media terms Flashcards
realism / real life / truth
mise en scene
anything in the frame
when a media product references another media product
2 images put together to create meaning
non-diegetic music
sound that doesnt exist within the world of the film (audience can hear it but characters can’t)
media conglomerate
large company composed of a number of smaller companies
grassroots campaign
where the campaign starts - uses people from a specific area as the base for the marketing
vertical integration
When companies buy out or take over other companies that do a different part of the production process as them.
horizontal integration
When companies buy out or take over other companies that do the same part of the production process as them.
above the fold
The part of a web page shown before scrolling. Any content you’d need to scroll down to see, would be considered ‘below the fold’. The ‘fold’ is where the browser window ends, but the content continues underneath. - comes from when physical newspapers were displayed on a newsstand the top half of the page (above the fold) was more visible
compassion fatigue
caused by adverts with repeated traumatic images / examples of suffering
when audiences feel too much guilt or pity (as a result of these traumatic images) and it makes them not want to watch / donate
mainstream film
Films that cater to a wide audience, characterised by a popular theme or genre, with the main aim of commercial success.
independent film
a privately financed film which is not controlled by a major film company, and is usually low budget
diverse ownership
Different people owning different parts of the production and distribution process of a product - encourages creativity
The task or area of activity officially assigned to an individual or organisation.
rolling page
when the front page (main story) changes throughout the day (approx. 3x a day) on the online version of the paper
intellectual montage
There isn’t one clear specific representation, but multiple - audiences may interpret the images differently