Globalisation in media Flashcards
Globalisation and popular culture
“Global village” idea
McLuhan (1962) - the world can interact instantaneously thanks to the media collapsing time and space barriers to communication
Globalisation (key term)
The growing interconnectedness of societies across the world
Popular culture (key term)
The cultural products liked and enjoyed by the masses of ordinary people. Often associated with mass culture
“Dumbing-down” of media content
Curran et al- suggesting that mass culture has led to decreased quality of media, with more tabloidisation
High culture (key term)
The cultural products seen to be of lasting artistic/cultural value, usually linked to upper classes and intellectual elites
Low culture (key term)
A derogatory term suggesting mass culture is of inferior quality
… argues that elements of low culture have now become a part of mass culture so there is now no real distinction between popular and high culture
Strinati (postmodernist)
…. suggests that forms of high culture are used to produce mass culture eg TV series of classic novels
Giddings (2010) - postmodernist
…. see mass culture as simply mass-produced manafactured products imposed on the masses for financial profit, and as a form of social control, giving the illusion of choice
Frankfurt school (marxist)
… suggested that consumption of mass media (emphasis on relaxation and fun) undermines audience’s ability for critical thinking - form of social oppression promoting conformity and undermining potential for revolution
Marcuse (2002) - Marxist
…. points out wide variety and choice within popular culture which people actively select and critically respond to
Strinati - postmodernist
…. found that viewers and creators of soap operas view them as informative about key societal issues, generating public concern (eg homelessness storylines, DV)
Livingstone (1988)
… suggested that the evolution of new media technology like satellite TV has helped lead to the development of a global popular culture
Flew (2002)
Global culture (key term)
Refers to the way that cultures of different countries have become more alike
Cultural homogenization (key term)
The process whereby separate cultures are blended or lost, forming one uniform culture
… suggests that the (largely western) new media spreads a “culture-ideology of consumerism”, enforcing Western capitalist values globally
Sklair (2012)
… points out how companies and brands now operate on a global scale, with worldwide braning and promotion
Ritzer (2008)