Measurement Flashcards
What health and safety issues do you need to be aware of when using a laser?
Shining the laser in somebody’s eye could be a hazard.
Epilepsy etc. Passing drivers…
How do you ensure that a laser is accurate? How do you calibrate a laser?
Carry out check measurement using another laser or a known distance.
To calibrate the laser it must be sent back to the manufacturer. Company policy is to send back to be checked.
Would you scale from a photocopied plan?
Only if I knew that it had been printed to the correct scale.
On site how could you measure a large area of land?
Using a trundle wheel.
What are the main differences between IPMS 3 and NIA when measuring offices at Wandsworth?
What do you understand about the internal dominant face when using IPMS?
The internal dominant face is the area within each vertical section [wall] that makes up the perimeter of the building/unit). This can include inside the window recess (to include inside glazing), as long as the glazing is 50% or more of the floor to ceiling height.
What differences did you note between NIA and IPMS?
The term ‘net internal area’ is now obsolete and should no longer be adopted as an industry standard term. It is now replaced with the term IPMS 3 known as ‘useable floor area’ - space only for the exclusive use of an occupier.
Measurements should now be taken to what is known as the ‘internal dominant face.
There are a number of other areas that must now be measured; these include balconies/rooftop terraces, shared circulation areas, internal structural walls, columns, common walls, walkways and areas less than 1.5m in height, to name but a few. However, these are measured and reported separately as ‘limited use areas’ for information and do not make up the useable floor area used for rent calculation.
Is it always mandatory to use IPMS 3 at offices? Can you defer from this?
RICS members must advise clients as to the benefits of IPMS, but should take client’s instructions on which standard to adopt. If IPMS is not used, the reason for departure must be documented.
If using IPMS 3 are there any other things you may need to be aware of that can affect valuation?
Are the comparables measured to NIA or IPMS?
What is the current status of IPMS?
IPMS has published standards on Office, residential, industrial, retail and all building classes, but only Office and Residential are mandated by the RICS.
How would you measure an irregular shaped building?
I would compartmentalise the building by drawing on a floorplan. I would then use the appropriate geometry to measure the individual sections.
At Point Pleasant Wandsworth your measurements were within 1% of the architects plan?
Yes measured to IPMS3
Would any level above this amount be acceptable?
2% tolerance either way is generally accepted (on a 1:100 scale.
How would you treat balconies or roof gardens when measuring an office?
Balconies, covered galleries, and roof top terraces in
exclusive use are to be measured to their inner face and INCLUDED but with their areas stated separately.
Apart from offices have you measured any other type of property?
I have measured industrial (to GIA) and retail premises (using zoning).
How would you measure a shop?
I would measure a shop by using zoning (ITZA)
Zone A = first 6 metres. 100%
Zone B = second 6 metres. 50%
Zone C = area thereafter. 25%
When would you use GIA?
Industrial / warehouse premises.
Tell me how you would measure a warehouse? What would you include and exclude from GIA?
I would measure to the internal face of the perimeter wall at each level.
I would exclude external forecourt, canopies and open sided balconies.
How would you treat loading bays when measuring to GIA?
I would include loading bays within GIA.
What notes would you take about heights and door openings?
I would note the height and width of roller shutter doors and pedestrian access doors.