Measurements 1 (2/29/21) Flashcards
The cost of a timber cruise should be kept to a minimum of ___ percent of the total timber value.
Pacing is the most rudimentary of all techniques in determining what in the field?
A professional forester’s pacing accuracy is expected to be what?
1 in 8
Pace distances should be field recorded in what?
_______ are horizontal angles that are references to one of the quadrants of the compass namely northeast, southeast, southwest, or northwest.
_____ are comparable angles measured clockwise from due north this the readings from 0 to 360 degrees.
The direction in which the compass needle points.
Magnetic North
What is the angle formed between magnetic north and true north?
What is the line of zero declination passing through the eastern part of the US?
Agonic Line
Consists of a magnetized steel needle mounted on a pivot at the center of a graduated circle.
A field survey of an area or tract of land where all boundary lines and corner angles are measured and the acres are determined.
Closed Traverse
A compass reading from a point on a traverse to the previous point. This reading should measure 180 degrees.
Topographic maps have contour lines that indicate what?
When using a topographic map representative fractions are converted to feet per inch by what?
Divide by 12
A survey method used to describe a legal description of property using references to bearings, distances, and permanent monuments.
Metes and Bounds