Media (C,E,S,M) Flashcards
Name the Camera ‘Shot Types’
- Wide shot
- Mid shot
- Close up
- Extreme close up
- Establishing Shot
- Over the shoulder shot
- Two shot/Three shot
- Point of view
What is an establishing shot?
A shot that helps to establish the context/setting of the scene e.g. house in a town in Scotland.
What is a Two/Three shot?
A camera angle that captures two or three subjects in the film.
Name the movement shot types
- Tracking shot
- Pan
- Handheld
- Follow shot
- Crane
- Dolly
- Zoom
- Reverse zoom
- Drone shot
What is a tracking shot?
A camera shot that moves through a scene, following a subject or providing a wider view of an event.
What is a Pan?
A camera shot where the camera pivots horizontally while the base remains in a fixed position.
What is a Handheld shot?
A shot where the camera operator holds the camera instead of mounting it on a tripod or other stabilising device.
What is a follow shot?
A shot that tracks the movement of a subject making it appear as if the camera is chasing the subject.
What is a crane shot?
A shot that uses a crane to move the camera in any direction.
What is a dolly shot?
A shot that uses a camera mounted on a wheeled cart called a dolly.
What is a reverse zoom shot?
A shot where the camera is moved on a dolly either towards or away from a subject while zooming in the opposite direction.
What is a drone shot?
A shot captured by a drone.
Name the different types of camera angles? (5)
- High Angle
- Low Angle
- Bird’s eye view
- Worm’s eye view
- Canted (Dutch) Angle
What is a worm’s eye view angle?
A camera angle that shows a scene from a low angle, looking up at the subject.
What is a canted (dutch) angle?
A camera angle that involves tilting the camera on its X-axis to create a diagonal horizontal line.