Family Flashcards
a mother
the mother, mothers, the mothers
ei mor
Irregular Noun: mora, mødre, mødrene
a father
the father, fathers, the fathers
en far
Irregular Noun: faren, fedre, fedrene
a sister
the sister, sisters, the sisters
ei søster
Irregular Noun: søstera, søstre, søstrene
a brother
the brother, brothers, the brothers
en bror
Irregular Noun: broren, brødre, brødrene
a son
the son, sons, the sons
en sønn
Regular Noun: sønnen, sønner, sønnene
a daughter
the daughter, daughters, the daughters
ei datter
Irregular Noun: dattera, døtre, døtrene
a parent
the parent, parents, the parents
en forelder
Irregular Noun: forelderen, foreldre, foreldrene
an aunt
the aunt, aunts, the aunts
ei tante
Regular Noun: tanta, tanter, tantene
an aunt (father’s sister)
the aunt, aunts, the aunts
ei farsøster
Irregular Noun: farsøstera, farsøstre, farsøstrene
an aunt (mother’s sister)
the aunt, aunts, the aunts
ei morsøster
Irregular Noun: morsøstera, morsøstre, morsøstrene
an uncle
the uncle, uncles, the uncles
en onkel
Regular Noun: onkelen, onkeler, onkelene
a grandparent
the grandparent, grandparents, the grandparents
en besteforelder
Irregular Noun: besteforelderen, besteforeldre, besteforeldrene
a grandmother
the grandmother, grandmothers, the grandmothers
ei bestemor
Irregular Noun: bestemora,
bestemødre, bestemødrene
a grandfather
the grandfather, grandfathers, the grandfathers
en bestefar
Irregular Noun: bestefaren,
bestefedre, bestefedrene
a man
the man, men, the men
en mann
Irregular Noun: mannen, menn, mennene