Medical Image Analysis Flashcards
What are the assumptions of pixels?
They are square and non-overlapping
What are the 3 image types?
Intensity images Colour images Binary images
What is an intensity image?
Each pixel has a similar intensity This is the most common type of image Value is proportional to intensity e.g. value proportional to dose/light Often referred to as a greyscale image No need to stick to shades of grey
What is a colour image?
Each pixel has a colour value Need a colour model
What is a binary image?
Each pixel has only 2 possible states 1 or 0, on or off, true or false Used in medical image analysis Used in the processing stage Not helpful to the end user
What is the problem with 2D greyscale images?
The image is not equally sharp due to movement during exposure
In a 2D colour image what do the pixel value represent?
Luminance Brightness Colour Using a colour model
What is the most common colour model?
What is the RGB colour model?
Most common Additive colour model Start with black, add Red-Green-Blue The pixel value has 3 intensities for RBG light
What are the RGB components in a white pixel?
RGB are equal and maximum
Describe the dimensions in a 3D image
N x M x D Third dimension can be spatial, temporal or some other variable Spatial - CT scanner volume Temporal - fluoroscopy
What are binary images used for?
they are often used to identify objects or regions within an image Used for image processing Set a threshold intensity to t. If the intensity is greater than t then 1 or on and vice versa. Can have 2 threshold values, between x and y
What are the basics behind displaying intensity images?
There must be a map from the pixel value to the colour of the pixel to be displayed.
What is the typical computer display?
RGB colour device with 256 possible shades of each colour
Describe the RGB values in a grayscale image?
If the pixels are grey, black or white then the values for each channel are equal 0,0,0 is black, maximum in each channel is white
What is the possible colour range display in a 24 bit image?
256 red x 256 green x 256 blue= 16 million colour range display Each colour has 8 bits assigned to it 8 bits = 2^8 shades = 256
What is the problem with displaying medical images?
There are often more pixels than is available on a standard screen They often contain many more distinct intensity values and so mapping is required
What is a LUT?
Look up table It is used as a map between pixel value and the colour to display It may produce a colour or greyscale representation of an image If a LUT has fewer entries than in the image, the pixel values in the image must be scaled to LUT entries
What is a true colour image?
They are capable of being displayed directly. This means that each pixel value has a distinct colour. 16 million possible colour shades. If there are less colours available than are recorded in the image then there is scaling.
What are the advantages of using a colour LUT?
Allows you to identify areas of similar intensity Can draw attenuation to an area difficult to see in grey
What are the 2 methods of number representation?
Integer Floating point
How are images stored on a computer?
The images pixels are represented in the computers memory or storage devices Computer representation of numbers has its limitation Everything in a computer is represented in binary
What is binary>
It is a base number system and is either 0s or 1s Binary numbers: Units 2s 4s 8s 16s It is much more efficient to count in binary
What is a bit?
Binary digital Smallest amount of data a computer can represent It is either a 0 or a 1 b
What is a byte?
8 bits 8 0s or 1s It is the basic unit of storage on a computer B
What is a word?
It is the number of bytes native to the design of the computer hardware or OS Modern computers typically use a 4 byte word (32 bit) or 8 byte words (64 bit)
What is the consequence of using larger words in computer storage?
Using larger words increases memory
What is the binary convention for binary multiples
1024 = kibi = Ki 1024^2 = mebi = Mi 1024^3 = gibi = Gi 1024^4 = tebi = Ti 1024^5 = pebi = Pi 1024^6 = exbi = Ei
What is 1MiB in bytes?
1024^2 = 2^20 bytes
What is 1MB in bytes?
1 x 10^6 bytes
How are integers stored on a computer?
They are represented as fixed length block of bits Can be signed or unsigned
What is a signed integer?
It can hold negative and positive whole numbers It shifts the range to allow for the storage of negative values
What is an unsigned integer?
It can only hold numbers that are greater or equal to 0
How many possible states does a byte have?
1 byte = 8 bits = 2^8 possible states = 256
What is the range of unsigned byte (integer)?
What is the range of a signed byte (integer)?
-128 - 127 7 number bits and 1 sign bit
How does a computer store an signed integer?
Early computers used a dedicated sign bit (+ or -) Modern computers use a system called two’s complement to represent the negative values
What is two’s complement
It is used to store negative integer values For an N bit number, the two’s complement is calculated by subtracting the number from 2^N It allows for efficient add, subtract and multiply operations
What effect does increasing the storage bits have on the range of values a pixel can take?
Increase bits to the storage used for an integer gives a larger range
What are the common integer sizes?
8, 16, 32, 64 and 128 bits
Describe the integer lengths in a 32 bit computing environment
16 bit integers are short integers - half word size 32 are integers - word size 64 are long integers - double word size
What happens if a pixel value goes over the top of the range it can take?
Overflow occurs. Any pixels that appear over the maximum will appear as the maximal colour, or potentially wrap around to the minimum
What are the pros and cons of integer representation?
It is not good for mathematical equations or processing Unsigned is OK for X-ray as the dose cannot be negative It has a limited number of values it can take Can’t do mathematical equations with fractions It can only be a whole number and can’t represent fractions Quicker than floating point
What are floating point numbers?
They divide their storage into a sign bit (S), an exponent (E), and a fractional part (F) in order to represent a number V = -1^S x 2^E x (1.F) The number of bits in each section is dependent on the word length
What are the pros and cons of floating point numbers?
It allows numbers of differing magnitude to be recorded with reasonable precision Allows you to store non-whole numbers reasonably accurately. You do lose some detail - the importance of this is dependent on the application Slower than integer Very few numbers can be represented exactly as floating point
In floating point what is the consequence of increasing the number of bits available?
Increases the precision of the numbers that can be stored
Why would you use compact data types?
Decrease the storage size requirements and increase transmission
What are the standard formats of storing images?
JPEG (JPG) Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) Windows bit map (BMP) Portable Network Graphics (PNG)
What are the limitations of using JPEGs for medical images?
They are compressed to take less disk space Irreversibly degrades the quality of the image 8 bit
What are the advantages of using TIFF for medical images?
More flexible but there are problems with compatibility Can do 3D and 16 bit images
What is the disadvantage of using BMPs for medical images?
Limited to 8 bit images
What are the components of a medical image?
Need pixel intensities as well as other features: Who, when, where, scan settings
What does DICOM stand for?
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
What is DICOM?
A standard for storing and communicating medical images, it overcomes some of the issues seen with other file formats. Can store a wide range of information relevant to the image which can cannot be stored in other formats: patient details, scan settings, ECG traces etc. It is a complex standard and there are issues with compatibility of files between devices/software.
What are the 2 resolution components in medical imaging?
Spatial resolution - refers to pixel pitch Greyscale resolution refers to how finely divided the greyscale is.
What does the resolution control?
It controls the maximum amount of information an image can hold and also determines the subtly of detail that it is possible to represent.
What happens if you decrease the pixel pitch?
Decrease the distance between the pixel centres Image will contain more pixels if the same area is imaged Finer detail will be visualised More detail in the image - increase resolution Decreased signal per pixel Decreased signal to noise ratio
What happens if you increase the pixel pitch?
Decreased spatial resolution Less detail Increased unsharpness
What happens if you decrease the pitch by 1/2?
4x the information and increase the storage requirements
What is needed to gauge spatial resolution?
Number of pixels Area covered by the pixel matrix
What factors can affect spatial resolution?
Pixel pitch Scanner specification (e.g. scintillator thickness, focal size) Scanner settings (SOD, SID, selected focus) Patient movement
When is interpolation used?
Used when re-sampling the pixel matrix of an image e.g. when increasing the size of an image for display purposes Interpolation improves the cosmetic appearance of the image but IT DOES NOT ALTER RESOLUTION
What are the methods of interpolation?
Nearest neighbour Bilinear interpolation Bicubic interpolation
What is nearest neighbour?
This substitutes the vale of the closes existing pixel centre of the new pixel centre location Images: checkered background with blocky edges
What are the advantages of nearest neighbour?
Computationally efficient Fastest method
What are the disadvantages of nearest neighbour?
Pixel blocking is common Poor edge representation Degraded image quality
What is bilinear interpolation?
This takes the weighted average of the neighbouring pixel values and this is used to calculate the new pixel value. The nearest 2x2 neighbourhood to the desired pixel is used to form the new value
What are the pros and cons of bilinear interpolation
More accurate More time consuming Better appearance to the image
What is bicubic interpolation?
The nearest 4x4 neighbour hood to the desired pixel location is used to calculate the new pixel value. A cubic polynomial surface is generated for the values to generate a smooth interpolation
What are the pros and cons of bicubic interpolation?
It is mathematically more complex but gives little advantage over bilinear.
What is the effect of interpolating an image?
It smooths the image and removes the blockiness The innate resolution of the image is not changed. Improvement is cosmetic.
How are analogue signals digitised?
Analogue to Digital Converter (ADC)
How does an ADC operate?
It will operate on a specified range of input values and produce digital values divided into a finite number of digital values Using a finer greyscale allows more subtle differences in contrast to be appreciated.
How is a finer greyscale achieved?
Sampling the same init range with more discreet levels This will improve greyscale resolution
What are histograms and what are they useful for?
They are useful when analysing the distribution of an images pixel intensities. Plots all possible intensities (x) against the number of pixels at each intensity (y). It can be useful to determine if the exposure is correct.
How will an overexposed and underexposed image appear on a histogram?
Over exposed - all of the values are to the right (highest) end of the histogram VV for under exposed Need to look at the distribution of values in the histogram
What does segmentation involve?
It involves identifying and outlining structures within an image The result is a binary image
What is the result of segmentation?
It is a 2D binary image which represents an anatomical structure. It can be called a mask
What operations can be applied to a segmented image?
OR (merge 2 images together) AND NOT (creates reverse image)
What is the purpose of defining a region of interest in an image?
Statistical analysis Used to calculate average intensities Can also be used to create a volume Visualisation
How do you calculate the volume of a ROI?
Number of voxels x volume of the voxel
Describe manual segmentation
It is done via boundary tracing or using predefined shapes or area painting
What are the advantages of manual segmentation
Simplest Most common
What are the limitations of manual segmentation?
Very slow - need to be able to justify the time and resultant expense Interobserver variability - different people get different results This is less important in a clear image - could be significant diagnostically
What are the methods used for automated/semi-automated segmentation?
Thresholding Grouping Region growing Boundary methods
What is thresholding?
The principle is to select all values that lie within a given intensity range This can be combined with a rough manual outline It makes the process less user dependent
How can thresholding be done?
By setting a range of accepted values Edge detection - depicts the steepness of signal changes. Apply a threshold to the gradient Histogram - Makes it more reproducible and it allows a more objective cut off between dark and light
What is grouping?
Thresholding with more dimensions It is thresholding on 2 images at the same time and is much more complex. It loses all anatomical reference You draw a ROI in a space where 2 images are represented together.
How is region growing done?
- Set a seed point manually 2. Add the neighbouring pixels with a similar intensity 3. For every new pixel, repeat 2 and so on until no more new pixels are found
What is region growing?
Automatic algorithm that checks if surrounding pixels are of a similar intensity and only adds them if they are. Need to define what similar is. Generally defined as +/- X% Minimal user dependence
When is region growing useful?
When there is a dark object on a light background or VV
What are the boundary methods used in segmentation?
Isolines and isosurfaces look for lines in the image with similar intensities Active contours - grow a boundary into a shape Watershed, Neural networks, model based, atlas guided, fractal methods, merging, artificial intelligence
What is visualisation?
Only a problem in digital imaging. Energy is converted into a pixel value and visualisation is the process of viewing these pixel images as a value Visualisation depends on the mechanism used
What are the methods for 2D visualisation?
Grey scales Colour coding Plots and profiles Fusion
What is the principle behind greyscale visualisation?
Paint by numbers Image is series of numbers Look at the range of pixel values and create a greyscale image Need to select a maximum and minimum value Greyscale is then fitted to this range Determined by a LUT
What needs to be selected in greyscale visualisation?
Maximum value Minimum value How the scale changes from white to black
What happens as you decrease the maximum value on a greyscale?
Increase brightness/contrast
What is the level>
Brightness Centre of the range
What is the window?
Contrast Width of the range
What is the consequence of changing a greyscale to predominantly white?
Done using a transfer function Increases detail in the darker areas and lose detail in the bright areas. This is referred to as pulling down the colour scale Example function T(x) = x^3
What is the consequence of changing a grey scale to predominantly black?
Decreases the detail in the darker areas and increase the detail in the bright areas
What happens if you invert the colour scale used in greyscale visualisation?
Produces the same brightness and contrast but just has a different visualisation T(x) = 1-x
What is the principle behind colour coding visualisation?
Paint by numbers Have a defined minimum and maximum and you can choose the colours within the scale. More freedom Must display the colour scale next to the image
What is the advantage of colour coding?
Can bring out features not visible in black and white More freedom Many different colour visualisations possible Keeping the same colour for all images of the same type can allow for easy identification of pathology e.g. green - cancer
How does colour coding work?
The centre of the pixel is the colour determined from the relevant look up table Use a gradual transition to neighbouring pixels using an algorithm This makes the image easier to visualise - does not add any extra information
What is a surface plot?
It allows you visualise the image as a representation of height Height is proportional to the value of the pixel It can appear as a wire mesh image or as a rendered image - gives a 3D appearance
What is a contour plot?
It looks for areas that have the same plot. It represents the landscape. If the lines are closer together then there is a steeper change in pixel value Can used filled contours to smooth images
What is a profile?
Shows the change in height Need to take 1 line across the image and you can then see a change of pixel values
What is fusion and what are the various methods for doing this?
used when you want to view 2 image together - multislice display - overlay - blending - checkerboard - screen-door fusion
What is multi slice display (fusion)?
place multiple images together Very simple but hard to match up zones from the 2 images
What is overlaying (fusion)?
cut out a section of one image and place it over the top. it masks the old image but it gives more anatomical information
What is blending (fusion)?
Allows you to interactively move through the 2 image. Blends between them. you have to keep switching between them
What is checkerboard (fusion)?
confusing radiologically It is an alternate checkerboard to each image Usefully scientifically but not diagnostically If you do it for each pixel, eye can’t distinguish the individual squares
What is screen-door fusion?
Checkerboard image with each square equal to one pixel The eye blends the same as the pixels are too small to be distinguished individually It is the most common way to fuse Applied in PET/CT
What are the methods of 3D visualisation?
Slicing Multislice display Animation display Triplanar display Projections Surface rendering Volume rendering Reformation Vector fields
What is slicing (3D visualisation)?
Take a slice of pixels and view Can be done in 3 plane although it is possible to make other orientations through reconstruction CT always measured in axial Reconstructions are lower quality and blurrier - this is because it requires linear interpolation to find the centre value It is best to view it in the orientation measured
What is multislice display (3D visualisation)?
all the slices are viewed next to each other
What is animation display (3D visualisation)?
Animate the slice together in a sequence
What is triplanar display (3D visualisation)?
It allows each plane to be seen at once, with each representing the others.
What are projections (3D visualisation)?
Ideally want to visualise the whole 3D image. Each line of that runs perpendicular to the viewing plane will pass through many structures and they can’t all be represented at once Can use: maximum, minimum or mean
What is the mean intensity projection?
3D visualisation as a 2D image The average intensity through each pixel line is taken Not very useful
What is a MIP>
Maximum intensity projection Most common projection Takes the maximum value from each line for pixels 3D data viewed as 2D image It will pick up the brighter structures in the body Useful in angiography - can see the contrast agent within the blood vessels
What are the problems with projection images
Want them to be thin to avoid too much projected on top of each other.
Why are thinner slices better for MIP?
Avoid too many things projected on top of each other Allows you to see more detail by removing the extra information from the overlay
What is surface rendering?
Surface extraction to visualise a structure Need to define the structure and outline the surface you want to view (done via segmentation and converting to binary data)
How does surface rendering work?
Uses an algorithm that mimics what happens if you shone a light on the surface Tracks the rays hitting the surface
When is surface rendering useful?
Cardiac imaging using CT Virtual CT colonoscopy
How a virtual colonoscopy done?
Bowels are filled full of air Then do a 3D CT image You can then do surface rendering from the inside to create an endosurface
What is volume rendering?
Track what happens to light as it hits an object For every voxel along the ray you assign an opacity value and a colour The opacity value assigns transparencies to certain parts, allowing you too see the whole 3D structure
What are the pros and cons of volume rendering?
CT dose is the same Complex technique What you see depends on visualisation used Incorrect visualisation can lead to misdiagnosis Computationally expensive Requires high calculation power Time consuming High computer storage space better than mip as you can see what structures lay in front or behind the structure
What is reformation (3D visualisation)?
It distorts the data to allow you to see something better It changes the data
What are the different types of reformation?
Curved reformation Mercator mapping Registration to anatomical template
What is curved reformation?
Involves using a centre line and stretching it out to get a flat representation Can be done for arteries or whole spine Allows for easier measurement of change in diameter
What is Mercator mapping?
Virtual dissection and unrolling by mercator projection Tube is around the colon From the centre line everything is projected onto the tube Cut and open up the tube to see a 360 time in 1 flat image Decreases reading time and doesn’t detriment the detection rate
What goes registration to an anatomical template involve (reformation)?
It allows you to see if a structure has an abnormal shape It uses a library of normal structures Measure the patient use complex mathematics to determine how much deformation is required to fit to normal This is then colour mapped e.g. red - high deformation
What are vector fields (3D visualisation)?
Scalar components are used in diffusion imaging The colours change if there is a change in brightness in the vector field Brightness = magnitude Colour = direction Colours are allocated to a fibre direction - black = no orientation Commonly used in white matter Each pixel has 3 values - unit length lines show direction (instead of viewing directional arrows can view streamlines)
What are the 2 ways that non-convolution filters work>
Fixed Block Sliding Block