Measure and Integration Flashcards
1 Subsection I.1 and Theorem I.1.8
Define (sig)ring, (sig)algebra and Dynkin
If E s.s.o. 2^Omega is n-closed, then d(E)=sig(E)
semiring, semifield/semialgebra
Where does the latter occur?
- pg 9
pg 16
Prop 1.9
2 Set functions, measures up to Propositino I.2.4
Define :
content, premeasure, measure
E.g. 1) of a simple probability measure,
2) an additive measure which is not sig-additive,
3) (what about the sum of a sequence of measure?) under which condition does a linear combination of a sequence of probability measures give another probability measure?
4) counting measure?
5) Can we define the lebesgue measure?
6) What about measures with functions?
1) dirac is a probability measure
2) Omega=N, R={A in P(Omega) s.t. A or Omega\A is finite}, mü(A):= 0 if finite, :=inf if Omega\A finite
3) (all three form a convex cone) when the sum of the coefficients equals 1,
4) mü(A)=|A| when A finite, else :=inf, is a content, premeasure if R ring, measure if R sig-algebra,
5) No for that we need Carathéodory, however we can define (a,b]:={x in R^d : ai
3 Theorem I.2.6
State the theorem of equivalences for premeasures,
Where is this used?
- pg 14
With the help of compact classes we use 5’) to show show sig-additivity in the Theorem of Daniell-Kolmogorov, and use 5’) to show sig-additivity in the Theorem of Ionescu-Tuclea
4 Theorem I.2.9 and Proposition I.2.12
Thm: How does the ring generated by a semiring look like?
Prop: What can we say about a additive function mü on a semiring?
- pg. 16
Thm: What needs to be proven?
Prop: It uniquely extends to a content on R,
Pf: take two representations
5 Theorem I.2.13
State the conditions under which a topological space with a ring and a finite content gives rise to a pre-measure.
Outline the proof.
- pg. 18
6 Proposition I.2.17
Define distribution function.
State under which conditions and between which distribution functions and which set-functions there exists a bijection.
Pf: Outline
- pg 21
7 Definition I.3.1 and the fact that with a measure one can define an outer measure
Define outer measure, measurable set,
give an outer measure induced by a measure (both equivalent constructions)
Skip to sub-additivity of last.
- pg 23-24
show the last is a measure and equivalent
8 Theorem I.3.3 and the first part of the proof
State Theorem of Carathéodory
Outline proof.
- pg 24
1) extend mü to outer-measure
2) For every outer measure ,mü, the family A of mü-measurable sets is a sig-field and mü is a measure on it
3) R s.s.o. A* and mü=mü on R.
4) restrict mü to mü~ and uniqueness (in sep prop)
Outline of 1):
Def U(C):={ (An)n : An in R and C s.s.o. Union(An)}
Def mü(C):=inf{Sum(mü(An) : (An)n in U(C)}
mü*({})=0 and mon easy. For sig-subadd prop, choose for (Cn)n sequences (Akn)k in R from U(Cn) with Sum(mü(Akn))=
9 Theorem I.3.3 and the second part of the proof
State which result is proven in this part.
- pg. 25
2) For every outer measure ,mü, the family A of mü-measurable sets is a sig-field and mü is a measure on it.
Show A* is a field, for union expand set measurable equation and replace C by Cn(AuB)….
10 Theorem I.3.3 and the third and the fourth part of the proof
Outline 3) and 4) and state Proposition used in 4).
- pg. 26
3) R s.s.o. A* and mü=mü on R.
4) restrict mü to mü~ and uniqueness (in sep prop)
Prop: Let E s.s.o. 2^Omega be n-closed and A=sig(E). Suppose there exists a sequence (Ei)i in E with Union(Ei)=Omega. If mü1, mü2 are measures on A with mü1=mü2 on E and mü1(Ei)=mü2(Ei)
11 Definition I.3.5 and Lemma I.3.6
Define complete measure space.
State the lemma about the completeness and Carathéodory.
- pg. 27
12 Theorem I.3.7
State the existence theorem (and definition) of the completion of a measure space.
12 pg. 28
13 Theorem I.3.8
State the theorem relating completion and the Carathéodory theorem
13 pg. 29
14 Example I.3.9 (Cantor)
In the nth step of construction, what does Cn look like?
Topological properties?
Define the devil’s staircase
Prove continuity
Can we extend this function onto all of R?
- 2^n closed intervals Cni (i in {1,…,2^n) each of length 3^-n.
Cpt, it is closed and bounded [0,1] (Heine-Borel).
We write all numbers in triadic repr. x=Sum(xk3^-k: xk in {0,1,2}), making this representation unique by demanding that xk != 0 for at most finitely many k (i.e. always representation with less zeros), then phi(x):=Sum(phi(xk)2^k) is surjective with phi:C–>[0,1] (by dyadic representation of numbers in [0,1]).
Nowhere dense in [0,1]: C is its own closure (for it is closed) and has empty interior, so it is nowhere dense OR it has no accumulation points.
Distribution function: pg. 32
Continuity: ‘’
Yes, we can extend this to a continuous function because F is continuous and defined on a dense set R\C.
15 Lebesgue measure and Lemma I.4.4
On what is the lebesgue measure defined?
Translation invariance of Lebesgue measure: outline proof.
- It is first defined as a content on R:={(a,b] : a,b in R^d} and we had a proposition showing that contents on a semiring uniquely extend to a pre-measure on the generated ring, which we call the Lebesgue pre-measure. From there we use Carathéodory to show that the Lebesgue pre-measure uniquely extends to a measure on (what turns out to be by last Prop) the Borel sig-algebra, which we call the Lebesgue measure. (Note however, that A=sig(R)=B(R^d) != A*=A^v != 2^R^d).
pg 34
16 Theorem I.4.7 on non-Lebesgue measurable sets
State the theorem and the lemmas it uses.
Outline: proof (state how second assertion follow from first)
Where did we use the axiom of choice and can the use of the axiom of choice be avoided?
- Lem 4.5: If A is Borel and lam(A)>0, there exists for every alpha in (0,1) an interval J_alpha with lam(A n J_alpha)>alphalam(J_alpha)>0.
Lem 4.6: If xi in R\Q, then the sets:
Q_a:=Z+xiZ, Q_o:=Z+2xiZ and Q_o:=Z+xi*(2Z+1) are all dense in R.
Thm: There exists a set M in 2^R s.t.
(4.1) lam(B)=0 for all B Borel s.s.o. M,
(4.2) lam(B)=0 for all B Borel s.s.o. R\M.
In particular M is non lebesgue-measurable.
No, in the choice of representatives.
17 Theorem II.1.14 Prove for (fn)n measurable, that sup fn, inf fn, limsup fn, liminf fn are all measurable.
17 pg. 49
18 Theorem II.1.18
Let Omega arbitrary but non-empty, (Omega’,A’) a measurable space, phi:Omega–>Omega’ a mapping and f:Omega–>R a function. Then f is sig(phi)-B(R)-measurable if and only if there exists an A’-measurable function g:Omega’–>R s.t. f=g o phi.
- pg. 51
19 Lemma II.2.2 and Definition II.2.3 and Corollary II.2.4
Lem 2.2: Show that if f in E_+ has two representations f=Sum(aiI_Ai)=Sum(biI_Bi), then I(f)=Sum(aimü(Ai))=Sum(bimü(Bi)).
Define the integral for a step function.
Show additivity and monotonicity of the integral of step functions.
19 pg.53
20 Lemma II.2.6
Express monotone convergence for E_+ functions.
20 pg. 55
21 Proposition II.2.7 and Definition II.2.8
State: Prop 2.7: Uniqueness of limits integrals of E_+ functions converging towards a function.
Define integral of functions in E*+. (What is E*+?)
How can we characterize this def?
21 pg. 56
22 Theorem II.2.9 and Corollary II.2.10
State monotone convergence, Beppo-Levi
And its corollaries concerning series.
Outline proof.
- pg. 58
23 Proposition II.2.14
Let f,g be in bar(L)^1, a in R.
Prove: Linearity, Additivity (when well-defined), Monotonicity, Triangle inequality, max(f,g)/min(f,g) in bar(L)^1.
- pg. 60
24 Lemma II.2.17:
Suppose that f in bar(L)^1(mü) or f in E_+ with I(f)
- pg. 62
25 Theorem II.3.1 (monotone convergence)
State theorem,
name counter example when condition g is dropped, prove, what if g condition only mü-a.e.?
Hint: fn something g –>
- pg. 65, counterexample: indicator fn := 1_n,n+1