Medical Flashcards
Chronic Subdural Hematoma 硬膜下血腫
Immobility 共濟失調(Balance / Gait disorders) – leading to repeated falls when injuries NOT detected.
Intellectual impairment 智商問題(impaired conscious level, confusion, other impairment in cognitive functions, …)
Incontinence 失禁( - not necessary a MUST; but occasional)
Other symptoms – vomiting, headache, etc.
Glasgow Coma Scale
Test for Level of Consciousness;head injury
Minor, GCS ≥ 13
Moderate, GCS 9 – 12
Severe, with GCS ≤ 8
Parkinson’s disease
degenerative, progressive disorder that affects nerve cells in deep parts of the brain called the basal ganglia and the substantia nigra
For reasons not yet understood, the dopamine-producing nerve cells of the substantia nigra begin to die off in some individuals.
Sx of Parkinson’s disease
僵直(rigidity): 齒輪狀僵直(cogwheel rigidity)、鉛管式僵直(lead-pipe rigidity)
表情減少(mask face)、步伐不穩(festinating gait)、手腳動作緩慢
顫抖(tremor): 靜止時顫抖(resting tremor)、搖擺式顫抖(pill-rolling tremor)
姿勢不平衡 (postural instability)
身體前屈 (Impaired postural reflex : stooped posture)
Neuro-cognitive Dysfunction
Common Valvular Disorders (Type)
Abnormal sound (Heart Murmur)
Stenosis 瓣 膜 狹 窄
Valves don’t open properly
Regurgitation 瓣 膜 反 流
Valves don’t close properly
Aortic Stenosis
主 動 脈 瓣 膜 狹 窄
Mitral Valve Stenosis
二 尖 瓣 膜 狹 窄
Mitral Valve Regurgitation
二 尖 瓣 膜 反 流
Common Valvular Disorders (Causes)
Rheumatic Heart Disease風 濕 性 心 臟 病
Degenerative Calcification鈣 化 老 化
Endocarditis感 染 性 心 內 膜 炎
Congenital Valve Disease先 天 性 心 臟 瓣 膜 異 常
Treatment of Valvular Disorder
Medication (if symptoms mild):
Surgical options:
Heart valve replacement (e.g:TAVR)
Replace cords, cut excessive tissue etc…
Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty 瓣 膜 氣 球 擴 張 術
+Anticoagulation薄血丸 therapy
1st 3-6 months post-operation
May life-long for mechanical valve
Coronary Artery Disease Type
blockage of blood supply to cardiac muscle
Acute Coronary Syndrome急 性 冠 狀 動 脈 綜 合 症
不 穩 定 性 心 絞 痛 Unstable Angina
非 ST 段 上 升 型 心 肌 梗 塞 non-ST elevated MI
ST 段 上 升 型 心 肌 梗 塞 ST elevated MI
Chronic Stable Angina 穩 定 性 心 絞 痛
Coronary Artery Disease Sx
Chest pain (angina); may radiate to neck, jaw and arm pain
Crushing pressure on chest
Shortness of breath (SOB)
Coronary Artery Disease Diagnostic Tests
ECG (at rest or when performing exercise “Stress Test”)
Blood test(s) for
Cardiac enzymes – bio-marker of cardiac injury/death of myocardial cells
Risk factors, e.g. blood lipids, blood sugar, etc.
(COROnary) Angiogram or Cardiac Catheterization
Coronary Artery Disease treatment
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) 通波仔
+/- Stent 支架
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft冠 狀 動 脈 繞 道
(>50% blockage of Left Coronary Artery (LCA) / Triple Vessel Disease /通波仔後有嚴重併發症)
Types of Congestive Heart Failure
HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), i.e. LVEF≤40% 收縮性心衰竭(Systolic heart failure):心臟無法確實收縮,導致泵血功能出現問題。
HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), i.e. LVEF>50% OR, diastolic failure 舒張性心衰竭(Diastolic heart failure):心臟無法完全放鬆,使得血液沒辦法完全注入心室。
Common Symptoms of Cardiac Conditions
Angina Dyspnea;Shortness of Breath Orthopnea Peripheral Edema Fatigue Palpitation Fluctuating Blood Pressure Syncope 突然且短暫的失去知覺