Media Flashcards
What’s Stuart Halls theory?
Encoding and decoding, audience’s life affects how they interpret messages encoded within the show
What’s Levi Strauss’ theory?
Theory of binary opposites, all media texts are constructed around them
What’s Propp’s theory?
Character function, each character in the narrative plays a set role to keep the narrative moving
What’s Barthes’ theory
Action and enigma codes. Action codes propel the narrative, enigma codes slow the pace and force the audience to think
What’s Katz’ theory
Audience uses and gratification, audience use media to gain something: entertainment, information, escapism, identification, social interaction
What’s a media text
A product that has been made by an institution
What’s a media institution
Company that produces the media text
What are the three different types of media text
Audio, audio visual, visual
What’s construction?
The process where images, words and sounds are carefully selected to create Media texts
What’s ubiquitous mean
Something that is everywhere
What’s hyper masculine framing
A hard, vertical shot with many lines
What are high production values
A shot that is very visually impressive, looks expensive
What’s a polysemic text
Text that can be interpreted in many different ways
What’s unity of text
A link in the text that has meaning and links everything together
What’s antithesis
One thing that is the direct opposite of something else
Eg the antithesis between Eliot and Alice’s upbringing
What’s patriarchal
A system of power in which men are favoured
What’s composition
The overall look of something
What’s star lighting
Lighting that makes someone look important
What’s hyperbole
Extreme exaggeration
What’s semiotics
The study of signs. A way of analysing any media text to uncover the ways it creates meaning for its target audience. Looks at signs, codes, denotations and connotations