Measure for Measure Quotes: Duke Flashcards
1:1, 17
Duke: We have with special soul / Elected him our absence to supply
1:1, 64
Duke: Your scope is as mine own,
So to enforce or qualify the laws
As to your soul seems good.
1:1, 67
Duke: I love the people,
But do not like to stage me to their eyes
1:2, 2
Duke: Believe not that the dribbling dart of love
Can pierce a complete bosom
1:3, 19
Duke: We have strict statutes and biting laws […]
Which for this fourteen years we have let slip
1:3, 31
Friar: It rested in your Grace
To unloose this tied-up justice when you pleased.
And it in you more dreadful would have seemed
Than in Lord Angelo.
Duke: I fear too dreadful
Sith ‘twas my fault to give the people scope,
‘Twould be my tyranny to strike and gall them.
1:3, 54
Duke: Hence shall we see
Is power change purpose, What our seemers be.
3:1, 196
Duke: Fasten your ear on my advising, to the love I have in doing good; a remedy presents itself
3:2, 189
Duke: No might nor greatness in mortality
Can censure ‘scape
3:2, 254
Duke: He who the sword of heaven will bear Should be as holy as severe: Pattern in himself to know, Grace to stand, and virtue, go [...] Craft against vice I must apply
4:1, 2
Mariana: whose advice/Hath often still’d my brawling discomfort.
4:1, 67
Duke: It is not my consent, But my entreaty too.
4:1, 206
Duke: I will give him present shrift, and advise him for a better place
4:3, 50
Duke (to Barnadine): I am come to advise you, comfort
you and pray with you.
4:3, 108
Duke: But I will keep her ignorant of her good,
To make her heavenly comforts of despair,
When it is least expected.
5:1, 113
Duke: if he had so offended,
He would have weigh’t thy brother by himself
And not have cut him off.
5:1, 387
Duke: Your brother’s death, I know, sits at your heart
When he reveals himself, he still lies to Isabella about Claudio
5:1, 375
Duke: Go take her hence, and marry her instantly.
5:1, 407
Duke: An Angelo for Claudio, death for death!
Haste still pays haste, and leisure answers leisure;
Like doth quit like, and measure still for measure.
5:1, 487
Duke: [To Isabella] If he be like your brother, for his sake
Is he pardon’d; and, for your lovely sake,
Give me your hand and say you will be mine.
5:1, 510
Duke: And he shall marry her: the nuptial finish’d,
Let him be whipt and hang’d.
5:1, 534
Duke: What’s mine is yours and what is yours is mine.
So, bring us to our palace; where we’ll show
What’s yet behind, that’s meet you all should know