Medical Miscellaney Flashcards
Components of modified Wells score
Clinical signs/symptoms of DVT PE likely Tachycardia Immobilization or recent surgery Previously diagnosed PE or DVT Hemoptysis Cancer
What are the signs of a gas embolism?
Tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension, increased CVP, mill-wheel murmur, right heart strain, decreased end-tidal CO2
What is the treatment of a gas embolism?
Release insufflation
Steeper trendelenburg on left side
100% FiO2 with hyperventilation
What is the treatment of a large bowel obstruction?
Emergent surgery with colostomy
If palliative, endoscopic colonic stenting
What is the recommended treatment for DVT/PE?
What is severe C diff diarrhea?
ICU admission
Pseudomembranous colitis
Any 2 of the following: ager > 60, temp > 101, albumin < 2.5, WBC > 15
What is the treatment for C diff diarrhea?
Severe or recurrent - vancomycin
Mild/moderate - flagyl
Fulminant - IV flagyl
What are the clinical features of a dermatofibroma?
Well-demarcated, round, raised nodule or papule with central dimpling
What are the criteria for metabolic syndrome?
Waist circumference 35 in or more Impaired fasting glucose BP > 130/85 HDL < 50 Triglycerides > 150
Which nonhormonal treatment works best for menopausal symptoms?