Measure for Measure Quotes: Isabella Flashcards
1:2, 173
Claudio: There is a prone and speechless dialect
Such as move men […] well she can persuade
1:4, 3
Isabella: I speak not desiring more,
But rather wishing a more strict restraint
1:4, 34
Lucio: I hold you as a thing enskied and sainted
1:4, 75
Isabella: Alas, what poor ability’s in me
To do him good!
2:2, 29
Isabella: There is a vice that most I do abhor
2:2, 42
Isabella: O just but severe law!
I had a brother, then
2:2, 64
Isabella (to Angelo): If he had been as you, and you as he,
You would have slipp’d like him
2:2, 75
Isabella: How would you be
If He, which is the top of judgement, should
But judge as you are?
2:4, 31
Isabella: I am come to know your pleasure
2:4, 101
Isabella: Th’impression of keen whips I’d wear as rubies,
And strip myself to death as to a bed
2:4, 106-108
Isabella: Better it were a brother die at once
Than a sister, by redeeming him,
Should die forever.
2:4, 181
Isabella: Before his sister should her body stoop
To such abhorr’d pollution.
2:4, 183
Isabella: Then, Isabel live chaste, and brother, die:
More than our brother is our chastity.
3:1, 64
Isabella: There is a devilish mercy in the judge […]
that will free your life,
But fetter you till death.
3:1, 135
Isabella: O, you beast!
O faithless coward! […]
I’ll pray a thousand prayers for thy death;
No word to save thee.
4:3, 119
(After the Duke tells her that Claudio is dead)
Isabella: O, I will to him and pluck out his eyes!
5:1, 26
Isabella: And given me justice! Justice! Justice! Justice!
5:1, 40
Isabella: That Angelo’s forsworn; is it not strange?
That Angelo’s a murderer; is’t not strange?
That Angelo is an adulterous thief,
An hypocrite, a virgin violator;
Is it not strange and strange?
5:1, 441
Isabella: [kneeling] [...] I partly think A due sincerity govern'd his deeds, Till he did look on me. Since it is so, Let him not die. My brother had but justice, In that he did the thing for which he died: For Angelo, His act did not o'ertake his bad intent