Media industries Glossary and Theorists Flashcards
power and media industries, regulation, cultural industries
Power and industries- Curran and Seaton
What is regulation?
Rules or sets of standards that are expected to be adhered to by media producers
Power and industry- C+S
What is deregulation?
The relaxing of controls and limitations imposed upon the media by the state
Power and industry- C+S
What is free market?
A capitalist system where the prices for goods and services are determined by the open market and consumers and where state/legal regulation is kept to a minimum
Power and industry- C+S
What is media concentration?
Process wherein fewer individuals or organizations control shares of the mass media
Power and industry- C+S
What is Public Service Broadcasting (PSB)?
Television and radio programmes that are broadcast to inform, entertain or educate the public, without trying to make a profit. They are financed in some way via the state
e.g. the TV licence funds for the BBC
Power and industry- C+S
What is globalisation?
- The global spread of media and communications systems and businesses
- How local and national industries are linked to a wider world culture
Power and industry- C+S
What are conglomerates?
A large corporation that owns a large number of media companies, such as television, radio, internet, publishing
* Gives the conglomerate large amounts of power in their market
Power and Industry- C+S
What does neo-liberalism mean?
A political ideology favouring free market capitalism
Power and industry- C+S
What is surveillance?
Monitoring of events, stories and issues going on in the world
Power and industry- C+S
What is meant by privacy?
Protecting personal info shared across digital platforms
Power and industry- C+S
What is security?
Protecting a brand image or reputation from attacks that use cintent and influence through digital/ broadcast media?
Regulation- Livingstone and Lunt
What is meant by public sphere?
A place where society discusses the issues that affect everyone
Regulation- L+L
What is meant by governance?
System of rules and processes set up by an organisation to ensure compliance with local and international laws, accounting rules, ethical norms etc
Regulation L+L
What is media literacy?
- The ability to access, analyse and understand media
- Allows a better understanding of the complex messages received via the media
Regulation- L+L
What is meant by transnational culture?
An analysis of the cultural, linguistical and political effects of colonisation, migration and globalisation among cultures
Cultural industries- Hesmondhalgh
What are cultural industries?
Industries that produce and sell popular culture as commodities
Cultural industries- Hesmonhalgh
What is commodification?
The process by which something becomes an object that can be marketed and sold
Cultural industries- Hesmondhalgh
What is technological convergence?
The coming together of technologies and institutions to create a new product or media experience
Voice, data, audio, video
Cultural industries- Hesmondhalgh
What is media convergence?
Merging of traditional media with digital communication technologies (telecommunications, internet)
Cultural industries- Hesmondhalgh
What is diversification?
Large corporations spreading their interest and shares in a wide variety of mass media forms
Cultural industries- Hesmondhalgh
What is meant by innovation?
- Something new/ a change
- Introducing a new idea/ method/ device etc
Cultural industries- Hesmondhalgh
What is vertical integration?
When one company acquires another so that it has ownership of different paths of the production process
Usually operatewd by separate companies
Cultural industries- Hesmondhalgh
What is meant by horizontal integration?
Companies who acquire other companies operating in the same sector