Measuring Learning Flashcards
Explain current enrollment trends in developing countries (and their relationship with GDP)
Enrollment in today’s poor countries is far higher than enrollment was in rich countries when those rich countries were poor. GDP today is a strong predictor of learning levels, given that most countries fall pretty close to the prediction line.
When it comes to testing validity, in an ideal world, policymakers should care most about tests that:
Predict longer term outcomes that we care about
predictive validity of a test
The predictive validity of a test is its ability to predict longer-term outcomes such as income, crime, etc.
concurrent validity of a test
The concurrent validity of a test is how it correlates with other validated tests.
Convergent-discriminant validity
Convergent-discriminant validity is whether a test is correlated more with tests that measure similar concepts, and less with tests that measure different concepts.
Test-retest reliability
Consistency with which a test measures any given skill
Administrative data are often used to determine the resources that schools, students and households receive. Because of these policies:
Enrollment and attendance both tend to be inflated
Policies tend to give schools more resources when they have higher enrollment and provide incentives to parents based on attendance. Therefore, schools have incentives to inflate enrollment and attendance.
What is the most basic measure of teacher effort?
Teacher attendance is “the most basic measure of teacher effort”. It can be measured through principal and student surveys. However, unless teacher behavior is an explicit step in the theory of change, it may not be necessary given how costly effort can be to collect.
Barriers to school participation?
Convenience and access, out of pocket costs, health issues, underestimate the long-term benefits of education, discount the future
How common is absenteeism of teachers/service providers in developing countries?
Absenteeism is widespread and unpredictable
Even when present, often not teaching
Few service providers face a serious threat of being fired for excessive absences
With almost 100% primary enrollment, why are students still struggling to learn?
Enrollment itself doesn’t mean that students are regularly attending school
Being in school does not mean that children are learning
What is the main approach we could use to improve learning in developing countries?
Many options here…but our focus is to pivot expenditure from less to more cost effective policies to
improve outcomes at any given level of per capita income
Attendance conditional on enrollment
fraction of those enrolled who are present on a given day
School attendance in the population
Percentage of school days the average child in a given
population is in school
Why is it important to collect both enrollment and attendance data for a study?
– Need to assume the program did not change the attendance rate of those enrolled.
– May bias measures of impact and cost-effectiveness
– Good to supplement with direct attendance data as well
2 ways to measure teacher attendance
– Teacher attendance records (but often fudged)
– Direct observation during surprise visits (need to do this early in the visit)
4 ways to measure teaching efforts
– Classroom observations
– Student surveys
– Principal surveys
– Teacher knowledge tests
2 ways to measure teacher knowledge
– Subject matter knowledge
– Subject-specific pedagogical knowledge
Purpose of classroom observations
systematize observers’ perceptions of teacher quality
Classroom observations - should they be short or long?
Short observations are efficient. They offer more information than single observations of the same length.
Classroom observations - should teachers be able to choose their own lessons?
Teachers can choose their lessons. It doesn’t make it harder to identify effective teachers; in fact, it makes it easier.
Classroom observations - How should you incorporate principals?
Principals are useful observers. They rate their own teachers higher, but their ratings are highly correlated with those of other observers.
Classroom observations - should you add another observer?
Adding an observer pays off more than adding another lesson.