How does specific neuronal activity arise in the adult organism?
There are two hypotheses: The Weiss Resonance Theory and the Sperry Chemoaffinity Hypothesis.
What is the Weiss Resonance Theory?
Random and diffuse neuronal outgrowth occurs to all targets followed by elimination of non functional connections.
What is the Sperry Chemoaffinity Hypothesis?
Directed specific outgrowth occurs through axons following individual identification tags carried by the cells and fibres in the embryo.
How did we find out if the Weiss Resonance Theory or the Sperry Chemoaffinity Hypothesis was correct?
By testing the visual system of amphibia.
The optic nerve was cut and the temporal retina was removed.
If Weiss was correct there would be random and large outgrowth followed by elimination to the end product of regrowth to the tectum. If Weiss was correct, the optic nerve would grow back to the end product straight away.
Weiss was correct.
Axon pathways in embryos are highly stereotyped. What has also been shown in chick embryos?
That motor axons are guided specifically to their targets.
By cutting and replacing or reversing segments of the neural tube you still get correct motor axon outgrowth to their normal muscle targets. This suggests that axons are actively navigated.
From experiments of those such as reversal of the neural tube in the chick embryo, it can be concluded that there are factors in the environment axons use to find their correct targets. What are these called?
Guidance cues.
Why are insects good examples of model organisms?
Simple nervous systems
Embryos easy to observe and manipulate
Individual cells can be ablated (in larger insects)
How have guidance cues been mapped?
In the grasshopper, a detailed analysis resulted in the indentification of almost every neuron in the embryonic nerve cord allowing a map of axon projections to be made. There were highly stereotypes embryo to embryo, segment to segment.
Where are guidance cues found?
Reproducibility suggests that growth cones are responding to cues in the environment. Cues can be found on axons. Pathways seems to change when specific axons are encountered. If certain cells are ablated, most axons continue normally whilst others stall. Therefore, it must be that this axon growth cone is looking for specific cues from the ablated axon. This is the labelled pathway hypothesis.
What is the labelled pathway hypothesis?
Axons can selectively fasciculate with other axons.
Axon surfaces carry cues.
Different axon growth cones express different sets of receptors fo r such cues.
Early axons from an axon scaffold on which later axons can extend.
Establishes axon surfaces as one potential source of guidance cues.
Give an example of an axon scaffold in vertebrates.
Subplate neurons in the mammalian cortex.
Project from the cortex to thalamus prior to innervation of cortex by LGN.
Ablation of the subplate leads to failure of LGN.
How do the first axons find their way in an apparently featureless environment?
Pioneers follow a stereotyped pathway also. Growth cones of pioneers react at specific points of their route.
Give an example of a pioneer growth cone reacting to something in its route.
In the grasshopper limb bud, pioneer Ti1 makes a specific turn at the limb boundary and again as it approaches a specific cell, Cx1. Cells like this in the pathway are called guidepost cells.
What do the presence of guidepost cells imply?
That there are molecular difference in environment.
Patterning in the DV axis will predict where fibre tracts will form.
Axon guidance cues are located, not just on other axons but in many cell types too.
What are the four forces of axon guidance?
Contact Attraction
Contact Repulsion
How are neurons different at each end?
Neurons come in many shapes and sizes but all exhibit polarity.
Axons have highly polarised microtubules (+ end towards growth cone) whilst dendrites have microtubules in mixed orientations.
The different microtubule organisation is due to localisation of different types of microtubule associated proteins which determine how the microtubules are cross linked.
Axons express Tau
Dendrites express MAP2
How is polarity determined?
By neurite selection. This seems to be a random choice as GFP shows ends being 'tried out'. Neurites contain dynamic microtubules (tyrosinated). Stabilited microtubules (acetylated) are present only in the newly polarised axons. Artificial stabilisation of microtubules by localised taxol application to one neurite selects for axon formation. By contrast, removal of a newly selected axon leads to another neurite being selected. This suggests there is competition between axons to stabilise microtubules and a feedback loop to prevent other neurites being selected.
In vivo, polarity is establishes as neurons are born. Radial glial cells are already polarised and polarity is preserved as cells undergo division. What does this imply about neurite selection?
Neurite selection is likely to be biased by the cellular environment.
Describe the anatomy of a growth cone.
A growth cone is made up of central, transitional and peripheral domains. The central region is formed of microtubules. The transitional and peripheral regions are made up of F actin.
In the peripheral regions, lamella and filopodia make up different kinds of F actin. In filopodia, the actin bundles are polarised to form larger bundles. In lamella, the actin bundles are cross linked into a net.
What happens in a resting growth cone?
F actin treadmills in a resting growth cone ie moves from hte periphery to the centre where it breaks down and joins the tip. In the resting growth cone, tubulin is dragged sporadically into the filopodia.
What happens in the presence of an attractive cue?
Tubulin is dragged into the filopodia more drammatically and the growth cone reorganises.
F actin treadmilling slows and stabilises the filopodium, dragging microtubules to the back of the filopodium via an actin tubulin link. The cue acts as a molecular clutch driving the growth cone towards the cue.
Growth cones can be repelled as well as attracted. How was this discovered?
When mixtures of neurons were in culture, they were found to fasciculate with their own kind are being repelled by different axon types. This is called growth cone collapse.
How does growth cone collapse occur?
A repellant cue causes growth cone collapse by destabilising F actin. (the opposite to an attractive cue)
Name a family of inhibitory guidance cues.
How were semaphorins discovered?
Biochemical purification of the factor from the retina responsible for causing collapse of sensory axons led to identification of this family of inhibitory guidance cues.
Was is the primary effect of a growth cone of semaphorins?
Causes primarily F actin collapse
What flavours do semaphorins come in?
Many flavours but in most cases, membrane bound and secreted.
Axons cannot growth where they cannot attach. What is the link between strength of adhesion and amount of axon growth?
There is no simple link between adhesion and axon growth. Growth cones also need substrates permissive for growth, attachment is not enough.
This can be shown in the case of outgrowth of extra-cellular matric components: whilst collagen is more adhesive than laminin, there is more outgrowth from laminin.
How can you measure adhesion?
The speed of centrifuge that causes detachment.
What must occur for a growth cone to be repelled?
It still must attach to a repellant axon.
Permissive factors can define substrate paths in the embryo. Laminin promotes growth in the optic nerve but it does not dicatate the direction of growth, only that it can grow there. What can be say about laminin?
Laminin is permissive but not instructive.
What happens upon laminin receptor blockage?
Slows growth of the growth cone but does not change direction.
If we place growth cones in vitro in an environment of gradients of laminin, what is shown?
In concentrations of low and high laminin, the growth cone does not grow. Only in medium concentrations of laminin does the growth cone grow. Therefore gradients of laminin do not affect axon growth, laminin is permissive for growth in specific concentration ranges.
What is a permissive substrate also called?
A contact attractant.
What is a non permissive susbstrate also called?
A contact repellant.
Give an example of a non permissive factor.
What can non permissive factors do?
They can channels axon growth and stop axons straying into the wrong territories (eg when mice lack Sema3A).
Although non permissive factors can channel axons, the axons still depend on permissive factors so grow. What can be said about this?
Axon growth is a balance between permissive and non permissive factors.
Name another family of non permissive contact repulsion factors.
Ephrins (and their molecules receptors, Ephs)
What does Ephrins and Ephs do?
Cause repulsion between cells. This helps in the early embryo to compartmentalise discrete domains. Later they are used to keep axons out of specific areas (like semaphorins).
What governs whether an axon can grow or not?
By contact with short range cues, contact attractants and contact repellants.
What governs axonal direction?
Long range cues called chemoattractants and chemorepellants.
What secretes chemoattractants and chemorepellants?
It is suggested that key patterning organisers such as the floor plate and roof plate.
What in the roof plate repels commisural axons?
What in the floor plate attracts commissural axons?
How can it be shown that the floor plate expresses a chemoattractant?
An ectopically planted floor plate causes cells closest to turn towards it.
What does purified BMP cause?
Commissural growth cone collapse.
Long and short range cues work together to guide axons to their targets. Give an example of this.
Semaphorin 1 (a cell surface molecule) is a contact repellant in the grasshopper limb bud that affects the growth of Ti1 pioneer. Semaphorin 2 gradients (a chemorepellant that is secreted) guiding Ti1 in the correct direction of the body. This shows long (chemo) and short (contact) range guidance cues work together.
Axons in order to meet their target go through stages and encounter intermediate targets that result in navigational choices. What are these called?
Choice points.
Early patterning factors can be re-used for what purpose?
To guide axons.
Complex pathways are built up in stages that are separated by what?
Intermediate targets or Choice points.
C axons are guided by ‘push’ and ‘pull’ chemotropic factors in the roof and floor plates. What are these chemotropic factors?
BMP7 in the roof plate
Netrin in the floor plate
If Netrin is knocked out what occurs?
Although there is major disruption, some C axons still arrive and cross the floor plate.
In a Netrin KO, some C axons still arrive and cross the floorplate. How is this?
Sonic hedgehog is still being expressed in the floor plate when the C axons are extending and so Shh also guides C axons.
How can you stop the action of Shh attracting C axons?
Use of cyclopamine.
Cyclopamine binds to Smoothened in the Hedgehog pathway.
How can you KO a gene in a specific tissue and not out of the genome entirely?
Bacteriophage P1 encodes Cre recombinase that enables it to insert its DNA insto a host genome.
Cre binds to a specific 34 base pair sequence (loxP) which it can cut and rejoin to another loxP site.
We can use this to specifically delete DNA between these two sites.
If you cross a mouse with a floxed allele and a mouse with a Cre recombinase under a tissue specific promoter, you will get some offspring will normal expression except in the tissue selected.
Gradients of morphogens are reused to shape axons paths. What does this mean?
Early patterning information is used to guide pioneer axons.
What happens when axons encounter intermediate targets?
They are reprogrammed.
Given an example of reprogramming of axons.
Netrin attracts C axons to the floor plate. After the C axons cross the midline, their responsiveness to Netrin diminishes.
Give an experimental example of reprogramming of axons.
In the hind brain of a rodent. An ectopic floor plate is placed next to the midline and axons are placed either side and labelled. Axons exposed to the ectopic floor plate respond by turning before reaching the midline. Axons exposed to the ectopic floor plate only after crossing the midline do not respond to the ectopic floor plate.
C axons also become sensitive to repellants after crossing the floorplate. What are these inhibitory molecules?
Semaphorins and slits are expressed in the floorplate and in the ventral spinal cord creating a channel through which C axons can grow.
How was growth cone reprogramming found?
From experiments in Drosophila.
Genetic screens identified mutants in which the processes of crossing, not cross and turnings had gone wrong. In mutant Robo, Slit cannot be detected and so axons cross and keep crossing the midline like a roundabout.
In Commissureless mutant, axons cannot cross the midline and remain only longitudinal.
What is Robo?
A gene that encodes a receptor for the inhibitory protein Slit. Robo protein is expressed at high levels on axons that do not cross the midline.
C axons initially express low levels of Robo (so that they can cross teh midline) and high levels after they have crossed the midline (so that they do not cross back).
What is Comm?
Comm is expressed only in those that normally cross the midline and is switched off after they cross.
Forced expression of Comm results in a Robo mutant phenotype suggesting that Comm somehow controls Robo.
How does Comm control Robo?
Comm controls trafficking proteins that prevent Robo protein from reaching the cell surface so the growth cone cannot reveive slit inhibitory signals before crossing.
What is the difference between vertebrate and invertebrate midline crossing.
In vertebrates, the Robo homologue is Robo1 but it is expressed before and after crossing.
There is also no Comm homologue, only a second Robo like protein called Rig1 and is only expressed pre-crossing, blocking Robo1 from signalling until the midline is crossed.
Pioneer navigation helps to establish an axon scaffold which follower axons can follow. What needs to be considered here?
How to stay on the scaffold.
How to alight when the target it reached.
Ie control of fasciculation.
What does fasciculation involve?
Cell adhesion molecules.
Give an example of a cell adhesion molecule.
Fasciculin II (in insects)
What does over expression of fasciculin II cause?
Axons to miss their targets.
What does Fas -/- cause?
Multiple defasciculated axons.
What controls defasciculation?
Also Fas II
Can also be controlled by BEAT protein.
What types of target selection is there?
- Discrete (cellular)
2. Topographic (multicellular)
What occurs in discrete targets?
Ablation of specific cells leads to failure of relevant motor axons to leave the main motor trunk at appropriate branch points suggesting that there is also a cue coming from the target itself.
What is the cue coming from discrete targets that enable defasciculation from the main motor trunk?
Netrin (usually expressed in specific muscles.)
Loss of netrin: axons wander and do not make synapses
Ectopic netrin: leads to axons innervating wrong muscles
Name a cue that is expressed both in specific cellular targets and the motor axons that innervated them.
What are the theories surrounding target selection of multicellular (topographic) maps?
Neighbouring neurons send axons to neighbouring sites to maintain order.
1. Each axon has a unique label complimentary to a unique lable in the target.
2. A co ordinate system encoded by gradients of singalling molecules crease longitudinal
latitudinal stamps read by complementary gradients of receptors.
What is the stripe assay show?
That cells from the posterior tectum make a non-permissive factor that repels temporal retinal axons.
In the stripes, temporal axons avoid a repellant factors in the posterior stripes because:
-activity is abolished by head treatment of posterior but not anterior membranes
-posterior membranes cause temporal growth cones to collapse in vitro.
What are the inhibitory factors in the posterior tectum that causes repulsion in the stripe assay?
Ephrins A2/A5
Eph receptors are expressed in the retina in a counter gradient.
Thus non permissive repellant factors can be used instructively - they can direct growth cones to specific places to form topographic maps.