Med EVAC Flashcards
DODI 6000.1
NTTP 4-02.2
Patient Movement
Patient Regulating to and Within CONUS
Hospitalization of enlisted personnel in a transit status:
The MTF will notify the Commanding Officer of the member’s new duty station and Chief, Naval Personnel Command
What entity?
Provides integrated medical, clinical, and security services to organizations with international operations. Services include planning and preventative programs, incountry expertise, and emergency response
International SOS (ISOS)
Tricare overseas has how many programs?
The TRICARE Overseas Program consists of what three programs?
(a) TRICARE Pacific
(b) TRICARE Euasia-Africa
(c) TRICARE Latin America & Canada (TLAC)
Patients transferred to another MTF who are not expected to return to duty are…
regulated to an MTF which is nearest the patient’s place of residence for humanitarian reasons.
Patients transferred to another MTF and who are expected to return to duty are….
regulated to the closest MTF having the capability to provide the care.
Can you transfer an emergency patient without prior coordination with GPMRC/TPMRC?
Must first determine with the receiving MTF before transferring your emergency patient?
receiving MTF has capability to provide the required medical care and obtain acceptance
Medical Boards will be composed of
- two Medical Officers
- with a third assigned at the discretion of the convening authority
If a Class 1 or 2 aviation officer appears before a board to return to full duty….
a Flight Surgeon must serve as a member.
Composition of a Medical Board:
If a patient is a reservist,
ensure at least one board member is a reservist