MDM 1 Flashcards
What is critical to understanding evidence?
Experimentation = Best way to test causality - three features?
Indep. variable, Dep variable, random assignment
DNE causation
Internal validity
Did random assignment happen?
Threats to internal validity
1) Random assign. didn’t happen, 2) Small # randomly assigned units, 3) Attrition
External validity
Can you generalize?
Random Assignment VS Random Sampling
RA = Random assg. to different conditions (ensure internal validity) RS = Random sample of units to include in the study
Reasons not to experiment
Too expensive
Benefit = low
Physically, legal, ethically impossible
streakier and lumpier than we would expect
Gambler’s Fallacy
Chance will correct itself
Low sample?
Greater variance, less reliable, more chance
Calculating odds of a patter AFTER you notice
1) Stop data collection when p
Regression to mean
Perform = f(skill,luck)
Low luck is followed by avg luck
Availability Bias
What is in front of us is it
Hindsight bias
seems informative, if you have no idea and seems plausible, acts as default
Curse of knowledge
Tapping tone, running turn