Mechanisms of oncogenesis Flashcards
What is cancer?
Cancer is the name for a group of diseases characterised by:
1. Abnormal cell proliferation
2. Tumour formation
3. Invasion of neighbouring normal tissue
4. Metastasis to form new tumours at distant sites
→ Cancer is a disease of increasing lifespan
How is cancer classified?
According to their origin
What is a carcinoma?
Cancer that occurs in epithelial cells (approx. 85% of cancer)
What is a sarcoma?
Cancers derived from mesoderm cells bone and muscle
What is a adenocarcinoma?
Cancers found in glandular tissue
How does evidence Suggest that Cancer is a Disease of the Genome at the Cellular Level?
→ Carcinogens cause alterations to the DNA - Mutations
→ DNA from tumours has been shown to contain many alterations from point mutations to deletions
→ The accumulation of mutations over time represents the multi-step process that underlies carcinogenesis
→ This accumulation occurs only after the cells defence mechanism of DNA repair have been evaded
→ In cases if severe damage cell apoptosis is induced
→ Many mechanisms exist for blocking carcinogenesis but over burdening the system increases the possibility
that cells will escape surveillance
→ The longer we live the more time there is for DNA to accumulate mutations that may lead to cancer
→ Cancer is more prevalent as lifespan has increased
How do tumour cells arise/evolve/what is needed for this to go on and cause effects etc?
→ Somatic mutations constitute almost all mutations in tumour cells
→ All cells in a primary tumour arise from a single cell, initiation of the development of cancer is clonal
→ Only one of the 1014 cells in body need to be transformed to create a tumour
→ Continued accumulation of mutations
→ Tumour cells can ‘evolve’- sub clonal selection allowing a growth advantage and explain and heterogeneity of cells in a tumour
→ Dependent on interaction with other tumour cells and the tumour microenvironment
What happens in the conversion of a normal cell to a tumour cell?
Proliferation and Control:
→ Control of cell division within a tissue is particularly important in rapidly self renewing tissues when proliferation must balance cell loss
Signals that drive proliferation include:
→ Messages
→ Growth factors: EGF, PDGF
→ Cytokines: growth hormone, interleukins,
→ Hormones: osetrogen
You also have things to counteract/balance that, for example:
→ Apoptosis-programmed cell death as a result of
irreparable damage
→ The pathway a normal cell takes:
Normal cell –> Proliferation, division and growth -> Differentiation -> Perform function –> Apoptosis
→ This process is in balance and under tight control
→ Mutations in DNA that alter the function of
normal genes involved in growth apoptosis and differentiation can affect his balance
→ With some division of cells, Total cell number
increases which can lead to carcinogenesis/a detectable tumour if division is not regulated/high numbers of divisions.
What genes regulate the proliferation/division of cells etc? What are they both?
Oncogenes and Tumour Suppressor Genes regulate:
→ Normal genes regulate growth
→ Normal genes that can be activated to be oncogenic are called proto-oncogenes
→ An oncogene is a proto-oncogene that has been mutated in a way that leads to signals that cause uncontrolled growth- i.e., cancer.
→ This is like pushing down on the gas pedal
→ Tumour suppressor genes inhibit both growth and tumour formation
→ They act as braking signals during phase G1 of the cell cycle, to stop or slow the cell cycle before S phase.
→ If tumour-suppressor genes are mutated, the normal brake mechanism will be disabled, resulting in uncontrolled growth, i.e. cancer
What are some assumptions to multistage carcinogenesis?
→ Malignant transformation of a single cell is sufficient to give rise to a tumour
→ Any cell in a tissue is as likely to be transformed as any other of the same type
→ Once a malignant cell is generated the mean time to tumour detection is generally constant
List the 5 models of carcinogenesis and their main focus
The models overlap but these are:
model 1 - ‘mutational’- chemical carcinogens
model 2 - ‘genome instability’- familiarity and genome instability
model 3 - ‘non-genotoxic’- clonal expansion/ epigenetics
model 4 - ‘Darwinian’- clonal expansion/cell selection
model 5 - ‘tissue organisation’-microenvironment/morphostats
Describe model 1- chemical carcinogens
→ Cancer is s multi step process that includes initiation, promotion and progression.
→ Chemical carcinogens can alter any of these process to induce their carcinogenic effects
→ The presence of multiple mutations in critical genes is a distinctive feature of cancer cells and supports that cancer arises through the accumulation of irreversible DNA damage.
→ In the majority of instances chemical carcinogens can induce this DNA damage and act in a genotoxic manner.
→ Experiments were done to find which specific carcinogenic agents are implicated in the causation of which specific cancers eg benzene-acute leukaemia
Name some classes of carcinogens and examples
Chemical - 10 groups:
→ polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic amines,
azo dyes, nitrosamines, carbamates, halogenated compounds, alkylating agents
→ Four of the major groups polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, aromatic amines, nitrosamines and alkylating agents
→ These exert their effects by adding functional groups to DNA bases called DNA adducts
→ One example is coal tar, which contains benzo[a]pyrene, a polycyclic hydrocarbon
Benzo[a]pyrene is commonly found in cigarette smoke (together with 81 other carcinogens)!
→ Radiation
→ Asbestos
→ Predisposition
→ Hepatitis B
→ Epstein Barr
What is the aim of the aims test?
A test to determine the mutagenic activity of chemicals by observing whether they cause mutations in sample bacteria.
(looking at colonies on an agar plate)
How do physical carcinogens work?
Unlike chemical carcinogens physical carcinogens act by imparting energy into the biological material
Energy —> Changes in bonding of molecules —> Biological effects
Radiation is the primary physical agent
Several types of radiation can act as carcinogens
for example:
→ Ionizing radiation (X-rays, nuclear radiation)
→ U.V. radiation
Damage leads to DNA breaking Pyrimidine dimers
and failure of repair leads to Translocations and Mutations