Meals and Tableware Flashcards
a breakfast
the breakfast, breakfasts, the breakfasts
en frokost
Regular Noun: frokosten, frokoster, frokostene
a dinner
the dinner, dinners, the dinners
en middag
Main meal at 12 noon or later. Also means ‘middle of the day’
Regular Noun: middagen, middager, middagene
a lunch
the lunch, lunches, the lunches
en lunsj
Regular Noun: lunsjen, lunsjer, lunsjene
a cup
the cup, cups, the cups
en kopp
Regular Noun: koppen, kopper, koppene
a glass
the glass, glasses, the glasses
et glas
Reglar Noun: glasset, glass, glassene
a plate
the plate, plates, the plates
en tallerken
Regular Noun: tallerkenen, tallerkener, tallerkene
a knife
the knife, knives, the knives
en kniv
Regular Noun: kniven, kniver, knivene
a spoon
the spoon, spoons, the spoons
ei skje
Irregular Noun: skjea, skjeer, skjeene
a fork
the fork, forks, the forks
en gaffel
Irregular plural
gafler / gaflene
Irregular Noun: gaffelen, gafler, gaflene
a bottle
the bottle, bottles, the bottles
ei flaske
Regular Noun: flaska, flasker, flaskene
a bowl
the bowl, bowls, the bowls
en bolle
Regular Noun: bollen, boller, bollene
a napkin
the napkin, napkins, the napkins
en serviett
Regular Noun: servietten, servietter, serviettene
a snack
the snack, snacks, the snacks
en godbit
Regular Noun: godbiten, godbiter, godbitene