Mediastinum Flashcards
thick median region between two pleural sacs, extending from superior aperture of thorax to diaphragm and from the sternum to anterior aspect of bodies of 12 thoracic vertebrae
Superior Mediastinum contents
1) Thymus
2) Great vessels
2) Trachea
3) Esophagus
4) Left and right recurrent laryngeal nerves
6) Left and right vagus nerves
7) Left and right phrenic nerves
8) Thoracic duct and lymphatic trunk
Anterior Mediastinum contents
1) Thymus (when young)
2) Loose CT
3) Fat
4) Lymph nodes
5) Branches of internal thoracic vessels
Middle Mediastinum contents
1) Heart
2) Roots of great vessels
3) Pericardium
Posterior Mediastinum contents
1) Thoracic aorta
2) Esophagus
3) Accessory hemiazygous and hemiazygous veins
4) Azygous vein
5) Thoracic duct
Widening of Mediastinum
- trauma
- malignant lymphoma
- hypertrophy (enlargement of the heart)
Inferior Mediastinum
The anterior, middle, and posterior