Meal Management Flashcards
Successful Meals are both __________ and __________satisfying
Planning requires basic knowledge of:
Food preparation
Presentation strategies
Knowledge of managing
Resources Used in Various Steps of Meal Preparation
Food procurement
Each station in the kitchen is overseen by_________ with a particular area of expertise:
Sauce chef/saucier
Fish cook/poissonier
Vegetable cook/entremetier
Soup cook/potager
Roast cook/rotisseur
Broiler cook/grillardin
Pantry chef /chef garde manger
Pastry chef/patissier
Relief, swing, or rounds cook/ tournant
station chefs or heads
Smaller Kitchens May be only two stations, one for hot food and one for cold foods
________ chef is a major position
Each station head has cooks and helpers or assistants that aid with that area of food production
larger kitchens have ________ in the kitchen staff
many levels
Ultimate goal of a food service organization is to:
______, _____, and _____
Food production begins with ________, which dictates follow up actions
Purchasing, choosing equipment to use, scheduling labor, and serving
Plan, Prepare, and Serve meals
planning the menu
The _____ published recommended food group-based menu plans for adults with various calorie needs (________)
__________ Act of 2010
___________________ to provide food for kids
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids
National School Lunch and Breakfast Program
____ is often the most prominent meal
Other meals are built around _______
Remaining items:
- Vegetable
- Starch
- Salad
- Bread
- Soup
- Appetizer
- Dessert
main entrée
creating several weekly menus in a row ?
Planning menu is usually the responsibility of food service establishment’s ______ team
Cycle menus
Three-week cycles: ?
Four-week cycles: ?
Longer cycles are preferred for ______
improve cost control
less monotonous
people who are unable to eat elsewhere
menu checklist includes looking at _____, ____, ____, _____, and _____
seasonal availability
nutriton guidelines
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 mandated that: calorie labels be added to menu boards of chain restaurants with ______ locations
Influenced restaurants to change portions and recipes to adjust calories
20 or more
- Deciding how much of each food to buy
- Food cost accounts for about _____ of all operating expenses in food-service establishments
- Majority of the rest is incurred by _____
________ help determine both the types and amounts of food to be purchased
labor cost
Budget limitations
Budget is a vital factor for consumers to consider
Food that gets purchased:
- Meats
- Fish
- Dairy
- Breads/ grains
- Fruits and vegetables
Price Comparisons
____ is usually the most costly
Purchasing: Reading Label Product Codes
- last day the product will be of optimum quality
- last day a store will sell an item, even though food may be safe for consumption still
- The last day a food should be consumed.
- The date the food was packed at the processing plant
- Useful in the event of a recall because they identify the manufacturer and/or packer of the food
Freshness or quality assurance date
Pull date
Expiration date
Pack date
Code dates
Waste commonly occurs by:
- __________ perishable produce or other foods
- Losses resulting from ________
- Losses from ________ during cooking
- Losses from ______
Over purchasing
food preparation
plate waste
_________ is Total amount of food purchased prior to any preparation
________ is Food in its raw state, minus that which is discarded– bones, fat, skins, and/or seeds
Extra quantities must sometimes be purchased to make up for losses incurred during preparation
_________: The ratio of edible food to food as purchased
As Purchased (AP)
Edible portion (EP)
Percentage yield
To calculate how much food to purchase using the percentage yield:
Determine the _____ portion by multiplying the number of servings by the serving size
Determine the amount to purchase by __________ for that particular food
dividing the edible portion by the percentage yield
Quality meals rely on timing
Food is usually best when it is prepared as soon as possible after purchase, and served immediately after preparation
Different foods cook at different rates
- _________ is key to an organization providing timely meal service
Assess time available and time and energy needed to prepare certain meals
- Estimate ______________
- backward to determine when preparation should ______
- Prepare in ________ order of time required
time and work needed for meal
Food service establishments rely on __________ for serving a large number of people
- Tested repeatedly and adapted to suit specific food service operation
- Usually descriptive style
- should be stored in _______
standardized recipes