Med Term 3 Flashcards
Large extended outwards
Abdomen. protuberant, distended
hard, board like
Abdomen. hard, rigid, distended, tympanic, taut
soft, flabby
Abdomen. relaxed, flaccid
swollen, rounded
Abdomen. distended, edematous
filled with gas
Abdomen. tympanic, flatulent
hangs down
Abdomen. pendulous
large amounts of drainage
Amounts. profuse, copious
medium amount of drainage
amounts. moderate
small amount of drainage
amounts. scant
back. kyphosis
small of back
back. lumbar region
back. lordosis
nose bleed
bleeding. epistaxis
blood in urine
bleeding. hematuria
spitting up of blood
bleeding. hemoptysis
positive blood in stool
bleeding. Guaiac positive
breath. halitosis
breath. fetid
with sweet fruit-like odor
breath. fruity, sweet
urinous odor
breath. odor of ammonia
breathing. respiration
difficult breathing
breathing. dyspnea
short periods when breathing has ceased
breathing. apnea
inability to breath while laying down
breathing. orthopnea
rapid breathing
breathing. tachypnea
increasing dyspnea with periods of apnea
Cheyne-stokes respirations
alert, fully conscious, oriented to date, time, and place
Consciousness. A&O x3
only partly conscious
Consciousness. semi-conscious
unconscious, but can be aroused
consciousness. stuporous
unconscious, cannot be aroused
consciousness. comatose
type of cough
cough. continous, persistent, productive, nonproductive, dry, hacking
occuring in spasms
cough. spasmodic
coughing up or expectoration of blood
cough. stridulous
dead tissue
decay. tissue necrosis, necrotic
frequent liquid defecation
defecation. diarrhea
color of stool
defecation. clay or dark brown, black, yellow, tarry, green, streaked with blood
constituents of stool
defecation. liquid, soft or hard formed, watery, semi-formed, constipated, undigested food, mucoid
containing pus
drainage. purulent
drainage. sanguineous
of lymphatic fluid
drainage. serous
contains mucous and pus
drainage. mucopurulent
tough, sticky
drainage. tenacious
bloody, lymphatic (serous)
drainage. serosanguineous
indented 2mm
edema. 1+ edema
indented 4mm
edema. 2+ edema
indented 6mm
edema. 3+ edema
indented 8mm
edema. 4+ edema
produced by conscious effort of patient
emesis. induced
ejected a few feet distance
emesis. projectile
if blood is noticeable
emesis. hematemesis
sharpness of vision
eyes. visual acuity
yellow in color
eyes. jaundiced
puffy swollen
eyes. edematous
drooping eyelids
eyes. ptosis of lids
unusually sensitive to light
eyes. photophobia
double vision
eyes. diplopia
cross eye, squinting
eyes. strabismus
abnormal protrusion of eyeball
eyes. exophthalmos
inflammation of conjunctiva
eyes. conjunctivitis
dilatation of the pupil
eyes. mydriasis, pupil dilated
contraction of the pupil
eyes. myosis, pupil constricted, pin point
eyes. myopia
eyes. hyperopia
faitness. syncope, syncopal episode
without fever
fever. afebrile
temp. above normal
fever. pyrexia
temp. greatly above normal
fever. hyperpyrexia
head. frontal region
region over temple
head. temporal region
back of head
head. occipital region
base of skull
head. basilar region
having a large head
head. macrocephaly, hydrocephalus
having a small head
head. microcephalus
top of head
head. parietal (right or left)
hives. urticaria
hives. pruritus
joints. flexion
to straighten
joints. extension
revolve around
joints. rotation
move away from median line
joints. abduction
move toward median line
joints. adduction
blue in color
lips. cyanotic
by mouth
meds. orally
by rectum
meds. rectally
breathing in
meds. inhalation
rubbing into skin
meds. topically
under the skin
meds. subcutaneous
within the skin
meds. intradermal
within the muscle
meds. intramuscular
within the spinal canal
meds. intraspinal, intrathecal
within the vein
meds. intravenous
within the bone
meds. intraosseous
pouring into body cavity
meds. instillation
if present when admitted
menstruation. menses present
menstruation. dysmenorrhea
total absence of
menstruation. amenorrhea
profuse or prolonged flow
menstruation. menorrhagia
cessation of
menstruation. menopause
very unpleasant
odor. offensive, foul
of the muscle of the face
paralysis. facial
of the legs
paralysis. paraplegia
of one side of the body
paralysis. hemiplegia
of a single limb
paralysis. monoplegia
of all 4 extremities and usually the trunk
paralysis. quadriplegia
large amount/profuse
perspiration. diaphoresis, diaphoretic
flat on back, arms straight at sides
positions. supine
on side, knees flexed
positions. lateral
on left side, left arm behind back, left leg slightly flexed, right leg greatly flexed
positions. Sims
head of bed semi-erect
positions. semi-fowlers
on back, buttocks near edge of table, knees well flexed and separated
positions. lithotomy
resting on knees and chest
positions. knee-chest
on back, pelvis and legs higher than head
positions. trendelenburg
on abdomen
positions. prone
prone with hips over break in table and feet below level of head
positions. jackknife
seated, leaning forward
positions. orthopneic
number of beats per min
pulse. rate
pulse. regular or irregular, coupling, galloping
beats missed at intervals
pulse. intermittent
> 100 beats per min
pulse. tachycardia
slow in rate
pulse. bradycardia
only scarcely perceptible
pulse. weak
pulse, absent
pulse strength
pulse. 1+ dimished
2+ normal 3+strong 4+ bounding
normal pulse
pulse. normal in rate and rhythm
normal skin
healthy, normal to race
blue in color skin
very white
extremely pallor
raw surface
yellow in color
containing colored areas
cold and moist