Media representations Flashcards
Media representations of age, social class, ethnicity, gender, sexuality and disability
Media representations definition
the categories and images that are used to present groups and activities to media audiences which mat influence the wat we think about these activities and groups
Male gaze - first applied to media by Mulvey (2009 [1975])
the way men look at women as sexual objects
Media gaze definition
the way the media view society and represent it in a media context
Symbolic annihilation definition - used by Gerbner and Gross (1976) and Tuchman et al (1978)
refers to the lack of visibility, under-representation and limited roles of certain groups in media representations, as they are omitted, condemned or trivialised in many roles
Gauntlett (2008) emphasises that there is
a diversity of media, representations and audiences and therefore it can’t be assumed that media representations will be consistent or have the same effects on audiences
Glasgow Media Group (GMG) point out that media representations and stereotypes
are formed within the context of the dominant ideology, meaning that they generally reinforce the cultural hegemony of the dominant social class and justify existing inequalities
Representations of children - ‘7 deadly stereotypes’ found by Children’s Express based on national newspaper outlet for 1 week in 1998
- kids as victims
- cute kids
- little devils
- kids as brilliant
- kids as accessories
- kids these days! (emphasises nostalgia for the past)
- little angels
Folk devils definition
individuals or groups posing an imagined or exaggerated threat to society
Representations of youth (from around 15 to early 20s)
- MORI (2005) - 57% of stories about youth were negative, 12% positive, 40% focused on crime, vandalism and anti-social behaviour
- Women in journalism (2009) - teenage boys most frequently appeared in media in stories about crim - described as ‘thugs’,’feral’,’heartless’,’scum’ etc
- White et al (2012) - more than 40% of youths dissatisfied with the way media represented them
- these representations are driven by news values and encourage stereotypes
- Cohen (2002) - young people relatively powerless so are easy to blame for problems in society - become folk devils (esp young black people) in moral panics
- this could be changing in new media as young people are the main consumers
Representations of older people
- Cuddy and Fiske (2004) - 1.5% of US TV characters are elderly, mostly negatively in minor roles
- Biggs (1993) found UK TV presented older people negatively - forgetful, difficult etc
- older men are typically seen more positively - ‘silver fox’ ‘wise old men’ - compared to older women who are symbolically annihilated
- White et al (2012) - older viewers thought they were stereotyped and underrepresented (esp women), finding media to be ‘insulting’ and ‘out of step’ with the ageing population
- Szmigin and Carrigan (2000) - advertisers are wary of using older models because it could alienate younger audiences
- however growing numbers of older people and the increasing power of the ‘grey pound’ encourages more positive roles and advertising aimed to older people
General features of representations of social class
- the mainstream media is filtered through the eyes of the rich and power media owners and middle-class journalists and media professionals, resulting in more favourable portrayer of the upper classes and an overrepresentation of the upper classes
- Jones (2011) - media gives the impression “we’re all middle class now” by celebrating the upper classes
- class is represented as a lifestyle choice
- Lawler (2005) - ‘taste’ is a symbol of class identity with consumer goods forming their lifestyle
- McKendrick et al (2008) - poverty is seen as a marginal issue in the media
- Weltman (2008) - the media devalues working class people through negative stereotypes
Representations of the working class - Curran and Seaton
suggest that media aimed for the working class (tabloids etc) suggest that the WC has little interest in politics or public affairs, focusing on entertainment and celebrity culture
4 main representations of the working class
- as dumb and stupid buffoons
- as a source of trouble and conflict
- as living in idealised/romanticised working-class communities
- as white trash and scum - the ‘chav’ stereotype
Representation of the working class as dumb and stupid buffoons
Butch (2003) studied US TV and found that WC characters are seen as figures of fun - well-intentioned but flawed individuals who are immature, inarticulate and lacking in common sense
eg the Royle family, Only Fools and Horses
Butch suggests that this reinforces dominant class ideology and justifies patterns of inequality
Representation of working class as a source of trouble and conflict
presented as undesirable benefit scroungers, lone parents, unable to cope with delinquent children etc - GMG points out how this reinforces dominant ideology
Representation of working class as living in idealised or romanticised working-class communities
often presented as hard-working and respectable, living in close-knit communities like Eastenders and Call the Midwife, where life revolves around local pubs, shops and close and supportive networks - little basis in reality as many traditional WC communities are fading
Jones suggests that these romanticised perceptions are a result of the middle-class media creators ideas, and that this presentation is declining with the emergence of the stereotype of chavs
Representation of working class as white trash and scum: ‘chavs’ and the demonization of the working class
- hostile negative stereotype of the WC
- mostly emerged in the late 90s and early 00s
- Lawler (2005) - this presents WC as “worthless, disgusting, contemptible, frightening and threatening chavs, with bad clothes, bad food, bad behaviour and bad taste”
- Weltman (2008) - chav stereotype is used to devalue WC taste and culture
- Tyler (2008) - the term ‘chav’ has become a common form of MC abuse of the poor WC
- examples of representations of ‘chavs’ - Channel 4 Benefit Street documentary, Catherine Tate’s Lauren Cooper, Little Britain’s Vicky Pollard, Jeremy Kyle show
- Shildrick et al (2007) - media suggests that these features arise as a result of moral and character failings, rather than structural issues
Representations of the middle class
- over-represented
- generally presented positively- mature, sensible, well-educated and successful
- MC families seen as well-functioning units
- taste and consumption presented in drama, sitcoms, advertising, magazines and newspapers as the norms everyone should aspire to
- result of the media gaze of a middle-class dominated media establishment
- confirms and promotes the dominate ideology
- justifies existing class structure
Representations of the upper class
- most extensively represented through coverage of the monarchy
- generally presented as being ‘well-bred’, cultured, superior, posh, decent and respectable, but sometimes odd or eccentric
- often portrayed in a romanticised or nostalgic way (Downton Abbey)
- lavish lifestyles presented in stories about celebrities
- pluralists see this as a result of what audiences want but neomarxists see this as a celebration of hierarchy and wealthy, promoting the dominant ideology
General features of representations of ethnicity
- ethnic minorities are under-represented in senior management of media companies - GMG point out that representations are filtered through white MC journalists, as Hall (2003) said ‘the white eye through which they are seen’
- Cumberbatch et al (2014) - 1 in 7 roles was an ethnic minority (slightly overrepresented) nit were clustered in certain types of programmes and typically played minor roles
- often marginalised and only featured in programmes specifically about minority groups
- Malik (2002) - black caribbeans appear in light-hearted programmes (sports, comedy etc) rather than ones about politics or as experts
- Beattie et al (1999 - GMG) - black and asian characters are usually minor, supporting or temporary roles
- Beattie et al - in adverts white people appear more as professionals and black people tend to musicians, sports people and in exotic dress, with less speaking roles
- Clearcast 2010 - 5.3% of UK TV adverts showed people from ethnic minorities
- Gill (2007) - narrow range of representations of black women
- Hargraves (2002) - minority viewers concerned with negative portrayals based on ethnicities and complain about it not being realistic and underrepresented
Media stereotypes of ethnicity
- Hall (2003) - black and asian people are represented as cheating, cunning and potentially nasty, as the source of social problems and conflict
- Cottle (2000) - minority groups shown in degrading, negative and unsympathetic stereotypes and as scapegoats on which to blame social problem
Media stereotypes of ethnicity - as deviant and law-breakers
- Hargrave (2002) - black people more than twice as likely to be portrayed as criminals
- REACH (2007) - reported that black boys and young men are portrayed as a dangerous and threatening group, with their lives focusing on criminality, such as drugs, guns and gangs
- Hall et al (1978) - neo-marxist analysis of the ‘moral panic’ surrounding young black muggers in the 1970s and the resulting ‘folk devil’ label
Media stereotypes of ethnicity - as posing a threat
- can be presented as threat to british culture
- immigration in particular is seen as a threat - moral panics
- media reports of events like forced marriage, honour killings etc give a misleading impression of minorities
- these stories are very newsworthy
Media representations of ethnicity - as causing social problems, conflict and trouble
- include representations of misbehaving students, riots, immigrants etc
- asylum seekers may be presented as not fleeing a major threat but pretending to - economic migrants
- moral panics - eg 2003 the Sun front page ‘swan bake’ suggested that asylum seekers were killing and eating swans in London
Media stereotypes of ethnicity - as having limited talents and skills
- often seen in low-paid low-skilled work eg cleaners
- seen as people who do well in sport and music but rarely portrayed as academic or professional successes