Human Relationships Flashcards
Describe the order of a marriage ceremony (up to vows)
1) Hymns - shows it is a religious ceremony and that God is present
2) Welcome - Priest talks about marriage being a sacrament; that God is witness, and that marriage is a gift and not a selfish act
3) Readings - ‘asunder’ quote, Priest talks about the permanence of marriage and how it is God’s intention
4) Sermon - permanence/ love and commitment/ Christ and the church
5) Vows - permanent/ in front of everyone/ love and fidelity
Describe the marriage ceremony after the vows
6) Rings - symbol of endless love/ reminder
7) Blessings- God has sanctified the marriage
8) Prayers- asking for the Holy Spirit’s help and guidance
9) Nuptial Mass - relationship between Christ and the Church
10) Nuptial Blessing - God is witness
11) Registration - it is a legal commitment so they can ask for help from places such as ‘Relate’
What the marital vows?
“I … take you … to be my lawfully wedded husband/ wife to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part”
What is the asunder quote?
‘What God has put together let no man put asunder’ ~ Mark 10
Why should divorce not be allowed According to the marital vows?
They say ‘till death do us part’
a) What, According to Mark, is remarrying the equivalent to?
b) Why is this bad?
a) Adultery
“Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her” ~ Mark 10:10-11
b) it breaks the commandment ‘Do not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14)
Why can’t the church teach that divorce is acceptable?
The church cannot teach that marriage is good while simultaneously recognising divorce, the opposite of marriage, as also good
What does St. Paul say on divorce?
“If she [the wife] depart, she must remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband”
Does the CofE accept divorce and remarriage?
What are the Orthodox churches’ views on divorce and remarriage?
They generally oppose divorce but will allow second and third marriages, but these will have a penitential nature
What is the RCC’s opinion on divorce?
It accepts divorce as a civil matter but the status in the church remains the same. They will not allow remarried people to take communion.
What John quote could you use in favour of divorce?
“I came so that you could have life and have it to the full” ~ John 10:10
What does the Catechism of the Catholic Church say on sexual relations?
“The sexual act must take place exclusively within marriage”
Why might a Christian be against promiscuity?
“Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians) so it should be respected
What is sex outside of marriage sometimes classed as?
Why is this bad?
It breaks the commandment “Do not commit adultery” (Exodus 20:14)
What kind of love do priests have for their congregation?
Agape/ selfless love
What is cohabitation?
What are the CofE and RCC’s views on it?
Being unmarried and living together
The CofE accepts it
The RCC is completely opposed to it
What does celibate mean?
Unmarried, especially because of a religious vow