Medical Intervention Flashcards
Medical intervention take place when?
Placenta abruption (breaks) Praeva (grows across cervix) Overdue Illness Stress Complication between baby and mother eg pre eclampsia
What is induction
Labour needs to be started so hormones (in drip of pessary)
Or rapturous membranes (breaking amniotic sac with amnio hook)
When is induction used?
Overdue as high risk of infection/ complication
Problem with placenta- baby not getting enough blood/oxygen/food supply
What is forceps
Hold baby’s head pulling it out
When are forceps used
Pre term as can’t good itself out
Breech baby as need support on head
Mother has illness and can’t push
Intensive labour and baby stressed
What is an episiotomy
Cutting of perineum to stop tear and help baby out
When is an episiotomy used
Baby is stressed and need out quick (more room)
More room for forceps
Avoid perineum tear
What Is a vacuum/ventous
Vacuum pulls baby out via middle of head so not damage baby
When is ventous used
Before cervix fully dilated
Baby stressed
Mother I’ll or stressed
Need baby out fast
What is casearian section
Cut abdomen muscle wall
When is Caesarian used
Induction failed Placenta praevia and baby not getting oxygen Severe foetal distress Big baby Breach Mother ill