MDMP Flashcards
MDMP Steps
Step 1 - Receipt of Mission Step 2 - Mission Analysis Step 3 - Course of Action Development Step 4 - Course of Action Analysis Step 5 - Course of Action Comparison Step 6 - Course of Action Approval Step 7 - Orders Production, Dissemination, and Transition
the art and science of understanding a situation, envisioning a desired future, and laying out effective ways of bringing about that future.
Receipts of mission actions
Action 1, Alert the staff and other key participants
Action 2, Gather the tools
Action 3, Update running estimates
Action 4, Conduct initial assessment
Action 5, Issue the commander’s initial guidance
Action 6, Issue the initial warning order (WARNORD
The continuous assessment of the current situation used to determine if the current operation
Running Estimate
: Any information elements the commander and staff require to successfully conduct operations.
Information Requirements
Those specified and implied tasks that must be executed to accomplish the mission
Essential Tasks
Some IRs are of such importance to the commander that they are nominated to the commander to become
help the commander understand what enemy commanders want to know about friendly forces and why.
Essential elements of friendly information
Information collection plan annex
help the commander understand what enemy commanders want to know about friendly forces and why.
a verbal, written, or electronic communication that supports a theme focused on a specific actor or the public and in support of a specific action (task).
the description of the primary issue or issues that may impede commanders from achieving their desired end state.
problem statement
commander’s intent describes
purpose of the operation, initial key tasks, and the desired end state
A comprehensive list of information requirements identified by the commander as being critical in facilitating timely information management and the decision making process that affect successful mission accomplishment
A restriction placed on the command by a higher command
A list on which targets are compiled. HVT is a target the enemy commander requires for the successful completion of the mission
High value target list
: A product used to depict the battlefield’s effects on military operations. It integrates into one overlay all obstacles to movement, including but not limited to, built-up areas, slope, soil, vegetation, and transportation systems (bridge classification and road characteristics).
modified combined obstacle overlay (MCOO)
An intelligence requirement, stated as a priority for intelligence support, that the commander and staff need to understand the adversary or other aspects of the operational environment.
priority information requirement