Medical Mycology Flashcards
Candida and candidosis
Opportunistic fungal pathogen
Candida albicans => dimorphic asexual yeast
Candida and candidosis superficial disease
Curable -> mouth
Candida and candidosis systemic disease
Difficult to treat
Fatal -> multiple organs
Orophangeal candidosis
Easy to diagnose and treat with antifungal agents
Premature infants, geriatrics, diabetics and HIV+
White plaques on tongue, roof of mouth
Maternal infection; low/underdeveloped immunity; nosocomial infection
Candidosis of skin/nails
Cutaneous 10% of patients
Candida onychia and paronychia
- nails and nail folds
- moist conditions
- destroys nails
Vulvovaginal candidosis
Frequent; cystitis; can infect neonate during birth
Itching and discharge
Yeast persists regulated by pH an lactobacillus
25% asymptomatic; occurs in healthy women
Pregnancy; diabetes; antibiotic therapy; oral contraceptives
How does pregnancy lead to susceptibility in Vulvovaginal candidosis?
Higher levels due to reduced acidity and increased glycogen
Systemic candidosis GIT (3)
- plaques line tract - painful to swallow
- infection of GI tract
- diabetes, cancer or AIDs
- invasion of ulcers
- 73% ulcers => candida
- small intestine and colon
- diarrhea
Systemic candidosis respiratory tract
- hoarseness and fever
- underlying cause
- silicone voice prostheses
Systemic infection urinary tract
10^5ml^-1 =>disease
Renal candidosis, underlying disease or cystitis
Predisposing factors to candida infection[3]
[1] Compromised host
- HIV+
- immunosuppressive therapy/antibiotic therapy
- drug addiction
[2] Diabetes
- genital candidosis
- 5-15% systemic conditions
- oral candidosis
[3] Malignant disease
- 10% leukaemias develop systemic candidosis
Yeast-hyphal transmission
Hyphal form invades tissues and are more adherent
Both found in specimens
Ability of germ tubes to ‘explore’ the environment in search of nutrients
Germ tubes respond to charge
Hyphae grow between sheets of cells, finding the line of least resistance in tissue
Adherence virulent factor => pathogenicity
More adherence = more pathogenesis
Specific adherence mechanisms (mycology)
Ligand-receptor interactions associated with outer fibrillar layer
Adhesions present on yeast surface specific for receptors on host cell surface may target ECM proteins - laminate, fibronectins
Non-specific adherence mechanisms (mycology)
Electrostatic charges
Cell surface hydrophobicity
Yeast cells have a net negative charge; must overcome this before they can adhere
Cell surface hydrophobicity increased in galactose culture medium
Increased cell surface hydrophobicity = increased adherence
Extracellular enzymes virulence factor (mycoplasma): secreted acid proteinases
PH 4.6-5.5 => active
Synthesised during tissue invasion
C.albicans in VVC produce SAP which cleaves IgA
-> may induce phagocytosis of cells by polymorphs
Extracellular enzymes virulence factor (mycoplasma): phospholipase
pHA and lysophosphilase lyse biological membranes located at growing tip of hyphal form of C.albicans
Most adherent yeasts = most phLip
Ruptures membranes
Alter cell surface -> increase adherence
Extracellular enzymes virulence factor (mycoplasma): haemolysin
Rupture RBC -> releases iron
Produced by C.albicans
Extracellular enzymes virulence factor (mycoplasma): Canidalysin
Role in pathogenesis
Epithelial damage
Immune activation
Phagocyte attraction
Phenotypic switching
[1] cell types
- altered shape, size, antigenicity, surface
[2] colony types
- smooth, wrinkled, pitted, rough
+allows rapid adaptation to environment -> induces variation
+evade attentions of the immune system
+alters pathogen characteristics