Medical Ethics Flashcards
What does Sanctity of Life mean?
Life is sacred
Give 3 quotes from Genesis about the soul
‘Breath of life’; ‘image of God’; ‘male and female he created them’
What did St. Paul say in 1 Corinthians about the body which can be used for Christian beliefs about the sanctity of life?
“Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit”
Give a teaching about the sanctity of life from Exodus
“You shall not murder” ~ Exodus 20:13
What quotes can be used on the sanctity of life from Psalm 139? (2)
“You knit me together in my mother’s womb”
“You saw me before I was born”
What does the Evangelium Vitae 2 say on the sanctity of life?
“… life on earth … remains a sacred reality”
What is a clone?
A genetically identical organism to another
How is human reproductive cloning generally treated?
It is almost totally banned
What is therapeutic cloning?
The reprogramming of single cells to create stem cells which could grow into any type of cell
What does therapeutic cloning use?
Embryos left over from IVF
What do many believe about therapeutic cloning?
It is unnatural and is ‘playing God’
Why may christians be in favour of therapeutic cloning? (3)
Golden Rule
Stewardship~ help to care for God’s creation
Why would RCs be against therapeutic cloning (sanctity of life)
They believe in life at conception
Why would RCs be against cloning to produce offspring?
It separates the two functions of sex
It separates procreation from the sexual act
What does Donum Vitae say on cloning?
“Medical research must refrain from operations on live embryos”
What is abortion?
The termination of a foetus in the womb before birth
What could you use from the book of Jeremiah to be a reason to be Pro-Life?
‘I chose you… before you were born’ Jeremiah 1:4-5
What could you use from genesis to oppose abortion?
‘Image of God’; ‘breath of life’ ~ sanctity of life
What St. Paul quote from 1 Corinthians could you use for Pro-Life?
“Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit”
What is the Visitation?
When Mary was pregnant she went to visit the mother of John the Baptist who was pregnant with John at the time. John jumps with joy when Mary appears because he is in the presence of the Messiah. This shows babies are capable of thinking and feeling and praising God even before birth and therefore deserve to live.
What did Jesus teach about the weakest in society?
They should be protected
What does the CofE say on abortion?
It is ‘a great moral evil’
What John quote could you use for Pro-Choice?
“I came so that you could have life and have it to the full”
When would any church accept abortion?
In the case of double effect
What do Methodists believe about abortion?
It is always evil but is sometimes the lesser evil
What do Quakers believe about abortion?
They’re pacifists and they believe abortion is violence so are against it. However, they do not force their opinions on anyone else