Cervical = ?
neck; referring to the neck
Thorac/o = ?; Thoracentesis = ?
chest; removal of fluid from the chest
Trache/o = ?; Tracheotomy = ?
windpipe; to cut the windpipe or trachea
Pulmon/o = ?; Pulmonary exam = ?
lungs; exam for lungs
Pneum/o = ?; Pneumonia = ?
air/lungs; inflammation of lungs
Bronch/o = ?; Bronchopneumonia = ?
bronchus; a pneumonia involving the bronchi and lungs
Cerebr/o = ?; Cerebral = ?
cerebrum; referring to cerebrum of the brain
Encephal/o = ?; Encephalitis = ?
brain; inflammation of brain
Neur/o = ?; Neurologic = ?
nerve; pertaining to nervous system
Rhin/o = ?; Rhinitis = ?
nose; inflammation of nose
Dermat/o = ?; Dermatitis = ?
skin; inflammation of skin
Ophthalm/o = ?; Ophthalmic = ?
eye; pertaining to eyes
Ot/o = ?; Otoscope = ?
ear; instrument used to see inside ears
Nephr/o = ?; Nephrology = ?
kidneys; study of kidneys
Cyst/o = ?; Cystitis = ?
urinary bladder; inflammation of urinary bladder
Hyster/o = ?; Hysterectomy = ?
uterus; surgical removal of uterus
Ovari/o = ?; Ovariohysterectomoy = ?
ovary; surgical removal of ovaries and uterus
Urethr/o = ?; Urethrostomy = ?
urethra; creation of a surgical opening into the urethra
Aden/o = ?; Adenoma = ?
glands; benign epithelial tumor having a glandular origin
Hist/o = ?; Histology = ?
tissues; study of tissues
Umbilic/o = ?; Umbilical hernia = ?
umbilical cord; tissue opening at the site of the umbilical cord
Adren/o = ?; Adrenalectomy = ?
adrenal; surgical removal of an adrenal gland
Lymph/o = ?; Lymphadenitis = ?
lymph fluid; inflammation of lymph glands
Abdomin/o = ?; Abdominocentesis = ?
abdominal cavity; procedure of tapping the abdomen with a needle
Path/o = ?; Pathology = ?
disease; study of diseases
-pathy: ?
disease of an organ
-ology: ?
the study of
-ectomy: ?
to cut out
-tomy: ?
to cut into
-ostomy: ?
to form a new opening
-plasty: ?
surgical repair of
-scope: ?
instrument to view something
-algia: ?
-osis: ?
condition or process of an organ
-metra: ?