Media Kit Basics Flashcards
To Train Sales Representatives on Every Aspect of the Company That Can Help to Empower Them to Increase The Revenue of the Company and Achieve Their Goals.
How many print issues do we publish annually?
Four (4) regular national editions with local cover pages and one (1) “National Venue and Supplier Guide”.
What is the mean average annual budget of BizBash readers/users?
BizBash readers and users have mean average annual budgets of $757,000.
On the average how many events does a typical BizBash user/reader influence
49 events annually
What is the average years of experience of a BizBash user/reader?
12 Years of planning experience
How deep is the engagement of a BizBash reader?
1 in 3 don’t rely on any other industry publication. They only read BizBash.
Why does advertising in a BizBash print product get results?
57% of readers use Bizbash to view the ads as well as the editorial product. Three in four (3 in 4) take a buying or inquiry action as a result of reading the ads.