MECHANICAL PARADISE Paintings Flashcards
Balla, {Dynamism of a Dog on a Leach}. 1912
The picture’s sense of movement is created out of stark black forms and flowing lacey veils.
- – Lady is walking a dog (variably solid and see-through). The dog has eight countable tails, while its legs are lost in flurry of blurry overlays.
- —-Largely influenced by the photographers Maybridge and Mare. Who focused on the movement in figures.
Boccioni, The City Rises,1910
- Filled with movement and speed.
Relates to the industry, progress, energy.
- A war scene, clashing action and speed.
- he looked to Cubism and Picasso and Braque and began to include fragmentation in his work.
Braque, Houses at L’Estaque, 1908
Artistic influences:
- Impressionists
- Cubism
- Picasso
- Cézanne
(Parallel with Cezanne’s depictions of Landscape can be recognized in the freedom to resolve colour placement through perspective.)
- Albert Einstein his Theory of Relativity
Braque, Portuguese 1911
- Cubism
- everything was fractured
- Guitar player and the dock was just so many pieces of broken form, almost broken glass.
- Braque and Picasso are able to overcome the unified singularity of an object and instead transform it into an object of vision
Cezanne, Mont Sainte- Victoire 1902-4
- heavily inspired picasso
- due to his emphasis on process and the surface of painting
- his brushwork and lack of perspective are similar to cubism
- realistic illusion of space
- atmospheric perspective
- realistic ground plane tilt
- geometric forms made up of squares and rectangles
- merging forms
- Architectonic
Delaunay, Homage to Bleriot,1914
This is a picture about modernity
- Cubism / Orphism
• Delaunay sets out to convey the dynamism of modern life
• Up to this point his work had focussed in large part on city scapes and the Eiffel Tower
Delaunay, The Red Tower, 1911-12
- Orphism
- Considered ugly at time
- Artists on cutting edge look to Eiffel Tower as symbol of modernity.
- Begins to employ cubist fragmentation and Cézanne-esque passage.
- sense of moving around the structure
- Simultaneity - many things going on at once and the attempt to translate this into painting.
Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase
Shows motion—influenced by Etienne-Jules Marey (invented a type of photography that captured time and motion
- “Nude” is an example of a Cubist/Futurist style
Duchamp, The Bride Stripped Bare by Her
Bachelors, Even (Large Glass) 1915-23
- Unfulfilled sexual desire.held in a frame. man sexual desire imaged by machines.
Lefebvre, Monument to Levassor, Porte Maillot, Paris 1907
- Futurism
Léger, Three Women (Le Grande Dejeuner) 1921
- references past themes
- reclassified
- he’s transformed three women into machine like forms – not of the women look very happy.
Picasso, Les Demoiselles d’Avignon 1907
- Cubism
- primitivism
- Each figure is depicted in a disconcerting confrontational manner and none are conventionally feminine.
- The women appear as slightly menacing and rendered with angular and disjointed body shapes.
Picasso, Ma Jolie 1911-12
- Analytical Cubism.
- Abstract meanings and concepts such as signified.
- Triangular mass suggests a woman and six lines near bottom represent a guitar,
- Language, symbolic meaning, near abstraction.
Picasso, Still Life with Chair Caning 1912
- Analytical Cubism
- Collage
- Painted elements, written elements, printed elements, real rope to frame it
Severini, Dynamic Hieroglyphic of the Bal Tabarin
- Futurism
- using elements of cubism, structured along cubist grid
- little illusionistic elements added in
- cubist faceting put into rapid motion within large, swinging curves
- Spirit of delight, reminding us that the Futurists revolt was against the deadly dullness of 19th century bourgeois morality