Mechanisms of Disease II: Cell Damage and cell death Flashcards
What is the function of necrosis?
- Removes damaged cells from an organism
- Failure to do so may lead to chronic inflammation
- Necrosis causes acute inflammation (to prevent further bigger inflammation) to clear cell debris via phagocytosis
What are the causes of necrosis?
- Usually lack of blood supply
e.g. injury, infection, cancer, infarction, inflammation - As the distance away from the blood vessel increases, the pH drops and partial pressure of oxygen drops significantly
What are the steps of necrosis?
- Result of an injurious agent or event.(Whole groups of cells are affected.)
- Initial events are reversible, later ones are not.
- Lack of oxygen prevents ATP production.
- Cells swell due to influx of water (ATP is required for ion pumps to work).(due to osmosis here)
- Lysosomes rupture; enzymes degrade other organelles and nuclear material haphazardly
- Cellular debris released, triggering inflammation
What are some nuclear changes that occur in a cell during necrosis? (from a microscope view)
Nuclear Changes:
- Chromatin condensation/shrinkage.
- Fragmentation of nucleus.
- Dissolution of the chromatin by DNAse.
What are some cytoplasmic changes that occur in necrosis of a cell? (microscopic view)
- Opacification: (cytoplasm becomes more white instead of a see-through watery colour) protein denaturation & aggregation.
- Complete digestion of cells by enzymes causing cell to liquify (liquefactive necrosis).
What are some biochemical changes that occur in necrosis of a cell?
- Release of enzymes such as creatine kinase or lactate dehydrogenase
- Release of other proteins such as myoglobin. These biochemical changes are useful in the clinic to measure the extent of tissue damage
What is apoptosis and what is it involved in?
Selective process for the deletion of superfluous, infected or transformed cells
Involved in:
- Embryogenesis
- Metamorphosis
- Normal tissue turnover
- Endocrine-dependent tissue atrophy
- A variety of pathological conditions
What happens in apoptosis?
- Programmed cell death of one or a few cells.
- Events are irreversible and energy (ATP) dependent.
- Cells shrink as the cytoskeleton is disassembled.
- Orderly packaging of organelles and nuclear fragments into membrane bound vesicles.
- New molecules are expressed on vesicle membranes that stimulate phagocytosis without an inflammatory response (so a v clean way of disposing cellular content)
What is a distinct feature in regards to number of cells involved in necrosis and apoptosis?
Necrosis - multiple cells at once
Apoptosis - very selective, usually one or so cells at a time
What is a distinct feature in regards to reversibility in necrosis and apoptosis?
Necrosis - not every part/stage is irreversible Apoptosis - ALL events are irreversible and steps require ATP
What cytoplasmic changes can be seen when cell apoptosis happens?
Cytoplasmic Changes:
- Shrinkage of cell. Organelles packaged into membrane vesicles.
- Cell fragmentation. Membrane bound vesicles bud off.
- Phagocytosis of cell fragments by macrophage and adjacent cell.
- No leakage of cytosolic components.
What nuclear changes can be seen when cell apoptosis happens?
Nuclear Changes:
- Nuclear chromatin condenses on nuclear membrane.
- DNA cleavage.
What biochemical changes can be seen when cell apoptosis happens?
Biochemical changes:
- Expression of charged sugar molecules on outer surface of cell membranes (recognised by macrophages to enhance phagocytosis)
- Protein cleavage by proteases, caspases
What are some examples of things that cause apoptosis?
- Cell death in embryonic hand to form individual fingers.
- Apoptosis induced by growth factor deprivation (neuronal death from lack of NGF).
- DNA damage-mediated apoptosis. If DNA is damaged due to radiation or chemo therapeutic agents, p53 (tumour suppressor gene product) accumulates. This arrests the cell cycle enabling the cell to repair the damage. If repair process fails, p53 triggers apoptosis.
- Cell death in tumours causing regression.
- Cell death in viral diseases (ie viral hepatitis).
- Cell death induced by cytotoxic T cells (ie. Cellular immune rejection or vs. host disease).
- Death of neutrophils during an acute inflammatory response.
- Death of immune cells( both T and B lymphocytes) after depletion of cytokines as well of death of autoreactive T cells in the developing thymus.
What are caspases?
→ A family of proteases whose activation is central to all types of apoptosis
→ Caspases are the point of convergence for causes of apoptosis:
both intrinsic and extrinsic → caspases → apoptosis
→ Caspases are cysteine proteases (cysteine aspartate-specific proteases)
→ Caspases form an activation cascade, where one cleaves and activates the next (analogous to kinase cascades)
→ Types of caspases include: initiator and effector
What are the 2 types of apoptosis?
→ DNA damage – p53-dependent pathway
→ Interruption of the cell cycle
→ Inhibition of protein synthesis
→ Viral Infection- ie once virus is in the cell
→ Change in redox state
Extrinsic: (relative to the cell not the body)
→ Withdrawal of survival factors e.g. mitogens
→ Extracellular signals (e.g. TNF)
→ T cell or NK (Natural Killer) (e.g. Granzyme).
What does caspase activation lead to?
Caspase activation leads to characteristic morphological changes, such as:
→ Shrinkage
→ Chromatin condensation
→ DNA fragmentation and plasma membrane blebbing.
Initiator caspases activate themselves when in close proximity
Activation, therefore, means bringing initiator caspases together
How do we activate the initiator caspases?
Initiator caspases activate themselves when in close proximity by cleaving themselves
Activation, therefore, means bringing initiator caspases together
What is extrinsic apoptosis induced by?
Induced by ligand binding to receptors, causing receptor dimerisation or multimerisation - which ultimately leads to activation of the caspases
Ligand-induced multimerization: Domains shared between proteins allow them to bind together
How does ligand-induced multimerization work (use an example)?
You have 4 parts to the process:
a. the ligand itself
e.g. TNF
b. the receptor with two domains - ligand binding and death
e.g. TNFR
c. death adaptor (intermediate protein group) with two domains - death and death effector
e.g. FADD
d. procaspase-8 with two domains - death effector and protease
Procaspase-8 autoproteolysis to become caspase-8 and be released into cytoplasm from membrane to initiate the caspase cascade
These shared domains allow for binding because similar domains dimerise or multimerise. Formation of DISC.
What is intrinsic apoptosis induced by? Are there any exceptions?
Induced by cytochrome c released from mitochondria
Note: growth factor withdrawal (extrinsic apoptosis) an exception that uses cytochrome C
Cytochrome C: Mitochondrial matrix protein Known for many years to be released in response to oxidative stress by a “permeability transition” Any inducers of the permeability transition also eventually induce apoptosis.
What is cytochrome C?
→ Mitochondrial matrix protein
→ Known for many years to be released in response to oxidative stress by a “permeability transition”
→ Any inducers of the permeability transition also eventually induce apoptosis
How is the release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria regulated?
Can be pro- or anti-APOPTOTIC
→ Anti-apoptotic: Repress cytochrome c release, leading cells to survive- cytochrome c therefore remains in the mitochondria
→ Pro-Apoptotic: Facilitate cytochrome c release
a. Some are not membrane proteins, therefore cytoplasmic
b. All have a BH3 domain used to form dimers
BCL-2 family proteins examples
→ Anti-apoptotic:
→ Pro-Apoptotic:
Bax, Bad, Bid
IF BCL-2 FAMILY PROTEINS REGULATE CYTOCHROME C RELEASE FROM mitochondria, WHAT regulates BCL-2 PROTEINS? (not the only mechanism but the main one)
Gene expression (transcription) and post-transcriptional modifications (e.g. phosphorylation)
Example 1 - TP53:
- DNA damage leads to transcription driven by TP53
- The membrane of the cell begins to express more BAX (a pro-apoptotic protein) that creates a new pore for cytochrome c to enter the cell without the BCL-2 block leading to cell death
Example 2 - phosphorylation:
- Loads of growth factor act as survival signals
- AKT/PKB released and phosphorylate BAD
- BAD usually displaces BLC-2 to allow in cytochrome C and lead to cell death
- Therefore phosphorylated BAD can’t displace BCL-2 so there is no cell death
What is TP53?
TP53 is a transcriptional factor activated by DNA damage