Medical Flashcards
Allergic Rxn/Anaphylaxis- Adult
Minimal/Localized- Benadryl 50mg. If wheezing: Albuterol/Duoneb.
Symptoms persist- Epi (1:1) 0.5mg IM; repeat as needed.
Anaphylaxis w/hypotension: Epi (1:10), 0.5mg IV. NS Bolus 500ml (repeat once, titrate to BP>90)
Acute Laryngeal Edema Refractory to Epi: Epi (1:10), 0.5mg nebulized. (Repeat as needed).
Allergic Rxn/Anaphylaxis-Pedi
Minimal/Localized- Benadryl 1mg/kg(up to 25mg). If wheezing- duoneb. Repeat as needed. Symptoms persist: Epi (1:1) 0.01mg/kg (up to 0.5mg) IM repeat as needed.
Anaphylaxis w/hypotension: Epi (1:10) 0.01mg/kg. (Up to 0.5mg) IV. NS bolus of 20ml/kg (up to 500). Repeat once.
Acute Laryngeal Edema Refractory to Epi: Epi (1:10) 0.5mg nebulized. Repeat as needed.
Allergic Rxn/Anaphylaxis-Pearls
Epi 1:1 may be given IM prior to other treatments if Resp distress is present.
Dystonic Rxn’s are not allergic Rxn’s, however ADULT Pt’s should be treated with Benadryl 50mg IM or IV/IO over two minutes.
May allow pt/parent to self medicate with Benadryl. Pedi- 1-4yrs may take 12.5mg; >4 may take 25mg
Versed up to 2.5mg IV,IO,IM,IN titrate to effect. May repeat as needed.
Anxiety- Pedi
Contact OLMCP.
Verbal coaching prior to medication.
Lower doses of benzodiazepines if alcohol intoxication present
Behavioral Emergency- Adult
Chemical Restraint if and when all other acceptable options to safely restrain a pt (who poses a threat to themselves or others) have been unsuccessful.
Versed 5-10mg (repeat once if needed).
Severe behavior: Ketamine 4mg/kg IM
Behavioral Emergency-Pedi
Versed- 0.1mg/kg (up to 5mg) slow IV or Versed 0.2mg/kg (up to 5mg) IN/IM
Behavioral Emergency-Pearls
Second attendant in back.
Life threatening conditions can present as agitation or delirium.
Suicidal are not allowed to refuse transport.
Behavioral Emergencies Reference Guidelines
Safety first. Involve law enforcement. Document restraints. Use soft restraints if possible. Patient should be able to take full tidal breaths.
Chemical Restraints-ETCO2, EKG, Vitals. Intranasal dosing is preferred route in regards to provider safety.
IF AT ANY POINT DURING THE TREATMENT/TRANSPORT OF THE AGGRESSIVE PT,IF THE PT BECOMES QUIET AND COMPLIANT THE EMS PROVIDER SHOULD CONSIDER THIS AN OMINOUS SIGN. This type of marked change is often an indicator of imminent cardiac arrest due to catecholamine excess effect on the myocardium. Further treatments (contact OLMCP) may be cooling of pt with ice packs and administration of sodium bicarb 50mEq IVP
Diabetic -Adult
Hypoglycemia (<70)- oral glucose up to 30 grams. D10% titrate to effect
Hyperglycemia (>400): NS 500mL
Hypo (<70): Oral Glucose to 15g or D10 titrate to effect
Hyper (>400): NS bolus 20ml/kg
Diabetic Pearls
Turn insulin pumps off.
D25%: Remove 25ml of D50 and add 25ml of NS.
Use caution with Glucose in Pt’s exhibiting S/S of stroke (worsen neurological conditions)
Diabetic Refusal
Pt takes insulin or metformin.
Reasonable explanation for hypoglycemia.
Glucose is above 100 after treatment.
No other medical complaints.
Pt is AOx4 with normal vitals.
Pt can tolerate food and drink.
Responsible adult is present to monitor pt and recontact EMS if needed.
Pt will not be put in a situation where others are at risk (driving car)
Manage Airway- CPAP/intubation
*if Pulseless refer to cardiac arrest protocol.
Bronchospasm- Duoneb and repeat as needed
Drowning Submersion-Pedi
Airway Mngmt- BVM/Intubation. Cardiac arrest protocol if Pulseless.
Bronchospasm/wheezing- Duoneb and repeat as needed
Process of experiencing respiratory impairment resulting from submersion in a liquid medium.
THREE OUTCOMES: no morbidity(no injury); morbidity(injury); mortality(death). Report as “fatal” or “non fatal” drownings.
Can have complications 24 hours after injury.
Heat Disorder
Heat Exhaustion (<105, fatigue, dizzy, headache, nausea, tachycardia, and dry membranes): Adult: 500mL NS bolus (repeat once in 5 minutes) Pedi: NS bolus @ 20ml/kg
Heat Stroke (>105, sweating stopped, altered mental status): aggressive cooling Adult/Pedi same as exhaustion Tx
Cold Disorder
Move to warm environment, remove wet clothing, begin external warming
Frostbite: remove clothing, do not rub area, do not allow refreezing, cover with lose dressing, pain mngmt