MD 1 - Energy Balance Flashcards
What is a positive energy balance?
When energy intake is greater than energy output
Results in an increase in body weight over time
What is negative energy balance?
When energy output is greater than energy intake
Reduces body weight over time
What macromolecules get converted to what monomers?
Carbohydrates to monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, galactose)
Proteins to amino acids
Lipids to fatty acids
Micronutrients are freed from macromolecules
What is primarily absorbed in the stomach?
Alcohol - 20% of total amount
Water - minor amount
What is primarily absorbed in the small intestine?
Calcium, magnesium & other micronutrients Glucose Amino acids Fatty acids Vitamins Water - 70% to 90% of total Alcohol - 80% of total Bile acids
What is absorbed in the large intestine?
Sodium Potassium Some fatty acids Gases Water - 10-30% of total
What is digestion?
Process of breaking down foods components into the molecules that are absorbed by enterocytes.
Macronutrients are digested into monomers, micronutrients are freed from macromolecules.
What is absorption?
Transport of monomers and micronutrients from the lumen of the GIT through enterocytes, into the blood or lymph circulation for delivery to cells.
There are 4 types of absorption.
What are the 4 types of absorption?
- Passive
• Moves down the concentration gradient
• Substrate concentration dependent - Facilitated
• Requires a carrier protein; saturable
• Moves down the concentration gradient - Active
• Requires energy (ATP)+ Na+
• Can transport against the concentration gradient - Endocytosis
• The cell wall engulfs a substance by surrounding it with the cell membrane
Process of converting macronutrients to usable energy for the body
- Digestion - breakdown of macromolecules (protein, carbohydrates, lipids, alcohol) to monomers (amino acids, monosaccharides - glucose, galactose, fructose, fatty acids, acetaldehyde)
- Conversion of monomers to acetyl-CoA
- Metabolism of acetyl-CoA through the citric acid cycle to produce ATP for energy and CO2
Process of converting alcohol to usable energy for the body
Alcohol is not digested or absorbed rapidly
Ethanol undergoes a series of conversion pathways to produce a transitionary molecule, acetaldehyde, which is then converted to acetyl-CoA that will then enter the citric acid cycle to produce ATP energy and CO2
What processes take place when there’s an excess of acetyl-CoA?
When excess energy is consumed, acteyl-CoA pools up and 3 processes can occur to reverse this production
- Lipogenesis - which makes fatty acids that gets converted to lipids to be stored in the body
- Gluconeogenesis - Deamination of amino acids (N grp removed from amino acid) - the C-backbone is used to make new glucose
- Monosaccharides get stored as glycogen in the muscle and liver. This storage is for emergency use when rapid glucose is needed.
How is ATP produced from glucose?
- Anaerobic respiration - NO oxygen
- One glucose molecule via glycolysis produces 2 pyruvate molecules => this conversion produces 2 molecules of ATP.
- Aerobic respiration - Oxygen present
- One glucose molecule via glycolysis produces 2 pyruvate molecules - produces 2 ATP
- When oxygen is present pyruvate molecules get converted into acteyl-coa => s acetyl-CoA enters into Krebs cycle/citric acid cycle - produces 2 molecules of ATP in the mitochondria.
- E- are carried via 6x NADH and 2x FADH2 to the electron transport chain in the mitochondria where with the presence of oxygen another 28 ATP molecules are produced with 6x H2O
How is ATP produced from fatty acids?
Lipids are consumed via the diet that is catabolised into fatty acids.
Fatty acids from the diet and floating in the bloodstream enter into the mitochondria to undergo beta oxidation
Beta oxidation cuts off 2 carbon molecules from the fatty acids to form acetyl-coa
Acetyl-CoA enters into the citric acid cycle to produce ATP
What occurs when there’s a build up of Acetyl-CoA during ATP production from fatty acids?
Ketone bodies get produced
These ketone bodies will float around in the bloodstream and will be taken up by tissues which will turn the ketone bodies back into ATP
Alternatively, the ketone bodies will convert back to acetyl-CoA and go back through the citric acid cycle to produce ATP.
How is ATP and glucose produced from amino acids?
- Glucogenic amino acids (alanine, glycine, cysteine, serine, threonine) are deaminated to produce pyruvate that’s converted to acetyl-CoA which enters the citric acid to produce ATP
- Fatty acids from the beta oxidation process (when dietary protein is consumed it will have lipids if animal source) and ketogenic amino acids (leucine, lysine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, tyrosine) - are deaminated to produce acetyl-CoA that then enters the citric acid to produce ATP
- Gluconeogenesis occurs with deaminated glucogenic amino acids (asparagine, arginine, aspartic acid, histidine, glutamic acid, glutamine, isoleucine, methionine, proline, valine, phenylalanine) going via citric acid cycle, exiting as oxaloacetate then converting to new glucose.
- The deaminated C-backbone can enter the citric acid cycle at any level to get the energy pathway going.
***** Deamination of the amino acid will ALWAYS occur - the Nitrogen (N) group is removed from the molecule, leaving the C-backbone to undergo 4 possible processes above
What does energy metabolism look like during the fed-state of energy metabolism?
Post-prandial metabolism is about anabolism - that’s influenced by insulin.
It promotes up-regulation of relevant enzymes for that allow plenty of fuel for the brain, nervous system and the muscles:
• Glycogen synthesis (glycogenesis)
• Fat synthesis (lipogenesis)
• Protein synthesis (gene expression => mRNA translation into functional protein)
• Urea synthesis (from deamination of amino acid carbon skeleton use)
• Insulin is the hormone primarily involved in the post-prandial state
What’s the energy metabolism during post-prandial fasting of 0-6hrs?
- Glycogen from liver => glucose => energy needs satisfied
- Protein from lean body mass cells => amino acids => converted to glucose => contribute a little bit to energy needs (GLUCONEOGENESIS)
- *** NOT favoured pathways - either no production of glucose or takes too long to produce glucose:
a. Fat from adipose stores => fatty acids => ketone bodies => contribute a little bit to energy needs
b. Fat from adipose stores => fatty acids => contribute a little bit to energy needs
c. Fat from adipose stores => glycerol => glucose => contribute a little bit to energy needs
What’s the energy metabolism during post-prandial fasting of 3-5 days?
- Protein from lean body mass cells => amino acids => converted to glucose => energy needs satisfied (GLUCONEOGENESIS) using predominantly lean body mass
2a. Fat from adipose stores => fatty acids => ketone bodies => contribute a little bit to energy needs
2b. Fat from adipose stores => fatty acids => contribute a little bit to energy needs
- *** NOT favoured pathways - takes too long to produce glucose:
- Fat from adipose stores => glycerol => glucose => contributes very little energy
What’s the energy metabolism during post-prandial fasting of 5-7 days?
- Fat from adipose stores => fatty acids => ketone bodies => energy needs satisfied
2a. Fat from adipose stores => fatty acids => contribute a little bit to energy needs
2b. Protein from lean body mass cells => amino acids => converted to glucose => contribute a little bit to energy needs (GLUCONEOGENESIS) using FAR less lean body mass to preserve lean body mass as we need this
- *** NOT favoured - takes too long to produce glucose:
- Fat from adipose stores => glycerol => glucose => contribute a little bit to energy needs
How are NRVs developed?
Dietary intakes from national surveys Extrapolation from other populations Observations of populations Animal and human experimentation Chronic/Deficiency disease, epidemiology/intervention
How are NHMRC core food groups developed?
Develop food types and amounts required based on NRVs - use computer simulation using food databases and national nutrition survey data
How are Australian Guide to health eating developed?
Practical interpretation of the NHMRC Core Food Groups - analysis and graphic display
How are the dietary guidelines for Australians developed?
- NRVs
- Core food groups
- Australian guide to healthy eating
What are the Australian Dietary Guidelines?
- To achieve and maintain a health weight, be physically active and choose amounts of nutritious food and drinks to meet your energy needs.
- Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods from these five food groups every day
- Limit intake of foods containing saturated fat, added salt, added sugar and alcohol.
- Encourage, support and promote breastfeeding
- Care for your food, prepare and store it safely
What are the recommended number of serves for 19-50yr old male adults from the five food groups?
Veg - 6 Fruit - 2 Grain - 6 Lean meat etc. - 3 Milk - 2 1/2 Discretionary choices - 0-3
What are the recommended number of serves for 51-70yr old male adults from the five food groups?
Veg - 5 1/2 Fruit - 2 Grain - 6 Lean meat etc. - 2 1/2 Milk - 2 1/2 Discretionary choices - 0-2 1/2
What are the recommended number of serves for 70+yr old male adults from the five food groups?
Veg - 5 Fruit - 2 Grain - 4 1/2 Lean meat etc. - 2 1/2 Milk - 3 1/2 Discretionary choices - 0-2 1/2
What are the recommended number of serves for 19-50yr old female adults from the five food groups?
Veg - 5 Fruit - 2 Grain - 6 Lean meat etc. - 2 1/2 Milk - 2 1/2 Discretionary choices - 0-2 1/2
What are the recommended number of serves for 51-70yr old female adults from the five food groups?
Veg - 5 Fruit - 2 Grain - 4 Lean meat etc. - 2 Milk - 4 Discretionary choices - 0-2 1/2
What are the recommended number of serves for 70+yr old female adults from the five food groups?
Veg - 5 Fruit - 2 Grain - 3 Lean meat etc. - 2 Milk - 4 Discretionary choices - 0-2
What are the recommended number of serves for pregnant women from the five food groups?
Veg - 5 Fruit - 2 Grain - 8 1/2 Lean meat etc. - 3 1/2 Milk - 2 1/2 Discretionary choices - 0-2 1/2
What are the recommended number of serves for lactating women from the five food groups?
Veg - 7 1/2 Fruit - 2 Grain - 9 Lean meat etc. - 2 1/2 Milk - 2 1/2 Discretionary choices - 0-2 1/2
What is a serve of fruit?
1 medium apple, banana, orange
2 small apricots
1 cup canned fruit (no added sugar)
What is a serve of grain (cereal) foods?
1 slice of bread
1/2 cup cook rice, pasta, noodles, quinoa
1/2 cup cooked porrige
How much is a serve of milk, yogurt, cheese?
1 cup milk
40g hard cheese
1/2 cup ricotta cheese
200g yogurt
What is a serve of vegetables?
1/2 cup cook green or orange veg 1/2 cup canned beans or lentils 1 cup green leafy veg 1/2 cup sweet corn 1/2 medium potato
What is a serve of lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, nuts etc?
65g cooked lean red meats (90-100g raw) 80g cooked lean poultry (100g raw) 100g cook fish fillet (115g raw) 1 small can of fish 1 large eggs 1 cup canned legumes/beans, lenits 30g nuts
What are NRVs?
A set of targets for nutrients, that are age and sex specific, based on the available scientific evidence, aimed at preventing deficiencies (and toxicity in some cases) in the general healthy population.
• The NRVs include: EAR, RDI, AI, UL, SDTs, AMDRs
What is an EAR?
Estimated Average Requirement (EAR): 50% of healthy Australians would have an inadequate intake if they consumed the EAR, whilst 50% would have their needs met. The EAR is set when there is an accurate method ( i.e. a functional biomarker of deficiency) for measuring whether intake is adequate.
What is an RDI?
Recommended dietary intake (RDI): 2 to 3% of healthy Australians will have an inadequate intake if they met the RDI, whereas 97 to 98% will have their needs met. Only 10 nutrients have currently an RDI, because insufficient data exists on biomarkers of deficiency for other nutrients.
The RDI is based on the EAR. RDI = 1.2 x EAR, or 2 standard deviations to the right of the EAR.
What is an AI?
Adequate intake (AI): is set for nutrients for which there is insufficient research data to establish an EAR; lies somewhere between the RDI and UL (but is a set number, not a range). The AI should cover the needs of more than 97 to 98% of individuals (=100%). It is determined from the median intake in surveys of apparently healthy populations (per age groups / sex)
The AI is set when there is insufficient research data to establish an EAR (e.g. there is no biomarker of deficiency). It is determined by the median intake of seemingly healthy individuals (per sex and age group).
What’s a UL?
Upper level (UL): highest nutrient intake level that is likely to pose no risks of adverse effects in almost all healthy individuals. At intakes above the UL, the margin to protect against adverse effects is reduced. At intakes between the RDI and UL, the risk of either inadequate diet or adverse effects from the nutrient is close to 0%. The UL is set when markers of “toxicity” are known.
The UL is set when markers of toxicity are known. At intakes above the UL, the percentage of the population at risk of
toxic adverse effects increases.
What’s an SDT?
Suggested Dietary Targets
Daily intake of certain nutrients that may help prevent chronic disease E.g.: sodium, potassium, dietary fibre, long chain n-3 PUFA
Apply to individuals 14 years and over.
SDTs are set for certain nutrients (sodium, potassium, dietary fibre, long chain n-3 PUFAs) with the aim of preventing chronic
What’s an AMDR?
AMDR: Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range
Range of intake (as % of Estimated Energy Requirement) that is adequate for the intake of macronutrients to maximise general health outcomes.
Apply to 14 years and over.
AMDR are determined in order to meet micronutrients requirements from food only, through the standard foods from the core food groups (not supplements or fortified /superfoods etc.), considering equity and sustainability.
The AMDR for each macronutrient is set in order to meet the EAR for micronutrients and prevent chronic disease.
What are acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges?
Lipids - 20-35%
What are acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges?
Lipids - 20-35% of EER
- <10% of estimated energy requirement (EER) from saturated and trans-fat together - 0.2% of EER from n-3 (omega 3) polyunsaturated fatty acids
Protein - 15-25% of EER
Carbohydrate - 45-65% of EER