Media Literacy Flashcards
The imparting of info or news
Taking your own thoughts and experiences and communicating it to another person for the person to decode the message
Interrupt communication from taking place, result of semantic differences
Types of communication
Intrapersonal:talking to yourself
Interpersonal: one on one
Small group
Large group
Organizational: leads to the functioning of an organization
Intercultural: crosses cultural boundaries
Mass communication
A process in which a person, group, or organization sends a message through a channel of communication to a large group of anonymous, diverse people and organizations
Arts and manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively
Collective term for those who create mass content
The channel through which content is delivered
Four main purposes of mass communication
- To entertain
- To educate
- To serve as a public forum
- To serve as a watchdog for businesses and institutions
Marshall McLuhan
Media theorist. Believed new communication technology influenced culture. Felt like messages sent through one medium differed from the same message sent through another. Theorized that we would have a global village of sending messages digitally.
Walter Lippmann
Wrote Public Opinion and theorized that the media creates the pictures in our heads
Three phases of media development
- Pre 4000 BC: spoken word
- Agricultural society created hieroglyphics, cave drawings, and written word
- Industrial Revolution made literacy more popular and people became more intelligent. Information revolution developed. Buying and selling info became popular and created economic growth
Media convergence
The process by which previously distinct technologies come to share tasks and resources. Physical, economic, and content based.
Agenda setting
The idea that media tells us what to think about
Journalists using specific information to get the angle they want. There is as much information given as there is left out.
Someone in the media who makes a decision on what information to give you. In old media they were the strongest influencers.
Opinion leaders
Someone in your life or whom you follow that is very important to you. Influences your beliefs and created a frame through which we look at the world
Analyzing media messages we look at:
- author
- format
- audience
- content
- purpose
Act of causing people to do or believe something
Use of spoken, written, pictorial, or musical representations to influence thought or action through debatable techniques
Widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing
Prosocial behavior
Knowing what is acceptable in society
Teaches us what is normal by showing us what is deviant
Social reality
Different from real reality
Social currency
Media provides us with something to share with another person
Direct effects model
The idea that everyone is effected by the media in the same way
Top of minded awareness about what they want us to think about
Uses and gratifications
- Users seek media to meet their needs
- Medium is message//each has a purpose
- Assumes active audience
Mean world syndrome
Media “cultivates a collective consciousness about elements of existence
We think the world is worse than it is because of the media and being desensitized
Social learning//bandura
Learn social norms from media
Spiral of silence
Elisabeth Noelle-Neuman
Silence minority opinion for fear of isolation
Illusion of consensus
Media coverage of assumed consensus perpetuated that illusion
Leads to a dominant opinion
Selective exposure
We only expose ourselves to opinions similar to ours
Selective attention
Only pay attention to info that reinforces our beliefs
Selective perception
Looking at the world through a lens that helps us
Media conglomerate
A company that owns numerous other companies involved in mass media enterprises
Exclusive possession of control of the supply of trade in a commodity or service
A state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers
Relating to legislation preventing or controlling trusts or other monopolies, with the intention of promoting competition in business
Process in which a government removes control and rules about how newspapers, tv channels, etc. are owned and controlled
Horizontal integration
Process in which a company increases production of goods and services at the same part of the supply chain. Could be done via interns, expansion, acquisition, or a merger.
Vertical integration
Combination in one company of two or more stages of production normally operated by separate companies
Public relations
Management of relationships between an organization and its public
Group in which an organization has a mutually beneficial relationship
The public relations society of America
A place for P.R. professionals to network and build the industry. Led to a capability of getting an APR.
Dug up dirt, investigative reporters
Edward Bernays
Father of modern public relations. Nephew of sigmund Freud.
Ivy lee
Considered the founder of public relations
RACE model
- Research
- Action and planning
- Communication
- Evolution
Four models:
Press agentry and publicity model: one way comm., benefits only sender
Public info model: one way communication, mutually beneficial
Two way asymmetric: both communicate, PR doesn’t listen to publics
Two way symmetric: mutually beneficial, good all around
Defines the way P.R. practitioners can use media to get their message out
Paid media: complete control
Earned media: not in control
Shared media: not in control
Owned media
Sponsored message usually intended to establish a brand or image or to sell a product or service
The paid category of PESO
Volley Palmer
Represented newspaper in going out and trying to get people to purchase ads
Wayland ares
Represented Corinne and helped them figure out where it was best to get their clients message out to the intended audience
News hole
40% actual content, 60% ads
Traditional advertising
Newspapers: specific audience, but they are aging. Coupons more imp.
Magazines: better circulation
Radio: reaches a specific audience, commuters
TV: zipping and zapping (channel to channel and fast forwarding. Streaming services. Most ad clutter.
Online: (cheap) ad blockers. Tons of ad clutter.
New advertising
Search engines: -sponsored link -click through fees Social media Virtual advertising in sports Redundancy techniques Buzz, viral, and stealth ads Product placement
Shareability/hype Psychological reaction:classically conditioned Social motivation: bandwagons Metrics: statistics Product recall: jingles and slogans Purchase Staying power