Medical Assisting Flashcards
Ratio of ( ) pulse beats per ( ) respiration
4, 1
The 4 vital signs are:
Temperature, Pulse, Respiration, BP
Fever that fluctuates very high and low and never falls back to a normal temperature.
Fever that rises and falls slightly over a 24hr period.
Fever that comes and goes, alternating between normal and abnormal.
Normal, deep, shallow, gasping are all documentations of respiration ( )
The pattern between each breath is defined as respiration ( )
Respiration rate is defined as:
The number of respirations per minute
The exchange of ( ) and ( ) between the atmosphere, blood, and body cells is respiration.
Oxygen, carbon dioxide ( CO2 )
Agonal breathing is commonly referred to as…..
The amount of blood that is pumped through the aorta is defined as:
Stroke volume
The period in between pulse beats is defined as the:
Pulse rhythm
The strength of the heart when it contracts to pump blood into the arteries is….
Pulse amplitude / volume
2+ is a pulse that is:
1+ is a pulse that is:
Weak / thready
3+ is a pulse that is
Full / bounding
The difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure is…..
Pulse pressure
40 is the average respiration rate for:
25 is the average respiration rate for:
1-3 year olds
22 is the average respiration rate for:
4-6 year olds
19 is the average respiration rate for:
7-11 year olds
16 is the average respiration rate for:
Systole is:
The heart contracting
Diastole is:
The heart relaxing
The artery’s ability to contract and expand in order to maintain blood flow is defined as:
Vessel elasticity
The amount of blood in the arteries is defined as the blood ( )
The lumen is the:
Diameter of the vessel
60-96 is the average SYSTOLIC reading for:
78-112 is the average SYSTOLIC reading for:
1-6 year olds
85-114 is the average SYSTOLIC reading for:
7-11 year olds
94-119 is the average SYSTOLIC reading for:
Form used when ordering medical inventory
Form used to document injuries or unexpected occurrences at the facility
Incident report