Media Lecture Week 7 Flashcards
What is power?
n. Ability to do or act
n. Political or national strength
n. The possession of control or command over others; authority
What is the media considered to be as it pertains to branch of government?
The media are considered like a fourth branch of government (after the executive, legislative, and judiciary) and thus serve as another of the checks and balances on power
What is an independent media?
free from government, economic, or other power interests, is argued to be a necessary component for a functioning democracy.
What is conglomeration ?
the process by which a single corporation acquires ownership of a variety of otherwise unrelated businesses
a current trend in media industries
While conglomeration diversifies a company
What is a merger?
the legal combination of two companies, usually in order to maximize efficiency and profits by eliminating redundant infrastructure and personnel
mergers join two like companies into one bigger company
What is a monopoly ?
a situation in which there is only one individual or organization, without competitors, providing a particular good or service
ex.the 2014 attempt to combine Time Warner and Comcast, the two largest cable companies. Many feared that their merger would create a monopoly
What is an antitrust regulation ?
laws designed to maintain competition in the marketplace by prohibiting monopolies, price fixing, or other forms of collusion among businesses
What is deregulation?
in recent years the (reduction or removal of government controls from an industry) has allowed companies to gain control of ever-larger chunks of the media market.
What are Zines?
turned to zines to get out independent sources of media. Before the internet, blogs, and social media, Zines served as a mechanism to share ideas, self-publish, and create community.
What is net neutrality ?
the principle that all internet traffic be treated equally, helps to preserve diversity of opinion in new media outlets. guided Internet usage from its inception, which meant that no Internet-based service or content would have special treatment.
What is media literacy ?
Media literacy adds the ability to apply these skills to images, sound, and multimedia formats.” as Traditional literacy is the ability to understand, analyze, and use print to communicate
What are the 5 developed core questions to facilitate media literacy as we consume media?
Who created this message?
What techniques are used to attract my attention?
How might people understand this message differently?
What lifestyles, values and points of view are represented in, or omitted from, this message?
Why was this message sent?
What is Bechdel test?
The Bechdel test is an informal way to evaluate bias against women in films and other media.
A work is said to pass the Bechdel test if it
has two (named) women, who
talk to each other about
something other than a man.