media effects models Flashcards
immediate effect - hypodermic syringe
this suggests we are like sponges and accept and absorb any info we hear
we are ‘injected’ with a daily message and the media acts like a drug
e.g. copy cat behaviour (Jamie Bulger)
and Albert Bandura’s BoBo doll experiment
two step flow
Katz and Lazarsfeld
there are two steps to the media
- opinion leaders
- these then speak to others and pass on / share their views
moral panics
stan cohen, jack fawbert
images are used to shock people and this takes time
short bursts of info that is continually repeated
medium effect
cultural effects model
constant bombardment
drip drip approach — eventually we become sensitised to it and it leads to acceptance
marxists and feminists
long term effects
uses and gratifications
pluralism— audience has the choice to pick
cathartic — stress relief through escapism
long term effect
decoding approach
abercrombie in 1995
depending on the acronym CAGE, we decode a message about experiences and it has many different interpretations