Media representations Glossary and Theorists Flashcards
representation, identity, feminist, gender performativity, ethnicity and postcolonialism
What are positive and negative stereotypes?
good/ bad sets of ideas society may have about a particular group/ place
‘typical’ or ‘generic’ view of what a person is like- this is applied to a whole group
What are countertypes?
Representation that seeks to subvert/ challenge negative stereotypes
What is misrepresentation?
Giving false representation with the intent to do so/ deceive
What is selective representation?
Focus on specific ideas producers wish to communicate (other aspects are ignored) to shape and position audience’s interpretation
What is a dominant ideology?
The most favoured/ hegemonic ideology (beliefs and values)
What is a constructed reality?
Reality is a construct made by producers/ us
What is hegemony?
Leadership in the media that defines norms, values and ideas of the public (dominance)
What is audience positioning?
The relationship between audience and text - how they recieve and respond to texts
Hall and representation theory
What is the difference between encoding and decoding?
-encoding: communicate ideas through a system of signs- producers make specific choices in order to do this
-decoding: process which audience interprets a message
Gauntlett and theories of identity
What is fluidity of identity?
More free/ wider range of representing identities
Gauntlett and theories of identity
What is a constructed identity?
The idea that we construct our own identity with the media we consume
Gauntlett and theories of identity
What is a negotiated identity?
The way in which people consider elements that influence identity
Gauntlett and theories of identity
What is a collective identity?
Someone is made to feel as if they belong to a particular group
Feminist theories- Laura Mulvey
What does the ‘male gaze’ mean?
Products are constructed using a male point of view and reflect male desires- women are objectified in representations in order to appeal to this
Feminist theories
What is meant by voyeurism?
associated with anonymity
The pleasure of looking at others whilst anonymous- looking to gain an illicit pleasure
voyeurism may be achieved by looking at sexual websites online- men could gain an illicit pleasure from looking at women
Feminist theories
What is meant by a patriarchy?
A male- dominated society
Feminist theories
What is meant by sexual or raunch culture?
This culture promotes overtly female sexual representations
Feminist theories
What is meant by post- feminism?
A collection of theories relating to gender- changed in society fro second wave feminism are recognised
second- wave feminism- its top priorities included gender roles, reproductive rights, financial independence, workplace equality, and domestic violence.
Feminist theories
What is meant by the female gaze?
Products are constructed using a female point of view and reflect female desires- men are objectified to appeal to this
Van zoonen and feminist theories
What is gender and power according to Van Zoonen?
The idea that there is a dominating powerful gender- this can be representated in different ways across the media
Van Zoonen and feminist theories
What is gender and discourse according to Van Zoonen?
A range of symbollic activities (style of dress, ways of moving/ talking style of make-up etc)
hooks and feminist theories
What is meant by intersectionality?
The acknowledgement that issues of power relating to gender, race and social class all intersect
Gender performativity- Butler
What does gender as performativity mean?
- Gender isn’t an inherent trait- it is based more on performance through societal norms
Gender performativity- Butler
What is subversion?
Something is against the dominant “typical”/ “norm”, and is always contingent to change
What is cultural imperialism?
The position and imposition of a politically powerful culture over a less powerful nation
What is multiculturalism
the view that cultures, races, and ethnicities, minority groups, deserve special acknowledgment of their differences within dominant societies
What are imagined communities?
Describing a nation as a socially constructed community
What is marginalisation?
The singling out of an individual/ certain group, often due to ethnicity, race, age, gender etc
What is orientalism?
A term that describes imitation of aspects from the Eastern World by the Western World (western may take credit for what came from Eastern origins)
What is otherness (alterity)?
Being recognised as being “different” in some way
Postcolonialism- Gilroy
What is diaspora?
Prejudiced ideology establishing clear binary opposites between those who are “civilised” and “uncivilised” (racial issue)
Postcolonialism- Gilroy
What is double consciousness?
Describes internal conflict experienced by black people who live in overwhelmingly white societies